The essential material behind the Vikings’ conquests and achievements, however, was iron, which they obtained by mining and smelting bog iron ores. The majority of the Vikings however continued to practice their traditional beliefs, which Simon Franklin and ‎Jonathan Shepard mention “judging by ibn Rustah’s (10th century, Persia) own account, great respect was accorded to [the] ‘shamans’ [attibah], who have authority over the ruler ‘as if they themselves were masters’, and can summarily order the sacrifice of man or beast. I planned to make my Vikings Christian and then control all of British Isles and Ally with Western Romans. Merchant Warriors by M. J. In response, the Vikings raided Muslim territories at Lisbon and then sailed around the peninsula and up the Guadalquivir River to besiege Seville. Although some hold that he could have been a visitor of some sort, it was largely believed that he was a soldier of fortune “long before the Varangian Guard – an elite Viking unit of the Byzantine Army”[28]. Regarding the material of the ring, a report conducted by the Wiley Periodicals Inc. in the “Analysis and Interpretation of a Unique Arabic Finger Ring from the Viking Age Town of Birka, Sweden” found that: “this work used non-destructive SEM imaging and EDS analysis to characterize the material composition of an Arabic finger ring, which was found in a 9thc. Still, news of such findings is positive, as they reinforce that social cohesion and a shared legacy between diverse cultures did and can exist. Thus making people question – was it a war spoil? [18] Mubaidin, Omar. The Viking motifs were used in Irish art. Figure 30. One account in particular that was written and narrated by the 10th century traveller from the Muslim Civilisation, Ahmed Ibn Fadlan (b.877-d.? Other old news features a cup. When the Vikings raided, they took everything of value that they could carry, including people. (Link). Though the attire of the woman in the grave seems to be traditionally Scandinavian, her decomposed body made it hard for the researchers and archaeologists to determine her faith and ethnicity. However other scholars such as Muhammad al-Idrisi (1100-1165), Ibn Khurradadhbih / Ibn Khordadbeh (820-910), al-Tartushi (1059-1127), al-Mas’udi (896-956), al-Muqaddasi (940-991), Ibn Rustah (10th Century) , Miskawayh (932-1030), Ibn Hawqal (10th Century), Ahmad al-Ya’qubi (897-898), Ibn Qutiya (10th Century), Yaqut al-Rumi (1179-1229, Yahya Ibn Hakam al-Bakri (772 – 866), al-Maqqari (1578-1632) and Ibn al-Athir (1160-1233) also share their observations of these saqalibah, a term first employed in the 10th century translated as “fair-haired, ruddy-complexioned population of Central, Eastern and North-Eastern Europe”[57]. Yet, yesterday's episode, Floki was vexed by the sound of the azan (the call to prayer in Islam) and further did not want those Muslims praying in the mosque to be harmed. Patterns woven with silk and silver thread have been found to spell the words "Allah" and "Ali". This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. "However, it is more likely these findings show that Viking age burial customs were influenced by Islamic ideas such as eternal life in paradise after death.". This however only seemed to apply in the East as in Al-Andalus (Muslim governed Spain) they were referred to as al-Majus or “fire-worshippers ”[73]. (…). Not just Europe but all over the World, and even places one does not expect. The main reason for his trip to the region was to guide the King of the Bulgarians in matters of the Islamic religion. [5] “Two Lives of Charlemagne” by Einhard, Ca 770-840 and The Monk of St Gall, Digireads, 2010. The Abbasid domain, particularly when under the authority of Harun al-Rashid, was accustomed to interacting with people from different ethnicities and beliefs. Larsson, and the reporters who echoed her, argued that the Viking culture of medieval Sweden was therefore open to Islamic influence–an idea, they gleefully noted, bound to enrage right-wing opponents of mass immigration from majority-Muslim countries. Difficult seeming that the only plan i have to convert to their religion is to attack them. Last edited by NUBME1STER; Mar 18, 2015 @ 7:51pm #1. by M. J. The beautiful carvings found embossed on their ships or on their armour such as helmets or shields depicts their interest in art – art often being regarded as evidence of a highly cultured community. 