This command instantly finishes all special projects that are currently in progress. Enter 'x' to continue playing after observing. This command populates an entire planet with all of the specified species. This command enables and disables (toggles) frame smoothing. Use unknown. The ID of the ethic you wish to add to the population. An Effect is a script that does something, similar to a function in other programming languages. Specify a negative number to remove resources. This command causes all building (including ships, upgrades, stations, etc) to be instantly completed, rather than take time to build. This command prints a list of message types. a system starts with hostiles, made to suit as colony for nearby empire etc. This command opens the particle editor window. This command will toggle (enable and disable) the 3DStats feature. This command enables and disables (toggles) the travel time it takes for ships to move. Specify '1' (or any other number) here to also research all creature and crisis technology. (Possibly game ticks). This command activates the specified tradition. Optional - if left blank, this will apply to the planet you currently have selected. Will awaken two fallen empires if none awakened, Requires accepting the covenant in the previous event to work properly, Must select the Ancient Caretakers with the, Must be triggered multiple times for each Marauder empire, Option to get the Brain Slug Host trait for some pops and leaders, Creates the Hetling species if the Junk Ratling systems exist, Creates the Ketling Star Pack empire if the Ketling species exists, Creates a pre-sapient species with the Docile Livestock trait on the planet, Creates a nearby system with the a Gaia World and a Stone Age civilization, Option to enable the recruitment of Azizian armies on a random owned world, Creates an empire with a permanent -100 opinion modifier, Creates an empire with a permanent +100 opinion modifier, The selected planet is turned into a cracked world from where a Voidspawn hatches, Doesn't require the L-Cluster but will open every L-Gate as well, Creates the Whispers in the Stone archaeology site, Allows colonizing Holy Worlds and gives +150 permanent opinion from Holy Guardians, Unlocks the Initiate Yuht Cleansing Process decision, Arcane Deciphering (Dimensional Fabricator), add_ethic_pop purged ethic_fanatic_authoritarian, Simulates a game in year 2400 (every default empire gains colonies, technologies and fleets), Toggles whether human empires get ai-only anomalies, Attempt to change computer lights with Alien FX. This command adds the specified amount of war exhaustion to all of your empire's active wars. 13 comments. Use a negative number to remove points. This command can be used to find paths between stars. The post effect setting you wish to blend. They will disappear immediately if 10 years haven't passed. How you compose your fleet is kind of a giant game of Space rock paper scissors, in some ways. This command calculates the map borders and prints them to your console. This article has been verified for the current PC, Console commands/Species traits examples and descriptions, Console commands/Planetary features examples and descriptions, Console commands/Individual traits examples and descriptions,, Activates the specified Ascension Perk, pressing tab reveals the names, activate_ascension_perk ap_mind_over_matter, Activates the specified Tradition, pressing tab reveals the names, Adds [anomaly id] to the selected celestial body, Increases the [source] empire's Opinion of the [target] empire by [amount], default 40, Creates a fleet with one ship of [design id], pressing tab reveals the NPC ship names, Adds [trait id] to [leader id], entering only the leader ID reveals all trait IDs for that class, add_trait_leader 1 leader_trait_gale_speed, Adds [amount] of robot pops to the selected planet, only works if the empire has the technology to build robot pops, Adds [amount] of Energy Credits, defaults 5000, Starts the colonization process of the selected planet using a copy of the pop with the ID given, uncolonizable celestial bodies will not make colonization progress, Creates a Megastructure in the current system, pressing tab reveals the IDs, Creates a fleet using your most recent designs that uses [amount] Naval Capacity, 1 means 100%, All ships in the selected fleet take [amount] hull damage, AI empires always refuse player proposals, AI empires always agree to player proposals, Adds [building id] to the selected planet, multiple planet unique buildings will be removed a month after being added, Adds [deposit id] resource deposit or planetary feature to the selected celestial body, Adds [amount] of Devastation to the selected create_archaeological_site, negative values lower it, Adds [ethic id] to the player empire, using more than 3 ethic points will remove low attraction ethics, effect country_add_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist, Removes [ethic id] from the player empire, effect country_remove_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist, Adds [archaeological site id] to the selected create_archaeological_site, effect create_archaeological_site = lithoids_digsite, Removes [modifier id] from the selected planet, or empire if none is selected, Changes the age of a pre-FTL civilization to [age id], Shifts the player empire's ethics to [ethic id], effect shift_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist, Adds [amount] of Engineering tech points, default 5000, Adds [amount] of Experience to the Federation, default 1000, Adds [amount] of Cohesion to the Federation, default 200, Adds [amount] of Monthly Cohesion to the Federation, default 10, Integrates [country_id] empire into the player's empire, Toggles allowing player to change governments without the time limit, Toggles allowing player to change policies without restriction, including policies previously disabled, Adds [amount] of growing pops to selected planet, default 1, Toggles instantly finishing constructions and upgrades, Gives sight of the entire galaxy and disables first contact while active, Adds [amount] of Minor Artifacts, default 10000, Take ownership and control of the selected fleet, starbase or planet, or if none is selected takes ownership of the planet ID given as an argument. Use 'debugtooltip' to find leader IDs. The Command Points Limit puts a cap on how many ships you can have in a fleet. Many codes can be turned off by repeating the command, but sometimes reloading the save or exiting the game is necessary. share. If you have an alien case, this command will attempt to integrate with AlienFX (changing your computer lights). The ID of the megastructure you wish to create. This is an advanced debug command. 