They live in villages in houses plastered inside and out with mud and cow dung, so fine it feels like silky skin. This community has been found to be distributed all over Nepal. Rana 6. Before making travel plans based on data presented here, please confirm with other sources to the extent possible. Is Nepal Really Poor? Semester 8 the Rana regime, which isolated the country from the outside world and for Rana was the goal not to develop Nepal. It was an attempt to include the entire Hindu as well as non-Hindu population of Nepal of that time into a single hierarchic civic code from the perspective of the Khas rulers. 16. "Rana" was formerly used as a title of martial sovereignty by Rajput kings in India. During the Rana regime the person deputed to deal with the issues related to this community was referred to as "Mijhar." The Nepali civil code Muluki Ain was commissioned by Jung Bahadur Rana after his European tour and enacted in 1854. So without further ado, here are the Most Common Surnames of Nepal – Top 20 Common Nepali Surnames ranked accordingly: 1. Nepal: Growth of a Nation. These values were seen as a potent instrument of Rana political repression. Chhetri/Chetry 12. Similarly, the Janajati has 36.0% of the total population of the country, has representation of 7.1%. Among those 73.8% in higher education belong to higher castes, 22.0% Janajatis and 2.9% Dalit.[15]. These various cultural groups belong to four distinct language groups: Maithili, Bajika, Bhojpuri, and Awadhi. Use the above button to submit a map. Populations are scaled to the current year. Thapa 5. Four Varnas in Nepal Brahmin Caste, State, and Ethnic Boundaries in Nepal. They have their own gods and follow a Bharra (shaman). The regal code of Muluki Ain (1854) was written by Jang Bahadur Rana after his return from his European tour. In the western part, goldsmiths are called Mijhar. Rana has been titled to JAAT community mainly staying in HARYANA and western UP. King Ran Bahadur Shah had five marriages in a row. Bahun (Hill/Khas Brahmin), Chhetri (Khas Kshatriya), Thakuri (Nepali Royalty) and Khas Dalits (Oppressed Khas) are the members of Khas (Parbate) society. Page 2 of 2. To find your choice, press Control+F and type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under. Tweet Share reddit Messenger Share Pinterest 2 Shares. The mother tongue of these groups is Nepali. "Nepal: Deadly caste-based attacks spur outcry over social discrimination | DW | 16.06.2020", "Birenda, 55, Ruler of Nepal's Hindu Kingdom", Newar Caste of Nepal – What do Non-Newar Nepalese Think About Newars? Then after the caste system was legalized for the entire country (Bista, 2001:58). 12,114 and Muslim ranks the lowest, Rs.11,014'[16] The democratic transitions also failed to be inclusive management and functioning governance mainly because government was unable to understand and articulate the spirit of all Nepalese people irrespective of their caste, gender, ethnicity, and religion. The Rana legacy still casts a long shadow over Nepal. Rana Dynasty belong the Kshatirya, which is the Rajput – chhetri. They wear beautiful jewelry. No ordinary people could get higher ranks either in civil or military protocol. The men plow, plant and weave the nets that the women use to fish. By 1854, the 1,400 page Muluki Ain was ratified into law, essentially codifying the social hierarchy and caste structure into law. [5], The social structure of caste-origin Hill Hindu or Khas groups is simple, reflecting only three groups in hierarchy, with the distinct absence of the Vaishya and Shudra varnas. The mother tongue of these groups is Nepali. Rai 9. In 1962, a law was passed making it illegal to discriminate against other castes led all castes to be equally treated by the law. 1. People of Pahadi or Parbatiya society are mother tongue Nepali speakers. Gurung 4. After the Rana regime, caste rules relating to food, drink and intercaste marriage were openly louted but the Muluki Ain had not been abrogated. This dynasty controlled administration of the Kingdom of Nepal from 1846 until 1951, reducing the Shah monarch to a figurehead and making Prime Minister and other government positions hereditary. This greatly exceeds the Kshatriya portion in most regions with predominantly Hindu populations. Related Posts. Primarily associated with India, caste systems in one form or another are evident the world over. Most notable contradiction is the inclusion of previously non-Hindu tribes "Adivasi Janajati" groups, as well as non-Nepalis including Muslims and Europeans into the hierarchical fold. The Nepali civil code Muluki Ain was commissioned by Jung Bahadur Rana after his European tour and enacted in 1854. Biraj Thapa Magar winner of limbuwan, General Abhiman Singh Rana Magar and Sarbajit Rana Magar headed the Nepal army. It affects