While she still is active in theater and the opera, any ending that has her running around and still being on the battlefield is perhaps not her finest one. He traveled the land, and some years later found himself in Enbarr. It's much more romantic deeply felt in the Japanese version, but the meaning still gets across in English. Again, decently happy ending. Not too bad yet, but just not as happy. In recognition of this achievement, he was called upon to help govern to Fódlan at large. Felix becomes a murdering hobo similar to his other endings, while Sylvain takes up his mantle as Margrave. You are free to disagree with it (hell, even I kind of do!). But thanks to the meddling of an old friend, Felix and Dorothea reunite. Felix had been visiting Dorothea's performances on stage for a long time, but stopped a little over a year before. She is extremely shy towards strangers; the only place she feels at ease while far away from home is her room in the dormitory. Little is known of his whereabouts thereafter, but even many years later, soldiers continued to whisper rumors of a mysterious man able to deal swift death to scores of enemies. We also see Lysithea's ending in this group. Linhardt and Felix's endings are surprisingly different. EDIT: Actually, a bit of concrit--next time, when your post turns too long, you could make a comment and then 'reply' to it with any more analyses that don't fit. This is true for both of these endings. I personally still lean towards BL, but honestly the other ending isn't too depressing. Though, I personally started out liking him because I think male tsunderes are hilarious. At his side every step of the way was his right-hand adviser, Duke Felix Fraldarius. Are there reasons to recruit him to other routes? Felix and Byleth (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow routes). Even though I recruited him for his special dialogues (story impact) in my bee run, Man I felt like he shouldn't have been there at all. All three endings tick of this box. When Dimitri finally died ( :'( ) Felix retires with his wife to live a quiet life, and used his skills to delight her. Poor girl really is only thorns left.... or is she? He possesses a Major Crest of Fraldarius. Petra: She has one same-sex paired ending with Dorothea which explicitly mentions love. With all but each other left behind, they began a warm and tranquil life as a family. Byleth's-CF ending and Dorothea's are among the last. As a note, all endings are to be taken alone. He really gets kind of fucked up, doesn't he? She finds love! Felix is a playable character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Then the rebellion happens and Felix is horrified when he sees Dimitri drop the act for the first time. Only a few endings outside this route are even somewhat happy, and even then they mostly pale in comparison to their BL counterparts. Press J to jump to the feed. And honestly, is even pure. It's like without Dimitri and his homeland, he never finds a purpose and never gets to reconcile with his own problems and becomes a mercenary without knowing what else to do with his life - with a few supports having a romantic interest talk him out of it eventually. So previously, I decided to start looking at the character endings and try to determine what their ultimate happiest ending is, based off their character quirks and personality, and just overall tone of the ending as well. Though his antics found him no end of exciting adventures, he was always drawn back to Dorothea, who had returned to the Mittelfrank Opera Company in Enbarr after the war. Fashion? He entrusted her with many important tasks, and over time, Fraldarius territory became Leonie's home base. When I think of what's best for Felix, stability would probably be my answer. It's been 5 years since the war ended. I suppose you can place it above Mercedes' and Flayn's endings since there isn't much darkness here, but at least in those endings, he settles down SOMEWHERE. Not only is it a sign of how his relationship with Dimitri has improved, it is, in a way, Felix coming full-circle. And these are honestly another series of nice supports. I would say that, based on Dorothea's desire for a meaningful and loving relationship, some of these endings would suit her better over others. She is singing, and he is wandering. It's just too cute. The two spent a great deal of time drinking together, but Felix, knowing Leonie's reputation and habits, learned to extract her payment for the drinks in advance. In both endings, Lysithea shares sweet recipes that are favored by many and bring happiness to all. No question. That said, let's get into the rankings. Felix - Endings . That's something you only see in his solo BL ending! It is said that what finally convinced Dorothea to marry Sylvain was his promise that they would grow old happily together, and that he was true