6. Meanwhile, the Viking kings also enjoyed the endless fruits of Christianity. [24] “The A to Z of the Vikings” by Holman, Katherine, “Vikings in Russia.” – Page 232 – Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2003. The Oseberg Viking ship, preserved in a museum in Norway. To that occasion Åsa Hallén, Director of Värmlands Museum noted the following: Figure 27. The inscription on the ring was written in an Arabic script referred to as “Kufic,” an early angular form of the Arabic alphabet found chiefly in decorative inscriptions, which was well renowned in the eighth to tenth centuries. [44] Andrew Marr’s History Of The World, Part 4 “Into The Light” (Link), [45] “Cleanliness – Did Vikings Take Baths?” (Link), [46] “A History of the Vikings” by Gwyn Jones, Chapter: “The Movement East The Baltic Lands Russia Byzantium” – Page 255 – Oxford University Press, 2001, [47] “The Viking Age” by Robert Ferguson, Font Forlag AS, 16 Jun 2012 and “The Hammer and the Cross: A New History of the Vikings” by Robert Ferguson, Penguin UK, 5 Nov 2009 – Page 184 (PDF). Besides their interactions with Muslims, it should be noted that the Vikings had interacted with many other civilisations and had learnt fresh ideas and methodologies from these interactions. 10.3.1 Viking Burial Clothes Scientists recently made a startling discovery whilst on an expedition to monitor permafrost on the Gydan Peninsula; a 1,000-year-old bronze cup from ancient Persia (modern day Iran). Silk for the Vikings (Ancient Textiles Series) (Kindle Locations 838-840). Seriously this is annoying, and it needs to stop. And that some of them converted to Islam is entirely plausible. It was originally written in May 2015 during the height of the refugee crisis [and has been edited and extended in the light of new discoveries in October 2017]. This article was edited to fit Muslim Heritage website standards. Christianity, Islam, Eastern religions, reformed pagan faith, etc. Historians in Al-Andalus however were of different opinion due to frequent attacks perpetrated by the Vikings. The Islamic influences on the Vikings are utterly fascinating, I think however you are over-reaching and seeing deeper influences than perhaps existed. Accessed June 11, 2015. Once again, demonstrating the connection and evolution between the Vikings and Muslims over time. 202 times. Other notable contributions they made include a sólarsteinn (Sunstone Compass)[52], illustrating their technological advance during that time. Akin to the Viking, voyagers and scholars from various Muslim dynasties were also familiar with travelling on behalf of their rulers. Maybe they appear in non-textile artefacts too.” Annika Larsson*, Figure 40. 877) is said to have noted the Rus women bearing neck rings of gold and silver: Each of the women has fastened upon the two breasts a brooch of iron, silver, copper or gold, in weight and value according to the wealth of her husband. – they invaded the little Moroccan state of Nakur and pillaged it. "I suddenly saw that the word 'Allah' [God] had been written in mirrored lettering," she says. Moreover, it will demonstrate that these magnificent discoveries did not originate from thin air, rather it is our misconception and lack of knowledge of those times that prevent us from unearthing other exciting artefacts which may well be in plain view. Even a fiction author in the 20th century considered Vikings converting to Islam; this happens in one of the popular stories of Vikings, "The Long Ships" in English, Rode Orm in Swedish. Come in and rule over us.’ Is it likely that the invitation was quite so polite? I also remembered that the Vikings would also raid the south of Al-Andalus. Therefore, countering the opinion that their personal cleanliness practice was insufficient. The mystery surrounding how these vastly different cultures became intertwined has intrigued and continues to intrigue many. On the other hand it’s not impossible. [42] “The Viking World” edited by Stefan Brink, Neil Price – “The Vikings and Islam.” by Egil Mikellsen – Page 544 – Oxon: Routledge, 2008. The texts mainly show how powerful the Turks were. Such articles highlighting the interactivity between Muslims and Europe, which spans back hundreds of years, can foster cultural awareness and intercultural respect. Following their defeat in the coast of Andalusia, many of the Vikings captured were punished while a minority converted to Islam and were allowed to settle in the city of Jerez de la Frontera, in the province of Cádiz. Two years ago, researchers re … National Museum of Finland : Islamic, English, and German coins, latest coin dates from 1006-1029 (Image: Source). Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Perhaps the Vikings take over the eastern part of the British Isles and make it Muslim. The Emir of Cordoba sent a force to repel them, but he demanded his troops not massacre them. The One Ring In example, when some may think of the Viking, they may not consider that they settled in so many different countries worldwide. The man, if he possesses ten thousand dirhams, has a neck ring made for his wife. The word reads as “il-La-La” which means “for” or “to Allah (God)”. Emir of Córdoba and its officers, according to a sixteenth-century manuscript. However, this is another proof of how huge and impressive the Abassid Caliphate must have been. Page 532, [8] “Supply-Side Sustainability” by Timothy F. H. Allen, Joseph A. Tainter and Thomas W. Hoekstra, Chapter 1: “Complexity Problem Solving and Social Sustainability: Experience”, Section: “Collapse of Abbasid Caliphate” – Page 137 – Columbia University Press, 19 Jun 2012, [9] “Among the Norse Tribes: The Remarkable Account of Ibn Fadlan” by Judith Gabriel, Saudi Aramco World Magazine, 50, No. [49] “Health, Grooming, and Medicine in the Viking Age” (Link), [50] “Encyclopedia of Hair: A Cultural History” by Victoria Sherrow, Chapter Vikings – Page 389 – Greenwood Publishing Group, 2006, [51] “The Vikings: The Story of a People”, by Njord Kane, Chapter 8: Norse Life, Spangenhelm Publishing, 14 Sep 2015. The Rus couldn’t just come in swinging their swords and take over”[30]. The trade, battles and many other interactions between Muslims and Vikings is reported to have been so intertwined that such discovered artefacts from their day to day lifestyle – whether Vikings converted to Islam or not – should be perceived as commonplace. Muslim Heritage:Send us your e-mail address to be informed about our work. “The find of the ring does not mean the owner was a Muslim. Viking Rus thanks izzy and vicky for notes :) Vikings and Other groups in the middle ages study guide by tlazareto21 includes 64 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. 7. He also became the fourth leader of the Muslim community after Muhammad died. What is more, they were noted to having used a very strong lye-based soap[51] paste and as can be observed in figure 20, they had bathing facilities. First King dies 3. Although the etymology of the term Rus is debated and is said to merely denote “warriors” and “merchants” as opposed to ethnic significance[69], some historians are of the opinion that it derives from the Finnic name for “seashore”, or “fishermen, inhabitants of the seashore”, Ruotsi[70]. Former President Trump is acquitted of a charge on inciting deadly violence in the US Capitol. Rus' Byzantium . “The find of the ring does not mean the owner was a Muslim. Andrew Marr also commented on how Vikings in Russia came very close to converting to Islam with their king being unable to initially decide which of the world’s religions would suit them best: If trade, political envoys, war and immigration amongst other factors were brought to light, we may yet learn of additional contacts made between the Viking and the Muslim world, such as the ring with an Arabic inscription on a Viking Woman. They were kept in storage for more than 100 years, dismissed as typical examples of Viking Age funeral clothes. In 921 AD, Caliph Al Muqtadir sent a series of delegates from Bagdad to the upper reaches of the Volga to aid its Viking king who had recently converted to Islam. In 844, a fleet attacked and took Seville, Spain. Related News Where are Cape Town's great white sharks? "I couldn't quite make sense of them and then I remembered where I had seen similar designs - in Spain, on Moorish textiles.". And the story it tells is that local Slav tribes had no law and rose up against one another. The king had recently converted to Islam and needed help in training jurists, instructing his people in how to pray properly, and in financial assistance to build a mosque and a fort. The conversion of the Vikings to Islam creates an alliance between the caliphs of the Middle East, and the Scandinavian Caliphate. Larsson has so far found the names on at least 10 of the nearly 100 pieces she is working through, and they always appear together. The Abbasid Caliph decided to send a religious scholar to guide the new converts to the correct teachings of Islam. You could swear fealty to the Idrisid if you want to convert to shia islam, but the Umayyads are far more stable at this point and thus you are more protected. But come the Vikings did!” (Andrew Marr). Second King converts to Islam, either after a populist revolt or for no reason, erasing all the efforts of step 1 and leaving the Saracens stronger than before. Accessed February 03, 2016. [29] “A Brief History of the Vikings” by Jonathan Clements, – Page 15 – Carroll & Graf Publishers, 2005. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. hndrsn. (Image: Asmus Koefoed/Shutterstock) The Vikings had advanced techniques for shipbuilding and sophisticated metalworking skills, which they brought to Ireland. It was the name "Ali" - the fourth caliph of Islam. It is surely not the question if there was interaction between the Islamic World and the Vikings, it is just not clear if their relationship was purely for trade or if some of them converted to Islam. Phase three: Embrace the Greatest At this point, swear fealty to the Umayyad Sultan. New analyses show that his and other Arabs’ texts are excellent sources of cultural knowledge about the Vikings who ventured eastward. Seeing as Ibn Fadlan was a well-educated and privileged young emissary originating from a large and prosperous city such as Baghdad, a city heralded as the “centre of the Golden Age” of its time, this could be said to be an accurate comparison. (Link). 6” – Page 41- London: Viking Club, 1909. Her team is now working with the university's department for immunology, genetics and pathology to establish the geographic origins of the bodies dressed in the funeral clothes. [60] “Confronting the Borders of Medieval Art” by Jill Caskey, Adam S. Cohen and Linda Safra: (59) “When Did Rus/Rus’ Merchants First Visit Khazaria and Baghdad?” by Thomas Schaub Noonan – Pages 213 to 219 – Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 7 (1987–1991). Why? Even Ibn Fadlan (b.877), who though did not appreciate their personal cleanliness habits, praised them as being “perfect physical specimens” and described them as “tall as date palms”, which this comparison could be said to have been one of the highest compliments one could receive from an Arab in those times: It is important to note also that in contrast to opinions stating that the Vikings had poor hygiene practice, some historians noted that the most common artefacts found from the Viking Age pertains to combs[49]. [7] “Islamic Coin Hoards and the Trade Routes: How Dirham Reached the North.” by Aram Vardanyan – Page 1 – Academia. Wells’ Morlocks added for flavour. Biden aide quits over 'abhorrent' language, Amanda Holden 'devastated' at lockdown rule break, India activist, 22, arrested over farmers' protest, Waller-Bridge and Glover to remake Mr and Mrs Smith, UAE space mission returns first image of Mars. 3. The Christianization of Scandinavia, as well as other Nordic countries and the Baltic countries, took place between the 8th and the 12th centuries. Though the Vikings had sacked several cities in Western and Eastern Europe, historians outline that it was in Muslim ruled lands, such as those governed by the Abbasids, that the Vikings found “emporiums beyond their wildest dreams”[2]. It is important to note that these discoveries are brought to our attention through investing in and promoting all histories and their connectivity with the modern day. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [16] “Islamic Civilization: History, Contributions, and Influence, A Compendium of Literature” by S. M Ghazanfar – Page 372 – Lanham, Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2006. 5 (1908). Is there proof that some Vikings converted to Islam? Read about our approach to external linking. "The pattern suggests Ali is being equated with Allah, and therefore there is a slim possibility it has some connection to very early, extreme, mystical fringe movements who believed in this, "But more likely it is a wrongly copied pattern.". [6] “The Viking World” edited by Stefan Brink and Neil PriceBrink: “The Vikings in Spain, North Africa and the Mediterranean” by Neil PriceBrink – Chapter 34, Pages 462 to 465 – Oxon: Routledge, 2008. “Scandinavia before the Viking Age – Migrations.” Freyia Völundarhúsins. This novel and film are mentioned in the Muslim Heritage Website article, “Ahmad Ibn Fadhlan in Northern Europe: A Survey of his Account of Russian Vikings in the 10th Century”[67]: One of the earliest detailed descriptions of the Viking is reported in Ibn Fadlan’s account written after his travels to Northern Europe. 1. Most recently, in a research paper published on 23rd February, 2015, archaeologists noticed that an excavation of a woman who seems to have been buried in the ninth century bore a silver ring with an accompaniment of a purple stone. One of them she identified with the help of an Iranian colleague. Arabic Characters on Viking Clothes, Figure 38. The Viking or the Rus? Bibliography Eventually, a community of settled Vikings, who converted to Islam in southeast Seville, would be famous for supplying cheese to Cordoba and Seville.” Upon the news of the sacking of Nekor [19] , the Balaearic Islands [20] , Pamplona and Lisbon, one Muslim observer stated, “ al-Majus – May God curse them! Annika Larsson, textile archaeologist of Uppsala University who discovered this breakthrough on the Viking garments, states: Now that I am looking at Viking patterns differently, I am convinced I will find