their family life, food, dress, occupations and culture. In 1963, Legal Code was replaced by New 1964 Legal Code. Third and more importantly, it was a normative document providing guidance and explanations for how Nepalese people should interact with each other on the bases of their caste membership.Finally, the construction of the Muluki Ain was initiated by Jang Bahadur Rana in B.S 1910Rana in B.S [1854-and revised several times, the last being in B.S. Their traditional houses have no doors, but the new ones do. Mar 8, 2021. A displayed zero can mean true zero, a very small rounded number or sometimes unknown. However, in Nepal people sometimes erroneously use word Caste to … Rana Dynasty belong the Kshatirya, which is the Rajput – chhetri. Advertisement. Chaudhary/Chowdhury 2. In 2001 the CBS recorded only nine groups in the caste-origin Hill Hindu groups. Grande parte da população Khas anteriormente animista / tribal da região ocidental do Nepal adquiriu o status de 'Chhetri' na década de 1850 com a proclamação pelo primeiro-ministro de Rana, Jung Bahadur Rana, tornando Chhetris a casta / tribo mais populosa do Nepal. This was the first systematic introduction of caste structure in Nepal based on traditional Hindu varnashram. Besides the Bharra, who treats their diseases, the village headman, bhalamansa, and the Desi-Mahajan - an Indian moneylender, are important people within the village. Nepal. Rana era, (1846–1951) in Nepal, the period during which control of the government lay in the hands of the Rana family. Nepali 18. They make almost everything they use themselves, with a touch of art in everything. The Nepalese caste system broadly borrows the classical Hindu Chaturvarnashram model consisting of four broad social classes or varna: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. Joshua Project makes every effort to ensure that the subject in an image is in fact from the specific people group. About a third of the personnel were actually the very caste as the Ranas (and the Shah family). The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. Administrative achievementsOffices like law, council, revenue were established. We welcome. Rana rulers were titled "Shri Teen" and "Maharaja", whereas Shah kings were "Shri Panch" and "Maharajdiraj". Values for %Christian Adherent and %Evangelical (which determine unreached status) are often informed estimates, some more accurate than others. On the whole, caste system has an important role in social stratification in Nepal. During Rana rule, Pradhans from different parts of Nepal started to pour in to Kathmandu and … The king was only a titular head of the state. According to the earliest copper plate inscription from Nepal found in 1977, Sohab Rana Magar was a ruler in Dullu Dailekh, Magwar Bisaya, western Nepal in 1100. Prev 2 of 2. Their clothes are colorful and beautifully embroidered; they buy scraps of left-over fabric from the fabric merchant and each woman puts her own dress together in a unique and gorgeous fashion. After the Rana regime, caste rules relating to food, drink and intercaste marriage were openly louted but the Muluki Ain had not been abrogated. [4] In 1963, Legal Code was replaced by New 1964 Legal Code. Prev 1 2. To find your choice, press Control+F and type the surname to see which caste/community/ethnic group and sub-caste/clan it falls under. In the rural setting, the traditional subsistence agriculture system and age-old caste structure have substantially changed, and the relationship is being established based on wage labour on land. Magar people are mostly live in far Western part of Nepal. The legal recognition to caste and all the discriminatory laws made on the grounds of caste were ceased. The Nepalese caste system was the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal. There is an observable reaction to this among certain Khas Brahmin and Chhetri groups, seeking to prevent group-based rights from becoming an important factor in the country that earlier had a political system associated with group-based discrimination. 15,630, Dalit Rs. Tweet Share reddit Messenger Share Pinterest 2 Shares. [6], Today caste discrimination is considerably diluted in the urban areas, but very little has changed in the rural areas. Shah/Sah 13. Over the next four centuries their own unique culture and language emerged. Tamang 3. The social values preached by the Muluki Ain, however, were providing restrictive, anachronic and out of step with the spirit of times. Certain outside analysts have suggested that "seeking a balance in approach requires addressing both specific indigenous historical injustices while creating a common citizenship for all marginalised citizens regardless of identity, which remains a particularly challenging issue for Nepal". But gotras don't have special meanings to