The content of vitamin C in ridge gourd is also good for relieving the disease of a strep throat. Ridge Gourd’s harvesting can be done just by looking at the stem right next to the Gourd. Magnesium found in ridge gourd can overcome headaches or migraine headaches. Ridge Gourds have a mild flavor and go well with all kinds of spices. Just like other types of vegetables, ridge gourd is also good for the digestion system. Along with eating other high fiber low calorie foods a person can lose up to 2 pounds a week eating ridge gourd. And Ridge Gourd contains lots of beta-carotene a powerful antioxidant. However, if we eat this too much, it can make a problem for stomachs, such as vomiting, stomachache, and diarrhea. There are many health benefits of ridge gourd. Skype - drpaulhaider - and my cell phone is (831) 869-9119 - EST Time Zone. And these powerful peptides lower the amount of sugar excreted in through the urine. Ridge Gourd-Benefits And Nutritional Facts. According to the research, it can also prevent the growth of cancer cells. — Thomas Edison, "If the diet is wrong medicine is of no use, if the diet is correct medicine is of no need.” —Ancient Ayurvedic Medicine Quote from India, Feel Free to Share - This information is meant to get you started… so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form. Then, we can brew it in a half glass of hot water for every 20 grams of it and drink 1-2 times a day. These antioxidants will help your body to be stronger in warding off the effects of free radicals. Therefore, many people that are suffering from arthritis use copper bracelets nowadays because it is believed copper is able to relieve pain. Ridge Gourd roots boiled in water are great for healing swollen lymph glands, dissolving away kidney stones, and for detoxing the spleen. The content of vitamin C in ridge gourd is a vitamin that is very rich in antioxidants. As in other greens, arugula also is one of the very low-calorie vegetables. Ridge Gourd is also a good anti-inflammatory agent thus helping with cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. A glass of ridge gourd juice has also been proven to detoxify liver. Ridge gourd has many benefits and nutritional facts. It is common to suffer from eye infections, liver infections, or stomach bugs from … It helps for beauty treatment, especially the skin. However, we still need to pay attention to the cautions. Anti-inflammatory effects: Ridge gourd seeds may be used as a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic substance. Ridge Gourd is also a good anti-inflammatory agent thus helping with cardiovascular disease, strokes, and cancer. Being rich in dietary fibers and smooth flesh, luffa facilitates easy digestion and smooth bowel movements. Based on the study published in “Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics” states that consuming magnesium as much as 300 mg can reduce the possibility of a migraine and headache. To do it, we need to put the ridge gourd in the blender, then add honey or sugar stone and wait for the work of the blender. 0.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 1) 3.5 out of 5 stars 24. We know that ridge gourd tastes sweet but it is a natural sweetener. Consuming ridge gourd regularly can help to maintain blood sugar levels. Ridge Gourds can be found at Asian, Indian, and Indonesian grocery stores. The potassium substance contained in the ridge gourd is useful to stabilize the fluid and relax the muscles. Thus Ridge Gourd is very important for those who suffering from diabetes and hypoglycemia. If it has started to shrink, turn brown and dry, then, the Gourd is done growing and can be picked. Nowadays, it becomes popular, especially among women because of its benefits for skin, diet, and fetus. Here is my Google+ address if any of you would like to connect. In addition, it acts to boost the liver health and serves to decrease the side results of alcohol intoxication. Indeed, that’s one of the most amazing health benefits of ridge gourd. On the nutritional front, vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, and antioxidants are found in abundance in ridge gourd. And Ridge Gourd restricts sugar from rising above what we consider normal levels and dropping too low. It has large number of health benefits in it. Ridge gourd helps blood purification that is necessary for preventing acne, pimples, & skin breakouts. Ridge Gourd also contains Vitamin C for keeping away colds, B Vitamins for good mood and vitality, zinc for strengthening our immune system, iron for anemia, manganese and magnesium for enzyme production and immunity, plus calcium and phosphorus for strong bones. Plus Ridge Gourd has antibiotic qualities that help to prevent and heal bacterial infections. “Ridge Gourd also known as Luffa acutangula and Sponge Gourd, Turai, Turiya and Chinese Okra grows in Asia, Africa, India, China, Philippines, and the Middle East… plus it now grows in the US. And if you google “Ridge Gourd Recipes” lots of tasty ways to use Ridge Gourds will come up. Control Diabetes. Whenever I buy Ridge gourd, I usually prepare this dal, ridge gourd curry or I make my mom's style ridge gourd chutney.. Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd. Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints accompanied by pain, stiffness, swelling, and limited mobility. If it has started to shrink, turn brown and dry, then, the gourd is done growing and can be picked. Diet with low calories and high water content is ideal for weight loss. Ridge gourd creates a full feeling and keeps a person from eating constantly. Vitamin A is the most important vitamin that is needed by the eye to stay healthy and it also makes your vision sharper. 100 g of fresh leaves hold just 25 calories. This vegetable plant is very easy to cultivate, so it becomes one of the easiest vegetable found in the market. Ridge Gourd also contains Vitamin C for keeping away colds, B Vitamins for good mood and vitality, zinc for strengthening our immune system, iron for anemia, manganese and magnesium for enzyme production and immunity, plus calcium and phosphorus for strong bones. $10.76 $ 10. Based on research conducted by the Department of Internal Medicine and Biochemistry, it shows that manganese can promote insulin secretion, improve mitochondrial function, and reduce lipid peroxidation. High minerals contained in ridge gourd produce alkaline effects in the body that can be used to reduce the signs of acidity and provide a cooling effect. Overflowing with water content, ridge gourd carries very few calories and is an ideal food for diet, especially women. Excellent blood purifier: Ingesting the ridge gourd within your frequent diet is an effective way of cleansing your blood for the pollutants which get combined along with it. The following information is about “ Growing Ridge Gourd and Cultivation Practice s”. Consumption of Ridge gourd provides the body with anti-inflammatory effect to ward off inflammation or discomforts associated with arthritis such as pain, stiffness, swelling, and limited flexibility. Helps in weight loss– Ridge gourd is low in calories, has high water content and it is rich in dietary fibre which gives a full feeling for longer time and avoids eating constantly. Wonderful Health Benefits Of Ridge Gourd 1. It can safely be added to a diabetic menu. In addition, it contains enough water and minerals that also can help dissolve the sugar that accumulates in the body. Ridge gourd is good for the digestion system. Ridge gourd is green colored from outside and has white pulp inside. In addition, people who always eat food that contains vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, copper and zinc like ridge gourd will reduce the risk of macular degeneration for six years based on the research conducted by National Eye Institute. Ridge gourd acts effective in purifying blood. Ridge gourd is one type of vegetables that belong to Cucumber family (Cucurbitaceae). It also can help maintain cardiovascular, heart rate and blood pressure. Local Names of Ridge Gourd in India: It is often used to attack pests and insects. It’s great for constipation, lowering blood sugar, hypoglycemia, weight loss, boost the immune system, detoxing, helps with acne and many more challenges.”. How to utilize ridge gourd The vegetable may stir fried or practiced in curries. The Copper in Ridge gourd provides anti-inflammatory. This is because ridge gourd contains high fiber that will smooth and accelerate the work of the digestion system. Dr. Paul Haider, Master Herbalist, HH, USA, Health and Wellness, Ridge Gourd, 17 Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd, Lowers Blood Sugar, Lowers Urine Sugar Levels, Diabetes, Hypoglycemia, Fiber, Alkaline, Liver Disease, Jaundice, Boosts Immune System, Weight Loss, Low in Calories, High in Fiber, Grow Probiotics, Internal Cooling Agent, Constipation, Anti-inflammatory, Antibiotic, Detox Spleen, Kidney Stones, Urethritis, Bladder Inflammation, Swollen Lymph Glands, Diarrhea, Colds, Flu, Insulin Peptides, Insulin like Peptides, Works like Insulin, Heal Liver Disease, Very Healthy, Cooking, Food, Antioxidants, Liver Cleans, It is an excellent blood purifier, Possessing laxative properties, Beneficial for diabetes, Ridge gourd is extremely rich in dietary fiber, Aiding in weight loss, Anti-inflammatory and anti-biotic. Ridge gourd has been known for its ‘cooling’ properties – it increases the vata and kapha while controlling the pitha. [tr][th]Nutrients[/th] [th]Nutrient Value[/th] [th]RDA Percentage[/th][/tr], [tr][td]Energy[/td] [td]14 kcal[/td] [td]<1%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Carbohydrates[/td] [td]3.39 g[/td] [td]2.