more Islamic inscriptions in the remaining fragments from these excavations, and other Viking era textiles… Who knows? [57] “The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Volume 8, Parts 139-140” by Hamilton Alexander Rosskeen Gibb, Johannes Hendrik Kramers, Bernard Lewis, Charles Pellat, Joseph Schacht – Page 620 – Brill, 1994. Furthermore, these discoveries indicate the vast multicultural wealth which lies in overlooked places as it does in overlooked languages. ‘Isa ibn Ahmad al-Razi (887–955 CE, Al-Andalus) has also been quoted, though the excerpt which he is believed to have contributed to within Al-Muqtabis fi tarikh al-Andalus of Ibn Hayyan (The collected knowledge on the history of Al-Andalus) has allegedly not survived as it was written during the end of the first attacks and repulsion of the Viking. Accounts exist of Vikings converting to Islam. “Tentative Global Timeline of Contacts between the World of Islam and Western Europe: 7th -20th Cent.” (Link). (Link). Oxon: Routledge, 2005. The following year, the Vikings sent an embassy to the court of Abd ar-Rahman, who then sent the poet Yahya ibn al-Hakam (nicknamed Al-Ghazal, "the Gazelle") as an ambassador to the Vikings. [13] “Medieval Russia, 980-1584.” by Janet Martin – Page 45, 78 & 118 – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [10] “Swedes Find Viking-era Arab Coins.” (Link). Even though everyone online seems to think it was out of a desire not to offend Muslims, that is so obviously not the case. Some historians believe though that this was merely a figment of the “Arabs’ imagination [dating] back to the Zoroastrians”[74]. Harun al-Rashid receiving a delegation sent by Charlemagne at his court (Source). [61] jinn (jinni, djin, djinn, djinni, jin)(Link), [62] “Ibn al-Athīr’s Accounts of the Rūs: A Commentary and Translation” by William E. Watson (Link) Watson’s reference: “Ibn Khurdadhbih, Kitāb al-Masālik wa ‘l-Mamālik, ed. A part of her traditional attire? “The Abbasids’ House of Wisdom in Baghdad.” Evidence of exchanges between King Charlemagne and Harun al-Rashid revealed they had good relations. The ring, combined with the unearthing of the dirham (Arabic coins) and Muslim astronomer figures found on the Astronomical Clock in the Lund Cathedral[32] in parts of Europe suggest that more studies and research should be done to uncover similar artefacts signifying European and Muslim Civilisation inter-connectivity. It’s quite clearly the Viking world view still. Iceland did not convert until the year 1000 and Norway and Sweden contained significant numbers of pagans for even longer. Al-Idrisi describing Finland, 1154. For the meaning of jins, see H. Wehr, “A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic” ed. 79% average accuracy. [53] “The Gold Mancus Of Offa, King Of Mercia” by P. W. P. Carlyon-Britton, British Numismatic Society, no. There were two words that kept recurring. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. After the season five premiere of “Vikings” some fans might be wondering, where is Floki? This even extended to some Italian Renaissance paintings which depicted the Virgin [Mary]. Perhaps Greenland and maybe even Newfoundland becomes Muslim as well. Accessed June 10, 2015. The Abbasid Connection 8. To support this case we would like to conclude our article with this important note made by Dr Anne-Maria Brennan, Figure 28. The Polish painter Henryk Siemiradzki painted the funeral ritual of Vikings in what is now Russia, in accordance with descriptions by Ahmad ibn Fadlan. In 2001, William E. Watson however noted that Ibn Khurdahbih (820 – 912 CE, Khurasan) referred to the Vikings as “jins (kind, sort, variety, class, category, race, or nation [class of spirits, lower than the angels, capable of appearing in human and animal forms and influencing humankind for either good or evil][58]) of the Saqāliba.” [59] Watson continues to state another report from Ibn Khurdadhbih that “Vikings were even seen on camel-back in Baghdad…”[60]. He travelled from Baghdad to the Volga Bulgars via the Black and Caspian Sea. 6. Figure 31. They got around. A gift? Astronomy of Medieval Europe – Page 253 – Springer Science & Business Media, 16 Feb 2011. For example there are two runic inscriptions in the Hagia Sophia[25] in Istanbul (Constantinople) dating back to the ninth century, which were believed to have belonged to a Viking named Halvdan[26], [27]. Henry’s conversion to Islam would presumably have required the mass conversion of all his people Consider the hundreds of years of chaos sparked by Henry’s descendant, the eighth Henry, with his separation of England from the Roman Catholic church – chaos that resulted in civil war and the eventual execution of a king.