Newars as Rajopadhye marry within their gotra only. To stop their discriminatory practices. The third of them was Kantavati. In Nepal, the caste system was strengthened by the then King Jayasthiti Malla during the Malla period. Newar Caste of Nepal – What do Non-Newar Nepalese Think About Newars? Ethnically, their background is Rajput, members of a high caste in Rajasthan. Nepalese are known by castes amongst themselves essentially for their identity. in Nepal 2.1 Caste/Ethnic Stratification in Nepal This section of the analysis is drawn from Chapter 3, pages 1-5 of the full Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment Report (World Bank/DFID, 2005). Caste is broader term used to represent certain group of people like – poudel, basnet, neupane, khadka, shrestha etc. The land is forested and fertile. Rana Bahadur Shah : There are many such rulers in the history of Nepal whose cynicism is exemplary. Jayasthiti Malla introduced the now famous (and often misquoted) “4 varna 36 jaat”; a division which consisted of 64 total caste divisions of which 36 were Shudra caste. Densely Magar populated district of Nepal are: Myagdi, Baglung, Puthan, Rolpa, Rukum, Syangja, Parbat. Terai occupational castes – Dhobi, Halkhor, Chamar, Dushad, Dom, Musahars, etc. I’m a virtual assistant and will try to answer questions about Joshua Project, unreached people groups, the Great Commission and more. Chronicler Daniel Wright has published the genealogy of Jang Bahadur Kunwar Rana. In this process the left outs were oppressed class (Dalits), women, the poorest of the poor, powerless and the second class citizen and indigenous nationalities (Adivasi Janajatis). There is examples of Rana Maharajas elevating caste rules and promoting castes to higher echelon.,inthe past .Jung Bahadur has done that and Bir Sum Sher also has done that . They are belongs to upper caste and prominent caste of Northern India including Rajasthan which has some appearance of rana surname. She was the daughter of a Maithili Brahmin The legal recognition to caste and all the discriminatory laws made on the grounds of caste were ceased. Unscrupulous moneylenders have been able to get control of their land because of their illiteracy, and now many have to pay rent for land that they once owned. This custom was traditionally only prevalent in the (Indo Aryan) societies of the Khas, Madhesi, and Newars. He was employed by a hill Raja for ten or twelve months who wanted to retain Rāma Siṃha in his country. This group presents a complicated social structure that not only reflects the model of four Hindu varna categories and the unclean castes outside of it, but it is also clearly divided among the upper and lower Buddhist castes. The women plaster their houses and make the pots and baskets. Kshetri or Chhetri (Nepali: क्षेत्री) are group of people belonging to Kshatriya caste in Khas group, an Indo-Aryan ethno-linguistic group. Surname > Caste/Community/Ethnicity > Clan/Sub-caste/Gotra 1. It lists the king's closest friends and advisers. [10][11], Hierarchies of Major Caste/Ethnic Groups in Nepal according to Muluki Ain:[12][13], Terai – Brahmin (referred in the code as Indian Brahmin) (no mention of Terai Kshatriya groups), Gurkha tribes - Gurung, Magar, Rai and Limbu. Generally, the Parvate/Pahari (hilly) Kshatriyas are called as Kshetris or Khas Kshetris.Many historians called Kshetris as Khas Rajputs.Kshetris served as rulers, administrators, governors and warriors as per their caste. Under the Ranas, Nepal maintained relations with the British, who provided it with support. Newars are divided into distinct cultural groups of over 25 occupational caste categories who share a common language (mother-tongue) Nepal Bhasa.[6]. Gotra In Nepal. It also applies to the wife of a raja. Prev 1 2. Caucasoid or Aryan looking Nepalis are firmly based on Khas (Pahadi) community of Nepal. The Tharu people are divided into several subgroups; the Rana Tharu live in the southwestern corner of Nepal. Mar 7, 2021. For further help try our FAQ, Definitions or Contact Us pages. Their walls are decorated with relief plaster sculpture and windows in geometric patterns. The genealogy begins with Tattā Rāṇā as Raja (King) of Chittaurgarh. It was rooted in traditional Hindu Law and codified social practices for several centuries in Nepal. Nepali people have broad facial festures. Jung Bahadur Rana is the father of the Rana Dynasty in Nepal. - Evangelicals have a significant presence. Health System in Nepal, Challenges and Strategic Options. (Census, 2001), In recent times, following the overthrow of the Nepali monarchy and move towards a federal republic, ethnicity and caste have taken center stage – the indigenous peoples (Adivasi Janajati) who make up a third of the country having been guaranteed rights that have not yet been