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"path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/community/stem-education/the-year-of-engineering/young-bp-engineer-awarded-major-prize-at-royal-academy-of-engineering-awards.html", "dataType": "link", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/products-and-services/bp-fleet/fleet-insights/your-safety-is-important-to-us.html", *Market data delayed by 20 minutes. "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/products-and-services/bp-fleet/fuel-price-guarantee.html", "showIcon": false "dataType": "section", }, "showIcon": false } "showIcon": false "title": "$2 Chooseday", "showIcon": false "children": [ All vehicles All vehicles manufactured during 1995 or later are fully ⦠{ "showIcon": false "showIcon": true, "index": "13", "title": "BP Plus American Express offer", "title": "Procurement", }, }, }, "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "index": "3", "showIcon": false "class": "nr-navigation__link ", The driver may notice when an engine is affected by dirt. 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"title": "Low carbon projects", }, "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/community/stem-education/the-year-of-engineering/women-in-engineering/anne-claudel.html", },{ "path": "/en_au/australia/home/media/reports.html", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "showIcon": false { "index": "1", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "dataType": "link", "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/food-drink/couchfood.html", "index": "1", "dataType": "link", "showIcon": true, ] "dataType": "link", "index": "6", } "title": "Reimagining energy", { "index": "2", "dataType": "link", }, ] Vauxhall on the other hand doesnât recommend a particular fuel. 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"index": "2", "title": "Gift cards and cards", "index": "1", BP Ultimate Unleaded with ACTIVE technology, BP Ultimate Diesel with ACTIVE technology. { "index": "2", United Petroleum used to sell 100 RON unleaded fuel (10% ethanol content) at a small number of its service stations (originally only two, but then expanded to 67 outlets nationwide) (stopped in September 2014). }, "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/bp-plus/bp-plus-app/faqs.html", "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/lubricants/engine-oils.html", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "title": "Terminal gate pricing", "children": [ "dataType": "link", }, "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "title": "Hani Baluch", { "class": "nr-navigation__link ", },{ "level": "1", The fuel consumption of each vehicle was then measured again. } "title": "Richard Whitehead", "title": "bp and the National Portrait Gallery", "class": "nr-navigation__link nr-navigation__link--section ", { "children": [ { "level": "1", "dataType": "section", }, "dataType": "link", "dataType": "link", "children": [ "title": "Sustainability", "index": "3", "dataType": "link", "index": "0", "title": "Inspiring the next generation of engineers", "title": "Engineering inspiration day – Hull", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "showIcon": false { "class": "nr-navigation__link ", },{ "dataType": "link", Delivered by Investis. 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"showIcon": true, "title": "The long read - feature articles on bp and STEM", { "dataType": "link", "showIcon": false "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/cards/indigenous-fuel-card.html", "dataType": "link", } "title": "Detergents & degreasers", "showIcon": false "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "children": [ BP Ultimate petrol ⦠BP Unleaded Petrol, BP Ultimate Unleaded, BP Premium 95, LR 50, Super unleaded motor spirit 10 (SU10) Safety Data Sheet Download (SUK2103) MSDS - CHIP, 67/548/EEC } { }, "index": "1", "index": "2", "showIcon": false { "dataType": "link", "level": "1", "dataType": "section", "showIcon": false "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/community/stem-education/stem-stories/bps-harry-maxwell-wins-techwomen100-award.html", "index": "1", "dataType": "link", { { "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/lubricants.html", BP claims that its Ultimate fuels range can bust dirt from unleaded and diesel engines in just two tanks â based on a vehicle range of 650km per tank for petrol and 850km per tank for diesel. { "index": "1", "showIcon": false "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/where-we-operate/north-sea/north-sea-infrastructure.html", "title": "Miller", }, } } "index": "15", "showIcon": false "dataType": "section", This can contribute to improved engine efficiency and therefore improved fuel economy. ] "showIcon": false "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services.html", }, "dataType": "link", "title": "Truck stops", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "showIcon": true, "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "dataType": "link", "showIcon": false "showIcon": false { { }, "class": "nr-navigation__link ", { { "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/community/stem-education/stem-stories/bp-helps-students-get-career-ready2.html", "index": "0", "title": "Developing", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "index": "10", { { "title": "Become a term customer", "index": "3", "title": "A history of Sunbury in five objects", "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "showIcon": false "class": "nr-navigation__link ", { "showIcon": false "path": "/en_au/australia/home/products-services/pricing/autogas-pricing.html", "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/community/stem-education/bps-commitment-to-stem-education.html", "index": "0", "class": "nr-navigation__link ", "path": "/en_gb/united-kingdom/home/products-and-services/bp-fleet/sme-fleets.html", },{ "dataType": "link",