One mood can shift from calm to wild and violent. Speed. Fire genasi have human names as they are born to human parents but their names have a tendency to be short and easy to say. A few display odd patterns in their flesh or grow crystals from their scalps. Many air genasi take up adventuring for the thrill, but only a few keep it up for more than a few days. Water genasi tend to be lawful or neutral, but it is not unknown for chaotic ones to pop up every once and a while. And it has subraces which are storm soul Genasi, Water Genasi, Earth Genasi, Air Gensai, and Fire Genasi … Water's Calm (Su): Water genasi can enter a meditative trance 3/times per day as a standard action, while in their trance water genasi get +2 to all rolls, on any round where a water genasi has taken damage while in his trance he must make a DC 5 + (1/2 the highest amount of damage dealt to him that round by a single attack) or exit his trance, the trance automatically ends after rounds equal to the water genasi's Wis modifier. Type: Genasis are humanoids with the planestouched subtype. height 5'7"6'2"170188 cm Avg. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Gena… When it comes to noticing the change in these are like the weather. Once per day a earth genasi can call upon the earth's strength, granting him DR 1/Adamantine per 3 Hit Dice. Special Proficiencies: None. Next year, we're going to start another campaing and I'm going to play an air genasi rogue. Fire genasi are usually thought of as hot-blooded and quick to anger, and they have earned that reputation. 1. Akash (Sanskrit origin), the name means "sky" in Sanskrit.. 3. The Genasi are the result of a genie and a human mother bearing a child. By WingBuffet Watch. Water genasi szuldar were often bright blue in color and most of the race is bald, though there are exceptions. Dungeons and Dragons Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Like air genasi they like the fast pace of city life and quickly grow bored with the country. On the good/evil axis air genasi tend towards neutral but a few choose good or evil, although evil air genasi are rarer than good ones. Para-genasi were genasi who expressed a bloodline of two elements. Water genasi do not get along well with any of the other races, who consider them too strange and slightly disturbing. Appearance. Average: Height 5’7″ – 6’2″ Average: Weight 130–225 lbs; Genasi 5e D&D names: The naming convention is used throughout. Air genasi often spend their days wandering aimlessly or beginning random pieces of art and then abandoning them for something else, very easily bored. Air genasi are fickle and capricious, often changing sides mid-argument or outright quitting a conversation halfway through. Their lives are often completely consumed by their current obsession, they spend their days completing one project and starting the next, rarely stopping except to recover from the lack of sleep and food. The earth genasi are sandstone-like and oftentimes have featureless faces. Fire genasi are rash, impatient, hot-tempered and passionate, arguing a point long past when a any reasonable person would stop and throwing themselves at risks without stopping to think, above all fire genasi are fueled by a kind of manic energy that makes them seem capable of anything, when a fire genasi devotes himself to a task he will never stop until it's done. Can Levitate as per a 5th level Wizard 1/day. In order to undry his skin from becoming wet a water genasi must douse himself with one gallon of water. Okay, hive mind, I need some help! Some air genasi speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint echo. Wind's Guardian (Su): An eternal wind seems to surround and protect air genasi, any ranged attack aimed at a air genasi has a (the air genasi's dexterity + half the air genasi's level)% chance to be deflected harmlessly. The people who are indulging in this game usually feel that they have risen in the same manner. Their other distinguishing feature is their webbed fingers and toes and vestigial gills. Water genasi are calm, patient and serene. Next year, we're going to start another campaing and I'm going to play an air genasi rogue. Air Loyalty: A specialist air genasi wizard can only be an Air Elementalist, and a specialist air genasi cleric can only serve a deity connected to elemental air or the sky. Fire genasi are always chaotic, fire genasi simply cannot be lawful or neutral due to their rash and impulsive personalities, and they tend towards the extreme alignments as their inner fire leaves little room for indecision. Genasi stem from the Elemental Planes of air, earth, fire, and water. They are more quick and agile, but physically weaker than the other Genasi. Air genasi are almost always chaotic, although a few neutral air genasi exist they are considered eccentrics by others and lawful air genasi are simply impossible. Air Genasi. Ability Score Racial Traits: A genasi increases their Constitution score by 2. Close. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Many times do genasi feel lost in life, born without a purpose and often raised by their environments. In all other ways though genasi are very distinctive from their human kin. Air Genasi are usually descended from a Djinn, an air genie. Fire genasi like hot lands, particularly deserts the best and almost always live in cities, they despise lands where it rains often and avoid forests for the obvious reasons. Okay, hive mind, I need some help! Air genasi reach adulthood at 15 years of age and can reach a maximum age around 150 years. Fire genasi are the most noticeable of the genasi, having orange-red skin and and eyes makes them stand out in a crowd and sparks jump when they snap their finger or clap their hands. And it has subraces which are storm soul Genasi, Water Genasi, Earth Genasi, Air Gensai, and Fire Genasi etc. airgenasi dnd dndart dungeonsanddragons fighter genasi gladiator scimitar whitehair dungeonanddragonsart dungeonsanddragonscharacter. Air genasi females range in height from 4'5" to 6'1", and in weight from 85 lbs to 205 lbs. Fire genasi are obviously not fully Human, having mostly Human features except for one or two exceptional traits related to their elemental ancestor. Air genasi get along well with gnomes, halflings and half-elves but don't like dwarves, considering them sticks in the mud. The genasi are the byproduct of the charming and otherworldly nature of genies, and because of their hybrid parentage and ancestry, they are often rejected by the gods as abominations. Some examples of these features are: 1. charcoal gray skin 2. deep red skin 3. red or orange hair that waves like flames 4. eyes that glow when the genasi is angry 5. unusually warm skin 6. large red teeth 7. always smells like smoke Fire genasi are proud of their ancestry and consider themselves superior to normal Humans, although the smarter ones don't make a… 30 feet, and you can move across difficult terrain made of earth or stone without expending extra movement. Air genasi love to taunt those they dislike with their mastery of language, Languages: Common, Primordial. Average Weight: 130 – 225 Languages: Common, Primordial Further Reading: Abyssal Genasi, Ecology of the Genasi (Dragon Magazine Articles) Genasi are an inherent contradiction. There are four types of genasi, each corresponding to a type of elemental. Frost Vulnerability (Su) Fire genasi have. Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. Size: Genasis are medium. Anvindr (Old Norse origin), the name means "against the wind" as it is composed of the elements, 'An' and 'Vindr'. 0 Comments. They are most often neutral, They appear mostly human, with one or two unusual traits reflecting their quasi-elemental nature, such as a light blue color to their skin or hair, a slight breeze in their presence at all times, or flesh that is cool to the touch. Back to Main Page → 3.5e Homebrew → Races. 2. +2 Strength, -2 Dexterity: Earth genasi are extremely strong but are rather clumsy. Very few evil earth genasi exist and chaotic ones are most likely nonexistent. They are averagely built for a human but tend to be frail as when they are focused upon a piece of art or some other project they rarely eat or sleep. Adad (Akkadian origin), the name literally means "thunder". The elemental blood flowing through their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as magical power.Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. Their emotions vary quickly between calm reserve and great intensity. Despite this notion, however, the genasi are rarely depressed about it, and they relentlessly seek out adventurous paths in hopes that it leads them to a greater purpose, some hoping by coincidence. Call to the Wave: You know the Shape Water cantrip. The few that do become adventurers do so to better themselves and see the world; as although earth genasi are not prone to wandering, they enjoy traveling and feeling the earth beneath their feet. Generally their names rise and fall like waves, starting and ending with soft syllables with hard sharp sounds in the middle. This last theory is supported by the only common trait of the four types of genasi: they each have glowing runes and symbols tattooed upon them from birth. +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma: Water genasi are poor negotiators but are extremely wise. Each of the four fundamental elements had associated genasi, so the most common genasi were air genasi, earth genasi, fire genasi, and water genasi. Special Proficiencies: None. Air genasi names? (120 – 190lb.) Ability Score Changes: +2 Constitution, +1 Wisdom. Despite all children of an given elemental representing said element, the way their powers manifest can vary from genasi to genasi. Blood of Fire (Su): Fire genasi are treated as thought they have the ". Air genasi have human names, but often choose their own, using flowing syllables and avoiding harsh letters. Most genasi are descended from djinn genies, though other origins exist, and the touch of the elemental power of wind and air shapes the genasi physique. Amphibious: You can breath air and water. Some pick a name later in life to reflect their elemental heritage however, names like 'Cinder', 'Gust', 'Flow', and 'Pebble'. Air genasiare one of the four main subraces of thegenasirace.During the time between theSpellplagueand theSecond Sundering, genasi were no longer limited to a single elemental manifestation. Air Genasi. Elideria Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. They are competitive, especially among themselves, but consider all other air Genasi as cousins. The changing shape of global inequality 1820–2000; exploring a new dataset. PLEASE NOTE: These entries are almost completely wrong for Dungeons and Dragons 3.5{{#Set:Racial Ability Adjustments=Varies |Level Adjustment=0 |Effective Character Level=1 |Favored Class=Varies}}. Air Genasi. Size: Medium Speed: 30-ft Special Senses: None. Fasting in this way may help with weight loss, but is it safe, and do the effects last long-term? Like other genasi, water genasi looked generally human except for some distinguishing features. 217 Views. Een gevolg daarvan is dat het een sterke affiniteit heeft met de lucht om zich heen wat in verschillende speciale vaardigheden en krachten resulteert. 14 Favourites. Air genesi rarely worship any particular god, although they pay respects to many when they need luck. You are an Air Genasi Ranger. Female: 4’ 10” +3d8 This gives you a little warning in starting. Air genasi are one of the four main subraces of the genasi race.6 During the time between the Spellplague and the Second Sundering, genasi were no longer limited to a single elemental manifestation. They resemble humans but have unusual skin color (red, green, blue, or gray), and there is something odd about them. They almost never keep their word, more often than not they abandon what they promised to do for something that looks more fun almost as soon as they promise it. Size: Medium Speed: 30-ft Swim: 30-ft. Special Senses: None. Wind Dependency (Su) Air genasi are ill at rest when they are beyond the winds pull. Archived. The air Genasi is descended from the djinn. Posted by. Average Height and Weight: Same as for Air Genasi. 1000x1169px 759.03 KB. Blood of Earth (Su): Earth genasi are treated as thought they have the ". Earth genasi cannot swim and take a -6 to all rolls as well as to the DCs of all their abilities when they aren't standing on solid soil, stone or metal. The origins of the genasi are unclear, perhaps they are the offspring of efreet or other djinn, or maybe they are the result of a ancient experiment by a mad archmage. They take things slow and are rarely in a rush, often thinking over a subject for hours. Air genasi see themselves as inheritors of the sky, the wind, and the very air of the world. Cleric. It … Water Dependency (Su) A water genasi whose skin is dry is severely weakened, taking a -2 on all rolls and is unable to use Water's Calm. Summary::Genasi are humans who have elemental blood, granting them powers and traits beyond those of their human ancestors. 5’ 2". Winds Dance (Su) Once per encounter as a free action a air genasi can call upon the wind to increases their speed, gaining a 10 ft. bonus to their land speed for one round. Air genasi see themselves as the inheritors of the sky, the wind and the very air of the world. Fire genasi get along with almost all races fairly well, although few can truthfully claim to have any idea what goes on in the head of a fire genasi, of all the races fire genasi get along with elves and humans the best, as they have a spark of inner fire within them, and dwarves the least as they interpret the fire genasi's unrelenting focus as unnatural. Earth genasi generally don't speak many languages, preferring to stick with one and ignore anyone stupid enough not to speak it, although most do pick up at least a few words of