fulfilled. Legend has it that after the Moguls invaded India in the 16th century, a Mogul king wanted to marry one of their women. Little, if any, history of Christianity. The caste system defines social classes by a number of hierarchical endogamous groups often termed jaat. I belong to caste Rana which is thakuri like Janga bahadur Rana...could u plz tell me my gotra? These include: Prabhu Shamsher Jung Bahadur Rana, a childhood friend who accompanied the king to Indonesia and China. Les Rana favorisèrent la mainmise des Kha et de la caste des Chhrétri sur les autres nationalités; les lois furent basées sur la religion hindouiste, ignorant ainsi le caractère multireligieux, multilingue et multiculturel des populations locales. Magar caste is largest indigenous ethnic group of Nepal accordance of its population. One such eccentric ruler was King Ran Bahadur Shah. The sample is collected from over 50,000 population size of various caste and ethnicities of Nepal. Marasini BR. They make their own clay pots cook stoves, woven baskets and fishing nets that look like butterfly wings. The Nepalese caste system was the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal. The surnames with this gotra are Lamsal, Dahal, Kunwar, Rupakheti, Rana, Bhatta, Kharaal. Other data may have varying ages. Here is the most comprehensive list of Nepali surnames and titles of various ethnic groups of Nepal. In Nepal, the caste system was strengthened by the then King Jayasthiti Malla during the Malla period. The population of Newars (all castes) is around 5%, but its occupancy in Civil Service is more than one-thirds (33.2%), the population of Khas-Chhetris constitutes 17.6% but its participation is mere 14.7%. Durant toutes ces années, il n'existait pas de système d'éducation publique pour les minorités. The “detailed provisions” of the Muluki Ain of 1854 CE promulgated by Jung Bahadur Rana further entrenched caste hierarchy (57). The Rana dynasty of Rajputs ruled the Kingdom of Nepal from 1846 until 1953, reducing the Shah monarch to a figurehead and making Prime Minister and other government positions hereditary. The Tharu people live in the Tarai, a narrow strip of land which extends across 550 miles of the southern border of Nepal, next to northeast India. If these major three castes (Khas Brahmin & Chhetris, and Newars) combine together their shares in the Government of Nepal, civil service employment is 89.2% in 1991. Again, comparative population of a certain ethnicity to the country’s total population is taken into account. Social exclusion and Maoist insurgency. Page 2 of 2. Similarly, serious limitations and oversights of this code include the complete exclusion of the large middle-ranking Terai groups. Sharma 14. Four Varnas in Nepal Brahmin Shrestha 10. Their houses are large and communal; a family group lives together, and the women cook together, care jointly for their children and pass on their culture and traditions to the next generation. A recent cover story in Nepal magazine further reveals how narrow the absolute monarchists' caste base is. cemented the caste system in Nepal with its call for unifica-tion and Nepalization. More than fifty (52.0%) of Hill Dalits, 47.0% of the Tarai Dalits, 48.0% of the Muslims and 30 percent of the Hill Adivasi Janajatis have never been to school. it was not because they were dictatorial rulers, but because they practiced what they preached. Which means, rice carrier, also came from central parts of India. The Rana rule in Nepal from the mid-1800s to the mid-1900s saw a whole century of oppression of Nepalese who became Buddhist monks. Bishwakarma/B.K. In the urban setting, working class people who have to live by selling by their labour power. The Tharu people are divided into several subgroups; the Rana Tharu live in the southwestern corner of Nepal. Stiller, L. F. (1993). However, there were some achievements during the Rana regime. They have become major decision makers in the bureaucracy of Nepal has become crystal clear. Caste-origin Hill Parbatiya Hindu groups/Khas . [citation needed] Education is free and open to all castes. Every one including the priests agreed and accepted the rulings and practiced that system in the past. It is descended from one Bal Narsingh Kunwar of Kaski, who moved to Gorkha in the early 18th century and entered the service of Raja Nara Bhupal Shah around 1740. In Nepal's hill districts the Chhetri population rises to 41% compared to 31% Brahmin and 27% other castes. Caste of Rana. * Pray for their rich culture to be preserved. The women and children fled east and settled in this forested region while their men stayed behind to fight the Moguls. The Rana family also comes from the Chhetri caste which, from 1846 to 1950, filled the ministers’ stools and occupied its seats there until now. 46, No. The legal