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Protein[/td] [td]0.62 g[/td] [td]1%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Total Fat[/td] [td]0.02 g[/td] [td]0.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Cholesterol[/td] [td]0 mg[/td] [td]0%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Dietary Fiber[/td] [td]0.5 g[/td] [td]1%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Folates[/td] [td]6 µg[/td] [td]1.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Niacin[/td] [td]0.320 mg[/td] [td]2%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Pantothenic acid[/td] [td]0.152 mg[/td] [td]3%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Pyridoxine[/td] [td]0.040 mg[/td] [td]3%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Riboflavin[/td] [td]0.022 mg[/td] [td]2%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Thiamin[/td] [td]0.029 mg[/td] [td]2.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Vitamin A[/td] [td]16 IU[/td] [td]0.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Vitamin C[/td] [td]10.1 mg[/td] [td]17%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Sodium[/td] [td]2 mg[/td] [td]<1%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Potassium[/td] [td]150 mg[/td] [td]3%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Calcium[/td] [td]26 mg[/td] [td]2.6%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Copper[/td] [td]0.034 mg[/td] [td]4%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Iron[/td] [td]0.20 mg[/td] [td]2.5%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Magnesium[/td] [td]11 mg[/td] [td]3%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Manganese[/td] [td]0.089 mg[/td] [td]4%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Phosphorus[/td] [td]13 mg[/td] [td]2%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Selenium[/td] [td]0.2 mg[/td] [td]<1%[/td][/tr], [tr][td]Zinc[/td] [td]0.70 mg[/td] [td]6.5%[/td][/tr]. Finally, we should drink it regularly until the throat problem is resolved thoroughly. Ridge gourd is very rich in fibers, minerals, and vitamins and low in fat and calories, so it is one of the solutions for losing some weights and diet. wastes the skill of the physician." Therefore, including ridge gourd in your diet one to two times per week can assist clean the blood of all the impurities & ward off skin infections or diseases. 76 ($10.76/Count) Get it as soon as Thu, Apr 8. In addition, ridge gourd can reduce arthritis. That rigid skin, which snaps in two so easily (or should, if the gourd is fresh), has the ability to stay firm in cooking, without becoming tough or chewy, which adds an interesting textural variation in the mouth. So, this vegetable can be used to treat anemia which is a disease caused by a lack of red blood cells. So, we need to consult with the doctor before taking ridge gourd with other drugs/medicines. Benefits of Ridge Gourd (Visited 1,629 times, 1 visits today) Related Posts. However, it is better to find out the high yielding hybrid variety suitable for your local area. Health Benefits of Ridge gourd. Ridge gourd juice acts as a natural remedy in the treatment of jaundice. It is due to the fiber contained in it that make stomach can’t work well if the fiber is too much. In this video, we are going to tell you 7 wonderful health benefits of ridge gourd. And Ridge Gourd works well for those who feel hot all the time, it’s a great internal cooling agent. Immune Booster : The good amount of vitamin C (10% per cup) and zinc (7% per cup) in ridge gourd aids in building our immunity and the ability to fight diseases and infections. Pusa Nasdar, Desi Chaitali, Co-1,Co-2, PKM 1, Phule Sucheta and Kankan Harita are some of the hybrid ridge gourd varieties cultivated in India. The Cucurbitaceae family consists many other species like snake gourd and pumpkin. Ridge gourd is low in saturated cholesterol and fat and because of these reasons, it is an ideal diet for those seeking to lose weight. From nutrients above, here are the health benefits of ridge gourd. Access the best success, personal development, health, fitness, business, and financial advice....all for FREE! Ridge gourd has thick green leaves and fleshy long fruits with tough skin. Ridge gourd contains Vitamin C as much as 10 mg, so by eating it, we can help accelerate the healing process of wounds. It is very beneficial to relieve pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. We should consume this juice properly to help overcome jaundice. Ridge Gourd and the juice are both very alkalizing and thus keep away acidity thus preventing disease. Vitamin B5 contained in ridge gourd can protect the heart from some diseases. The content of vitamins A, B and vitamin C that are in ridge gourd is a natural antioxidant. It is very beneficial to relieve pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. Boosts immunity. This is because magnesium serves to balance the neurotransmitters in the nerve cells in the brain. Ridge gourd is a great source of vitamin B6 which is called pyridoxine. Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist and Spiritual Teacher for over 25 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. It is able to relieve constipation which is caused by bacteria. The body of the Ridge Gourd may still be green, but the dried stem means that the Gourd is not receiving any more nutrients from the vine so that you can pick it. All My Consults are FREE - Feel Free to Contact me, I love talking with people and being of service - email -, Digestive and Liver Benefits. Meanwhile, the lack of potassium in the body can cause muscle cramps, seizures, and pain according to the orthopedics. Click here to know more about the 6 Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd, Turai. Ridge Gourd contains lots of fiber which is important for providing a good environment for growing of probiotic bacteria and boosting our immune system. Health Benefits of Ridge Gourd : Some important health benefits of ridge gourd are. The alkaline properties also help in reducing the burning sensation during urination and preventing excessive boils and heat. — Chinese Proverb, "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease. " The ridge gourd belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. History and Benefits. The significant amounts of vitamin A in ridge gourd, in the form of beta carotene, contribute to... 2. This amazing gourd is also a good detoxing agent for the liver, blood, and other tissues of the body. It also contains high water content that helps dispose of the bacteria or compounds that are not needed by the body. We can get more benefits by drinking it in the form of juice. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that have antioxidants in there, so it can overcome jaundice. Ridge gourd is known as Heeerekai in Kannada, peerkankai in Tamil, beerkai in Telugu, tori or turai in Hindi, and also known as luffa in English.. We should not add sugar or other ingredients for the flavor because it can reduce the effect of ridge gourd. Vitamin-C is one of the powerful natural antioxidants that help the human body scavenge cancer-causing harmful free-radicals. Ridge gourd, as it happens, stands up to spices better than most mainly because one of the main benefits it brings to cooking is texture. It can eliminate dark lines under the eyes, prevent premature aging and eliminate signs of skin aging such as wrinkles, dead skin, skin infection. 10 is Amazing! Copper content in ridge gourd provides anti-inflammatory. Ridge Gourd is a very healthy veggie because it contains very few calories (only 40 calories per cup) and thus it works well for weight loss. 3. And because inflammation is the first step towards the creation of disease, thus Ridge Gourd helps to prevent disease in general. With high of water, Ridge Gourd hydrates skin as well as prevents acne. Benefits of Ridge Gourd. The iron contained in ridge gourd is very important for brain health. The Cucurbitaceae family contains 118 genus and 825 species. Nonetheless, it has many vital phytochemicals, anti-oxidants, vitamins, and minerals that may immensely benefit health. Health benefits of RIDGE GOURD Defined By Vegetable At The Door. In the absence of iron, the brain will receive enough oxygen that is needed for the productivity of the brain. They can also be stuffed and baked in the oven, dipped in batter and fried. The body of the ridge gourd may still be green, but the dried stem means that the gourd is not receiving any more nutrients from the vine so that you can pick it. Make a Love Donation on using the Paypal address — — send it as family and friends. Consuming ridge gourd regularly can help to maintain blood sugar levels. Here are more health benefits of ridge gourd: Here are some cautions of consuming ridge gourd too much. 17. It is a blood purifier and helps to restore, nourish, and protect the liver. It is … To get this benefit, we need to cut ridge gourd and make it smooth by mashing it until it is looked like powder. Ayurvedic benefits of ridge guard: Ridge gourd whole plant- Pakvashaya shodhini – cleanses large intestine Amashaya shodhini – cleanses stomach and small intestines Indicated in – Kasa – cough, cold Garavisha – chronic poisoning Udara – ascites, enlargement of the abdomen Pandu – anemia Shopha – inflammation Pleeha – Disease of the spleen, Splenomegaly Gulma – Tumors of the abdomen Arsha – haemorrhoids Kushta – skin diseases Kamala – Ridge gourd is very low in sugar that is always the main cause of diabetes disease. It is said that ridge gourd has been a part of diets that balanced the three doshas or biological energies found throughout the human mind and body.