to his word. This is just an outstanding ending for two lovable dorks. I'll have some things to say. This one is a tough one, because each ending as some strong points towards happiness, but also some weak points. So for this analysis, I'm going to look at each ending and compare them with each other. He married Dorothea, and the two began a happy life together. She may be gone, but her memory lives on for him as the years pass, and she left her mark on the world, and Felix. Instead, she proposed that they relocate to the Officers Academy when it reopened, and take up positions as teachers. So go and bring the best out of her! Felix is able to find a wonderful ending outside of BL with her, but Lysithea's life is never fully restored when paired with him. The series currently spans 16 games, two crossover titles, and a mobile game. Felix served as Dimitri's sworn sword throughout his reign, but when the king passed away, he gave it up in favor of a quiet life with his wife. After her death, Felix received a visit from a local artisan, who brought to him a cake and claimed that Lysithea had given him the recipe. Here we have another character who tries to bring out the best in Felix. It's been 5 years since the war ended. But alas, their sword and mercenary days come to a close when peace comes about. Though his antics found him no end of exciting adventures, he was always drawn back to Dorothea, who had returned to the Mittelfrank Opera Company in Enbarr after the war. And it has nothing to do with the lack of romance, either. Felix and Dorothea have both a lovely ending and a bitter-sweet ending. He accepted Leonie as his partner, and together they became wandering mercenaries. And if you recruit him away from Dimitri, then he never grows emotional stable again outside of a few not as sad endings. She left to travel with him, and it is rumored that her kindness helped turn his life around. It seems he stays pretty serious for the most part, but at least Annette can bring that rare smile to his face. Bernadetta manages to stop him from going into a wandering phase of his life that you will see in other endings, and they seem happy enough. Perhaps not as vicious as Dimitri had been known to be, but no less bloodthirsty, it seems. In both cases, Felix finds a stable environment to live in and doesn't fall into a state of darkness. Though his results were dubious at times, his new wife helped him alter them so that they would be of use to people. Persuaded to stay, Felix ended up marrying into House Varley, the title of which Bernadetta had inherited. Felix and Sylvain share a dance at the end of the year. Idk how much changes in verdant wind, but I know he still really cares about Dimitri so BL seems like the only true place for him. After the war, Caspar set out alone on a journey of self-discovery. Still a very good and happy ending! So, let me explain my rational behind this ranking. Ahhhh... irony is just so... so sweet. Edelgard's ending is interesting, because it's the only one where Dorothea doesn't find love. To have such a death wish, only to be moved by someone who's life was truly going to end soon... That's really touching. She finds everything she wanted in life- singing and love. After taking on the role of archbishop of the Church of Seiros, Byleth announced his/her marriage to Dorothea. The Fire Emblem series is well known for its innovation and for being one of the first Eastern style tactical role-playing games, with a strong emphasis on Western forms of medieval folklore. But at what cost to him? No matter what Felix says, he's very much cares about Dimitri, probably even more so than anyone else in BL except, probably, Dedue. While not a pairing I personally am into, I can see it happening. So, there you have it. I find their slow and gradually falling in love much more realistic out of all the other pairings too. Dorothea returned to the Mittelfrank Opera as soon as the war was over. At least she found someone to love... right? This right here is fucking romantic. At every step along the way, she was accompanied by Dorothea, who had left Fódlan behind to support her. Similar to Lysithea's ending, Felix goes down a dark path of being a murdering hobo. On it's own, the second normal ending isn't terrible, but when compared to his BL ending, it's like night and day. Similar to Lysithea's ending, we get a glimpse into his psyche and his death wish and like Lysithea, Mercedes saves him from this destructive path. In fact, this is the only Byleth ending that avoids the wandering altogether. And I know there's other examples, I just can't recall them atm.Felix and Sylvain is not romantic. Regardless, she finds meaning in returning to the opera company, and she seems to find much happiness here. Wow... these two endings are kind of equal. Felix doesn't go down a dark path in either of them, and even finds a peaceful