recognition to caste and all the discriminatory laws made on the grounds of caste were ceased. Agniras, Agasti, Atri, Atreya, Upamanyu, Kasyap, Kaudinya,Basistha, Bharadwaj Nepali hal ... and they are not considered as Brahmins by caste. Human Resources Development Research Center, Kathmandu. T he passing of Prabhakar Rana on 31 May in New York after a year long post-operative convalescence marks the end of an era in Nepal’s political, business and social service spheres.. At a time when corruption became standard operating procedure among politicians, bureaucrats and private businesses, Rana stood out as a beacon of diligence, decency, and dignity in public life. Another sage as per Hindu sacred texts is Maudagalya. Jungha Bahadur Rana promulgated the Muluki Ain (country code) in 1854. His original family name was Rana but in Nepal people mistook his Rajput title of Kunwar for his family name, Kunwar is a title denoting royal lineage used by Rajput princes in northern India. [3] On 28 May 2008, it was declared a republic,[4], ending the period of the Hindu Kingdom. Kathmandu: Ministry of Population and Environment, HMG, Nepal. Cause of Downfall Nepal. Jung Bahadur (1817–77) seized power in 1846 and made himself permanent prime minister. Rana Rule Year. The forests of the Tarai are full of tigers and snakes and malarial swamps. Is Nepal Considered A Low Income Country? Newar lowest occupational castes – Kulu/Dom, Podhya, Chyamaha/Chandala, etc. During the period of Jung Bahadur Rana (the first Rana Prime Minister) Muluki Ain (Country Law), 1854 incorporated all the Non-Hindus groups under the caste system. [2] With Nepal's step towards freedom and equality, Nepal, previously ruled by a Hindu monarchy, was a Hindu nation which has now become a secular state. Caste of Rana. History of Malaria Control in Nepal. The creation of a modern legalistic state has been condemned by many Nepalis since it made the king or his ministers mere autocrats, rather than a socially-embedded institution accountable to the … The Nepalese caste system broadly borrows the classical Hindu Chaturvarnashram model consisting of four broad social classes or varna: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. [1], Due to many caste-based discriminations in Nepal, the government of Nepal legally abolished the caste-system and criminalized any caste-based discrimination, including "untouchability" (the ostracism of a specific caste) - in 1963. The first victims were Nepalese Mahayana (Tibetans) who converted to Buddhism, then Theravada Buddhism, in his "History of Theravada Buddhism in Nepal" Brings pressure. * Pray for good medical care. The hill Raja asked for the daughter of Raja of Bīnātī, a Bagāle Kṣetrīand married her to Rāma Siṃha. However, whatever Prithvi’s intentions, Jung Bahadur Rana, Nepal’s monarch at the time, had traveled to Europe and was inspired to classify and document Nepal’s caste system according to European legal code. The Ranas reformed the legal code of Nepal to weaken customs such as caste prohibitions and suttee. The social structure of caste-origin Hill Hindu or Khas groups is simple, reflecting only three groups in hierarchy, with the distinct absence of the Vaishya and Shudra varnas. Ida Lykke Jensen The Caste System in Nepal 17.01.2013 Zalla Mandozai - According to the youth 5. The Nepalese caste system broadly borrows the classical Hindu Chaturvarnashram model, consisting of four broad social classes or varna: Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Sudra. The social structure of caste-origin Hill Hindu or Khas groups is simple, reflecting only three groups in hierarchy, with the distinct absence of the Vaishya and Shudra varnas. Related Posts. Joshua Project may be able to provide more information than what is published on this site. Recent research has also shown that when it comes to Nepali people's impressions of social change, "Poverty, Human Resources and Region" explain more of the variation than "Ethnicity, Caste or Religious belonging" – i.e. The Nepalese caste system was the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal. In terms of earning/income generation, Newars have the highest per capita income of Rs. The Civil Code (Muluki Ain) of 1854 may also be viewed in terms of consolidating Jung Bahadur Rana's autocratic family rule that lasted for 104 years and brought in black days into the history of Nepal. The head of the Kunwar nobles of Nepal, Jung Bahadur Kunwar, took the title of Rana(ji) and Shree Teen Maharaja after consolidation of his post of Prime Minister of Nepal. Similarly, the Chathariyas instead of their gotras, refer themselves ritually as Suryabanshi, Raghubhanshi, … Much of the previously animist/tribal Khas population of the western Nepal region acquired the 'Chhetri' status in the 1850s with the proclamation