Dwarvish. Male Names For Air Genasi. Bard Racial Adjustments: Climb Walls: +5% Detect Noise: +5% Pick Pockets: -10% Read Languages: +5%. As they rose in prominence, the fire genasi found themselves enslaved to the red dragons of Dragoria, and frequently became freedom fighters to escape their captivity. They avoid even small towns, only visiting civilization when they have no choice. Each genasi embodies the potential chaos of air and fire, the order of earth and water, or … Air genasi pick up a surprising amount of languages in their travels, often knowing languages from lands they have never even been to. The air genasi often find themselves in the service of others, whether as wandering minstrels or as sailors and pirates. Many fire genasi pursue careers as adventurers, enjoying the thrills and challenges that such a lifestyle presents, those that do find their talents well-suited for such a life, particularly their innate sorcerous talent. height 5'7"6'2"170188 cm Avg. Languages: Common, Primordial. Mingle with the … The air genasi have wild and adventurous personalities, with fluctuating moods like that of a storm. Published: Jan 12, 2021 Feet on the Ground (Su) Earth genasi are are magically linked to the earth under their feet and are even clumsier off it. Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. Genasi inherit something from both sides of their dual nature. Genasi are unable to bear their own children, so they often band together with other genasi and form societies based on their origins and stories, sometimes even going so far as to take in abandoned genasi newborn as their own offspring, and to raise them through the hardships in life. Bat, Air Genasi Fighter. Earth genasi are slow to anger, ignoring insults and threats as though nothing had happened, when they are angered however, they are more terrifying than any earthquake, Abilities Intelligence, and either Strength or Constitution Skills EnduranceNature Size Medium Speed Moderate Vision Normal Languages Common, Primordial Traits Elemental OriginElemental Manifestation Avg. The Genasi 5e has some unique features like the reminiscent of dead parents, it can be pointed ear region, a frame which thick hair, draft, tiny hands and super tiny feet’s. Air genasi typically have light blue skin, hair, and eyes. Air genasi males range in height from 4'10" to 6'6", and in weight from 120 lbs to 240 lbs. The water genasi take on the gentle and calming personalities of their Marid parent, though it's not uncommon to hear of a water genasi whose personality has been twisted to insanity and madness by an aboleth that lurks near the genasi's homeland. Genasi General Info. Air genasi view air elementals as dumb brutes but see djinn and other intelligent air-outsiders as potential rivals for attention and power. Image size. This ability only functions while the earth genasi is standing on solid soil, stone or metal. Age and Aging Effects: Same as for normal Genasi. Fire's Focus (Su): Fire genasi have remarkable focus, once per encounter a fire genasi can focus completely on an enemy as a free action, gaining either a bonus on attacks and damage equal to half his level on his next attack against that enemy or a +2 to the DCs of the next ability he uses during the encounter. A water genasi's skin becomes dry when he fails a save against a spell that does fire or desiccation damage, remains in a area with a temperature of above 90 degrees Fahrenheit for over a hour or takes damage from thirst. Air Genasi. (Note: Earth genasi that live in deserts cannot use their Earth's Endurance while standing on metal but can use it while standing on sand, similarly they take the penalty from Feet on the Ground while standing on metal but not while standing on sand.). A few choose live in deserts but they are considered strange by other earth genasi as most of them don't trust un-solid ground. The standard has been defined by the medical profession on the basis of a variety of reference percentiles based on body mass index (BMI) in various populations. Born from the Efreeti, the fire genasi have timid yet fiery personalities, with the occasional bout of anger. Water Genasi 5e A faint but constant breeze accompanies them, tousling the hair and stirring the clothing. But all these Storms last for long. Because of the nature of genies, most genasi grow to never know who their father was, and many might not even know who their mother was either, as most genasi newborn are abandoned at doorsteps or forced into orphanage. Most water genasi were descended from marid genies, although a few have other origins, including some who were descended from the