end with his wife. In all of his supports, Annette is by the far the nicest Felix has ever been to a person. Years later, Annette threw herself into songwriting, and with the support and encouragement of her husband, she produced melodies that remained popular for generations. To hid your love away... must be hard. Linhardt can give two shits about everyone else, lol. I got Sylvain's & Felix's VW ending on my first playthrough and after hearing about people loving their ending, you can imagine how confused and upset I was when reading their depressing life summary. I'll be honest and say I'm just not satisfied with my final ranking, but I mused over it for too long. I placed it here because, while she finds a good husband who respects her and loves her, I cannot help but feel that any ending that has her fighting perhaps isn't her best. However, it must never be enough because he never stops wandering. At least she isn't fighting here, but she also is not married (not necessarily a bad thing but it was something she did want) and if she has romantic feelings for Felix, they would never be fully realized. It's an interesting twist. Regardless, it's just an awfully sad ending for a character who can be pretty tragic himself. After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Anyways, here's another ending that isn't too bad for Felix! I did Linhardt first, so if you are curious you may check it out here. Gallery. In Linhardt's case, she even learns to be more carefree. And it seems only Annette can bring a smile out of him. No romance in sight, but from her supports with El, you know she doesn't care about that anymore. It's those two who came even close to knowing what Dimitri struggled with. Below that group is Byleth for VD/SS, barely beaten out by the previous group but still pretty close to equal. Like many characters in the game, she puts up a mask to hid her insecurities and to bring confidence to herself. Guilt? Felix, Sylvain and Dimitri curl up together to share a book and a moment of respite. This is, by far, one of Felix's most depressing endings. I wanted Felix to end up with Annette (Their support was pwecious) but she ended up with Dedue. They had a seriously strong bond with each other. But still he cares much more than he would allow himself to admit and to let the dead just stay dead :(. But I had to put it lower because the pair start to go wandering. Here's where the endings start to get a bit more depressing. Note: Thank you to Coren024 for sending me a link to all the endings. I guess I can't call it a bad ending, but it's a bit dubious, isn't it? After the war, Linhardt decided to inherit his title. Clearly, based on the text, the war with TWSITD took a toll on them both, but they spent their remaining days as mercenaries together. Furthermore, this ending seems to really suggest their hard work brought out the best of their territory, considering they brought it beyond its former glory. She may have used the opera to help with war reliefs, but she just feels used here more than anything else. I guess you can say they settled down somewhere, but that's ultimately left up to you, isn't it? Hmm, this one is tricky. But the trend continues that the BL route for Felix is still ultimately happier. Below that ending is Felix's-BL ending. He had a death wish and was wandering around slaughtering before she put a stop to it. Claude and Dimitri have dinner and exchange cultural information. Felix is shown to be very loving here. He never gets a death wish in BL or goes on a killing spree. Perhaps he died. Feels natural, and is just adorable. Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword. She doesn't take place in the battle, but she does end up being separated from her spouse for a long time. Poor boy cannot catch a break outside of BL much, can he? Documents from their later years were increasingly signed with the name Felix, Count Varley. And really outside of Felix’s Azure Moon ending, most of them are either boring (Ingrid, Byleth, non-Azure Moon Felix) or are kind of demeaning to his eventual wife (Dorothea… Sylvain said it best: Mercedes is a special lady. This is the ending that puts Felix so high on my personal favorites list. I'm never not going to be incredibly upset by the non-Azure Moon Sylvain/Felix ending. Each became known for making surprise visits to the estate of the other, in order to deliver the latest taunting in a friendly but relentless game of one-upmanship. She is the only girl he's nice to and he's freaking WHIPPED. Damn, it's not a romance ending. I think it's due to their past and connections, and who they are. Who cares if who died, he will be happy, DAMN IT! This is kind of a "wow" ending, if you ask me. Annette manages to steer Felix from a dark path before he even starts on it. Just look for the part number at the top of each comment. User Info: TheRobber. Felix is