by the Rana Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana, making Chhetris the most populous caste/tribe of Nepal. - Few evangelicals, but many who identify as Christians. The Nepalese caste system, like the Indian caste system, is highly complex and continues the traditional system of social stratification of Nepal.The caste system defines social classes by a number of hierarchical endogamous groups often termed as Jāt.This custom is found in both the Hindu and Buddhist communities of Nepal. Blanks mean an unknown value. He was from a Millie background and has a tumultuous life. New schools are coming to the villages, but the classes are taught in Nepali rather than Rana Tharu, and the parents are afraid their children will lose their language and culture. Rana era, (1846–1951) in Nepal, the period during which control of the government lay in the hands of the Rana family. Foreigners brought DDT in the 1950s and sprayed the swamps to get rid of the mosquitoes. Rana (Sanskrit: राणा) is a historical title denoting an absolute Hindu monarch [citation needed] in the Indian subcontinent.Today, it is used as a hereditary name in the Indian subcontinent. Advertisement. from the stigma of "untouchability " pp 6. Rana Rule lasts for 104 years. Man Mohan Adhikari, Nepali PM, an ethnic Hill Brahmin Krishna Prasad Bhattarai, Nepali Congress politician from caste Bahun Madan Bhandari, Communist Leader, an ethnic Khas Chhetri Paras Shah, Ex prince of Nepal; born from Thakuri King and Rana Chhetri Queen. He was given the hereditary title of Rana. Postal office, foreign office, […] Gotra means subdivisions of the castes represent more close relations of family. - Few evangelicals, but significant number who identify as Christians. Sarbajit Rana Magar became the head of government during the regency of Queen Rajendra Laxmi. [17] In terms of education, 88.0% of Khas Brahmins & Chhetris, and Newars have access to school, 12.0% have never been to school. [9] The law also comprised Prāyaścitta (avoidance and removal of sin) and Ācāra (the customary law of different castes and communities). Ethnically, their background is Rajput, members of a high caste in Rajasthan. Prev 2 of 2. A nation struggles to find the way to relieve 4.5 million Dalits The dynasty was also imploding because of the brewing rebellion among B and C Class Ranas, classified according to the caste and ethnic hierarchy of the wives and concubines who begat them. The caste system is still intact today but the rules are not as rigid as they were in the past. Rana K J. * Pray for missionaries who know or are willing to learn their language to come to these people with the gospel. During the period of Jung Bahadur Rana (the first Rana Prime Minister) Muluki Ain (Country Law), 1854 incorporated all the Non-Hindus groups under the caste system. But for Their religion is animist. In 2001 the CBS recorded 43 caste-origin Hindu groups in the Madhesh. After the Rana regime, caste rules relating to food, drink and intercaste marriage were openly louted but the Muluki Ain had not been abrogated. The Dalits who constitute 12.8 percent of the total population of the country have no representation in the higher echelons of power' (Gurung, H. 2006). Ironically, with the malarial pests gone, the culture has come under increasing pressure from the outside. However, since the unification of Nepal in the 18th century, Nepal's various non-Hindu indigenous nationalities and tribes, previously called "Matwalis" (alcohol-drinkers) and now termed as "Adivasi/Janajati" (indigenous/nationalities), have been incorporated within the caste hierarchy to varying degrees of success. Although during rana rule janajatis were considered vaishya originally there weren't vaishya. Surname > Caste/Community/Ethnicity > Clan/Sub-caste/Gotra. Rana Krishna Jung, Kathmandu, Nepal: 2001 44-46 p. 16. Lama 11. Deepening Democracy: International Labour Organisation Convention 169 and Nepal's Democratic Transition, Nepal: Towards a Democratic Republic: Caste, Ethnicity and Inequality in Nepal, Material from this site has been borrowed for this article with the permission of Dr. Vepachedu, Interview with Ian Martin: Caste-Based Discrimination in Nepal,, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Manandhar/Sāyami/Teli (oil-pressers and brewers), Pahari/Nagarkoti (farmers from outskirts), Khadgi, Naye, Kasai (butchers and musicians), Dyala, Podé, Chyāmaha/Chamāhār (sweepers, fishermen), "Namasinya Matwali" (Non-enslavable Alcohol Drinkers), Newar Hindu Vaishya-equivalent Panchthariya Srēsthas and Newar Buddhists – Gubhaju/Baré (, "Masinya Matwali" (Enslavable Alcohol Drinkers), "Pani Na Chalne Chhoichhito Haalnu Naparne" (Water-unacceptable but touchable), "Pani Na Chalne Chhoichhito Haalnu Parne" (Water-unacceptable and untouchable), Nancy E. Levine.