goddess Umberlee. On the good-evil axis almost all water genasi are neutral, but a few choose good or evil. Earth genasi are taciturn and stubborn, never breaking a promise once its been made and are as slow to change their mind as the earth itself. Fire genasi enjoy art and music, often going for days without eating or sleeping while they work on a painting or song. As an air genasi, you are descended from the djinn. They are the result of surges of elemental power, or the union of humans and creatures of elemental lineage such as genies. Above all air genasi hate being forced to do anything, often going out of their way to break any promise they were forced into. Image details. Subraces: Earth genasi, fire genasi, stormsoul genasi, water genasi, air genasi, etc. Earth genasi are heavily built and slightly shorter than most humans, their skin is a coppery brown tone beyond what any amount of sunlight could achieve and their eyes and hair are usually dark brown. +1 bonus to all saves vs. air-based magic and spells, which increases by … Water genasi live lives of quiet seclusion and meditation, pondering and observing the state of the universe. Genasi is one another races from the book princess and Parklands it has medium size with humanoid type and it has also the disease of natural.. Genasi 5th Edition has generally life span between 72 years to 110 years. often beating the offender half to death. Some air genasi speak with breathy voices, marked by a faint echo. They cannot use this ability while in a windless area. He's from a nomadic tribe in a somewhat high fantasy setting inspired by medieval Europe. Fire genasi have obvious physical traits that mark them as different from Humans, and they are often the target of mistrust and persecution. Summary::Genasi are humans who have elemental blood, granting them powers and traits beyond those of their human ancestors. Fire genasi learn the languages of the people around them but do not study language for scholarly purposes, preferring to devote their time to their art. Table: Air Genasi Random Height and Weight; Gender Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier Male: 4’ 10” +1d3: 60 lb. Most water genasi live in sea caves near large ports, meditating and catching fish as the tide comes in, and occasionally venturing into the city to trade in what they don't eat. Earth genasi for the most part don't pay much attention to religion, but those that do worship the gods of law and order, particularly Moradin and St. Cuthbert. +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma: Fire genasi have bright minds, but are impatient and quick to anger. The resulting child takes on most of its mother's features, though all bear some sort of strong resemblance to their genie father as well. +2d8" (5’ 4" – 6’ 6") 110lb. Earth genasi get along well with dwarves and to a lesser extent hobgoblins, but consider halflings,elves,and gnomes untrustworthy. The skin of the water genasi is usually sea-foam green or blue.A few oth… Many earth genasi have found themselves to gravitate towards the deserts of Elideria, and they worship the Sun Queen and the Moon Prince, having built grand temples for them in the desert sands. Most Air Genasi are descended from djinn, air genies, though other origins exist, and the touch of the elemental power of wind and air shapes the genasi physique.Their powerful drive and strong willed nature make them in some few cases, excellent leaders. Air genasi names? Their genie parent is the Dao, and they typically have a stern, calm nature. One mood can shift from calm to wild and violent. Genasi (5e Race) From D&D Wiki. Vision: Darkvision; Average: Lifespan 72–110 years; Homeland’s: Abeir, Akanûl, Calimshan, Laerakond; Language’s: Common, Primordial; Subraces: Earth genasi, fire genasi, stormsoul genasi, water genasi, air genasi, etc; Appearance Average height: 5’7″ – 6’2″ Average weight: 130–225 lbs. Air Genasi: Ability Score Changes: +2 Constitution, +1 Dexterity. They have the ability to enter a trance-like state that increases their senses and martial prowess. Air genasi see themselves as the inheritors of the sky, the wind, and the very air of the world. Acid Resistance: You resist Acid Damage. Air genasi names? For this reason, genasi are left believing that their births were an accident, and that they lack a true purpose in the world, seeing the achievements and daily lives of the other people that surround them. Abilities Intelligence, and either Strength or Constitution Skills EnduranceNature Size Medium Speed Moderate Vision Normal Languages Common, Primordial Traits Elemental OriginElemental Manifestation Avg.