in a hard time in his life; and taking a different path it's something he could ended up doing for the sake of learning more to do his sword things; he ends up connecting with other people and even loving them like with Byleth. Bored and restless in his capacity as Duke Fraldarius, Felix abandoned his title, jumping at the opportunity to wield a sword again. Dorothea made a comeback as a songstress in the troupe, which traveled all over Fódlan, putting a large share of its profits towards relief efforts. They are adored, they bring their territory to a state beyond than it ever was, and Felix gets to listen to more of his adorable wife's songs. Ferdinand's ending also suffers from this a little bit, although her wisdom did lead to helping policies that benefited the common folk. It's pretty similar to the other Byleth endings. And damn, there is quite a difference in tone. Yeah.... haha, I screwed up. Regardless, it's a beautiful ending for them both, where Brigid rises as a country and Dorothea grows as a person for the sake of someone she cares about. His normal-other ending is just so depressing. Well, what can one say? This was a VERY hard ranking to do, and I am still not completely satisfied. Caspar's ending implies this love, since they spent the rest of their lives together. They are both busy with their respective roles, so spend a lot of time apart. Hanneman also became a father in a more literal sense, by raising many children with his wife, Dorothea. BL and SS/GD both offer Felix stability to some degree, which is something he kind of needs to be a better person. There, they left flowers on a mysterious, unmarked grave, and prayed for the one who rested there. It is said that she became the person whom Petra loved the most. Their marriage was not publicly known, however, as the songstress elected to keep it secret for the sake of both their careers. They both want to be seen for who they are, and want a meaningful, loving relationship. He turns into a navarre/karel and never gets over his regret for turning against Dimitri. Linhardt comes out pretty positively no matter who he ends up with, while Felix has several endings that are pretty depressing, all of them outside of his own house. They proved surprisingly capable in their new profession. Dorothea traveled with him always, and even threw herself into battle alongside him every so often. We can see that here as well. Hell, she even brought the company back into popularity. Byleth married Felix, who had become Duke Fraldarius, shortly after she was named to succeed Rhea as archbishop. Here is another absolutely wonderful ending vs a bitter-sweet ending for Felix. Ingrid comes to the conclusion that to be the best knight she can be, she must follow her heart. Manuela and Edelgard’s make sure to specify they remain unmarried and “extremely close” Petra is one of Dorothea’s potential lovers too, iirc. So strong. Damn it, you tsundere hypocrite!). At the height of his storied political career, he announced his marriage to Dorothea, who had returned to prominence with the Mittelfrank Opera Company. All in all, not bad! PHEW! For Dorothea, not much as changed from her Crimson Flower ending, so I won't go more into it. Some time later, the mercenary group formerly led by Jeralt joined them, and under their leadership, became the most feared company in Fódlan. I'm going to make mistakes! They really come to respect each other, however, and it's just pleasant to see that. They have such wonderful supports that are even more heartfelt with their history together. Hell, even other endings at least Felix ends up with someone, even if they may not necessarily be the happier ending. It was there that he reunited with Flayn, who was saddened to see that Felix had continued to use his sword to kill. Edelgard's ending is a double-edge sword for Dorothea. Besides, Byleth found emotions and happiness being a professor and leaving her life behind as a mercenary. Attendants remarked that the smiles they wore on their faces during these bouts were never seen elsewhere. I really enjoy Dorothea as a character, and it's a lot of fun to see her changes between the past and the present. Perhaps she keeps him grounded in some way, since he keeps coming back for more. That.... that's it. It is said that she was very happily married. Let's go through systematically. The people acquired a taste for it too, and Lysithea's treat became traditional in the north of Faerghus. Leonie has taught Felix a thing or two about over-estimating himself. Another pretty sweet ending for the two of them. Perhaps its because it was Ingrid by his side, but he managed to avoid going down a dark path here. Seeing her—condemned to live a shortened life, but smiling and making the most of every day with her family—convinced Felix that life was precious. Any ending of hers where she doesn’t get to live her dream and become a knight feels hollow. Seteth basically said if you keep pushing away your friends like that (by pretending you don’t care) one day you go too far and there’s no coming back. Next up will probably be Lysithea. He traveled the land, seeking battle as if he had a death wish, but his violent path came to an end when he reunited with Mercedes. she gets to go live with someone she lives while Felix finds meaning as the king's right hand. He has no connections to others before the game other than Caspar. I hope you enjoyed it! For all the shit, all the trash talk and foul language, to see them patch it all together is just spectacular. I lean towards BL because the other ending suggests a man who has been pretty hardened by war to the point only one person can make him smile, but I'm willing to call this one a pretty close tie overall. They have been tied together since birth, and the fate of Dimitri affects Felix deeply in almost every ending. After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Caspar's ending is perhaps a little less romantic, but she's able to be her own person for a while while he does what he needs to. So I did my best to get you two married. Basically, I have a pastebin that I go through and find the endings for. Meanwhile, Dimitri and Rodrigue grow close, while Felix never repairs his relationship with his father, which has just got to make Dimitri and Felix's relationship even more strained than it was already. She loves Byleth so much, and can find great happiness here. Awww.... That's kind of adorable. The next list of endings are no doubt happy ones and can be arguably equal. With her by his side, they would visit their people frequently, something not really mentioned in other endings. Save the wandering murderer from himself and his death wish. After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Felix is my second (or third, flip flops with Claude) character in the game. I mean, it's happy in its own way, but it doesn't strike me as particularly special. I also feel that, while she becomes a noble lady herself in a few of these endings, that's not necessarily a bad thing. I guess they never found their "special someone" since they settle down together, unless they had found each other already... ;) Anyways, what I particularly like about this ending is that it's a nice change of pace. The elaborate wedding was the most talked-about social event of the season, and the fashions on display from the savvy noblemen and the stylish songstress set the trends with young people across Fódlan for a decade. After the war, Felix intended to abandon his noble title and make a living with his sword. Please note that many of these could easily be flipped around depending on what you value. And depending on your decisions, both do. One one hand, her growths in her supports suggest a person who no longer craves the emotional need for a spouse, and in some ways that is positive. He may be wandering but the tone of the ending isn't as dark as the previously mentioned endings. And he took it to heart, making her his partner. Lysithea offers Felix one of the happiest endings for him for his endings outside of the BL route, because he seems to find some true meaning beyond, "my wife/lover convinced me to stick around". The couple got along smoothly, although it was rumored that in the early years of their marriage, she once had to restrain him physically to prevent him taking a trip to the Oghma Mountains to train. But, I'm willing to say perhaps this one should be a bit higher. Tales of their bravery endured for generations, thanks in no small part to the operas that Dorothea wrote and composed herself. Her wishes have come true here. Unwilling to leave him to travel alone, Ingrid, too, relinquished her claim to nobility, and they both became wandering mercenaries. But thanks to the meddling of an old friend, Felix and Dorothea reunite. Not that he didn't trust his uncle, but he was upset that his father was prioritizing other things over their territory, and therefore their people. No matter how you slice and dice those ninja fruits, the BL ending is the happier ending for this pair. It's sort of a trade off- he may not be actually battling anymore, but he gets to pass on his knowledge to the next generation. Then we got the Normal ending below them, and that's perfectly fine. She hates fighting and wants it to end. Learning that there were still places where he could fight, Felix abandoned his noble title and chose to make a living with his sword. Damn, this boi gets around! Complete collection of all available endings for every character in Fire Emblem Three Houses Love poems in Byleth's ending, and a loving household in Ferdinand's ending really shows she found the love she's always wanted. Dorothea & Yuri. Dorothea & Yuri. What a saint! Although we don't know how he ends up, based on their kindness he probably settles down with them and leads a quiet life. What are his best endings, to his worst? Dorothea & Lorenz. That isn't too say all of his other route endings are depressing. Just.... Why? Leading us to Felix's worst ending: Sylvain's other ending. Happy enough. Once again, same as the other Byleth endings. I'm definitely glad he has much more depth than that. He truly wants to listen to her sing and feels captivated by her, which only makes his support of her song writing even more adorable. They walk a dangerous line for a while in this ending, but eventually settle down into a nice, quiet life. She may be away from public eye, but she offers advice occasionally that benefit others, and found the love she always dreamed off. This proved to be yet another worthwhile discovery by the Father of Crestology. I don't know about you guys, but their supports sort of gave me whiplash. I've already said, then, my view on the matter. She is singing, and he is wandering. Granted, they end in a similar place where they spend their days baking goods and sharing the sweetness with the world, but they start out very differently. Based on my previous analysis, I would say: Sylvain-BL = Mercedes-BL = Annette-BL = Dimitri = Flayn-BL ≥ Byleth-BL = Dorothea-BL = Ingrid-BL ≥ Byleth- VD/SS = Lysithea-BL > Bernadetta-BL = Leonie-BL > Normal-BL > Annette-Other = Ingrid-Other ≥ Bernadetta-Other = Lysithea-Other > Mercedes-Other = Flayn-Other > Leonie-Other > Byleth-CF > Dorothea-Other > Normal-Other > Sylvain-Other, I agree it is a bittersweet irony that he was always mad at Dimitri for “placing the dead over the living” but after Dimitri died, even when some of his closest friends are still alive (Sylvain and Ingrid if you recruit them), he still choose to leave everything behind thus putting the dead over the living himself :(, Poor boi he think much more clearly than the BOAR when it comes to distinguish the living and the dead. I like it. In the BL route, we see them in marriage happily, both pursing their interests. Some of these supports are the result of character growth she goes through, so it's a bit harder to pin down than the previous characters I've already done. (I also wouldn't be opposed to placing this ending higher on the tier list either). As Edelgard's reign as the Adrestian emperor began, Enbarr was restored, and with it, a certain opera house. So I did my best to pair you up with Annette and you were being so cute and friendly towards her. Perhaps one for Lysithea will come about soon. As I said before, Mercedes' non-BL ending with Felix is similar to Lysithea's. Both Sylvain and Felix, firstly, have some seriously wonderful supports. Taking it back up seems like a step back from that emotional growth. There is no doubt that these endings are just among her best. Then, I'll rank them and give a conclusion on not only which ending is happiest, but the overall happiest route for her (if possible to determine). The lyrics became distorted over time, however, and the original meaning of the music was lost. Pretty sure Dorothea casually proposed to Manuela in a round about way. They clearly make each other happy, and she does a lot for the people of the Fraldarius territory, but it would appear she may have to had sacrificed her own goals for her territory in return. Felix. Or did he fall and someone delivered his sword to his old friend? I guess it's happy? I'm sorry, but they became street performers? With Bernadetta leaving House Varley behind (those jerks!) Felix, Meandering Sword (Silver Snow, Crimson Flower, Verdant Wind)Even after the war's Language: English Words: 4,911 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 4 Kudos: 15 Bookmarks: 1 Hits: 237 Her ending with Hanneman 'cause imo it's so fucking awkward: Dorothea. CF says "fuck stability" and sends them both into a life on the murderous road for the rest of their mysterious days. It is interesting to note that they never return home in the non-BL ending. After the war, Felix and Sylvain inherited their respective titles of Duke Fraldarius and Margrave Gautier, and set to work restoring the Kingdom. Felix holds a great deal of respect for Dorothea, and vice versa. Some time later, he married Annette, and the pair earned renown together by working hard at restoring their territory to and beyond its former glory. To abandon his homeland and his friends must have seriously taken a mental toll on him, even if he doesn't show it much. Dorothea and Byleth have some great supports that really give you some deep insight into her character, such as her insecurities. In the end, Felix Hugo Fraldarius is a basic man with a simple love for two things: swords and singing. After the war, Felix inherited the title of Duke Fraldarius from his late father, Rodrigue. Many years later, her diary was uncovered, revealing the full extent of the happy life the couple shared.