12 hours ago. That’s because certain types of ships count more towards that limit than others. I'm aware that there is a soft-cap on the total fleet size of an empire which is based on technology, space stations, etc but I haven't seen any evidence that there is a limit, hard or soft, to the number of ships in a single fleet. This is an advanced debug command. This command prints statistics about events that are currently running to the console window. Stellaris cheats is an updated list of all console commands and cheat codes for the … Lock's the camera to the current position. Sets graphical culture for player empire, pressing tab reveals the culture keys. If you're having trouble opening the console, click here for more help. Prints the help documentation for a command. This command toggles (enables or disables) the time limit that prevents you from changing governments too soon after another. Image. See argument information for details on researching repeatable, crisis and creature technologies. This command enables and disables (toggles) recusive bounding volumes. This command prints a list of all texture locations on your filestystem. This command gives you the maximum amount of all resources in your resource storages. This command will colonize the planet you currently have selected with the population of the specified ID. tweakergui entity.recursiveboundingvolumes. This command enables and disables (toggles) AI. Debug tooltips show things like planet IDs, population IDs, and other useful information in tooltips when you hover over things in the game. The duration of the transition from the current effect (or mode) to the specified post effect setting. Stellaris Wiki Active Wikis. When executed, this command will spawn all factions into the game. This command will change the class of the planet you currently have selected to the specified planet class. If it doesn't die from that then keep doing it until it does. Is there the number of fleets or ships per anchorage to be able to assign multiple fleets home base to one anchorage? hide. add_opinion [source id] [target id] [opinion amount]. This command can be used to adjust the amount of ticks per turn in the game. This is more of a long game strategy, but a valuable one nonetheless. This command enables or disables (toggles) fullscreen mode. An ETA is displayed for every jump made. Your empire ID is always 0. tweakergui entity.recursiveboundingvolumes. If executed with an argument (an empire ID), this will toggle communication on or off with the specified empire. A list of all technologies in Stellaris, along with their IDs for use in console commands, cheats and mods. The ID of the diplomatic action you wish to execute - see our. This command adds the specified amount of minerals to your minerals storage. (Crashed the game during first test, but might have been coincidence). This command can be used to spawn an ambient object, relative to the specified ID. The name of the group you wish to activate. This command instantly finishes all research that is currently in progress. An Effect differs from a Trigger in that a Trigger always returns a boolean, True or False, and doesn't change anything in the game. This command will make all of your ships invincible (they will not be able to take any damage). 59. This command will create a naval fleet with up to 100% of your naval capacity ('create_navy 0.5' for 100%). Ships will teleport instantly to right click cursor. 96% Upvoted. Optional. Find megastructure IDs on our. The designs used are all of your latest. Toggles rendering of the galaxy center glow. In my current 2.01 singleplayer game 4 Federation members have 1000 naval capacity( 2.01 cap) which provides 200+200 naval capacity per member thanks to entente coordination which all … This command allows you to instantly occupy the planet with the specified ID. Toggles rendering of empire and nebula names on the galaxy map. HOI4 Unit Codes Defaults to no limit (0). This command prints resource statistics to the console. Spawns all possible factions. This command will toggle (enable or disable) debug tooltips. The percentage of naval capacity you wish to occupy with your new fleet - 0.5 is 100%, 0.25 is 50%, etc. This command removes the trait with the specified ID from the leader with the specified ID. This command will print your current achievement status to the console. For a QWERTY keyboard, the key is `. Toggles rendering of cyan and yellow lines in the starmap. The ID of the empire you wish to add opinion TO. Specify the ID of an empire to kill that empire. This command enables and disables (toggles) the navigation arrows that show in-game. 10 comments. This command enables and disables (toggles) the display of collision boxes for entities in the game. A little bit of a silly command - this will crash your game if you enter it into the console. Command Limit restricts how many ships you can have in a fleet. This command opens or closes (relative to the specified argument) the specified GUI. This command prints the weights for the specified technology tree. Taking this ascension perk grants you 20 additional points toward your fleet command limit and a whopping 80 additional points to your naval capacity! This command enables and disables (toggles) the GUI's wireframe. See our. This command enables and disables (toggles) the rendering of asteroid belts. The amount of war exhaustion you wish to add. This command will not work if 10 years have not passed in the game. This command enables and disables (toggles) the rendering of borders. It is not necessary to edit to save file for this. The type of victory you wish to end the game with: '0' for domination, '1' for federation, '2' for conquest. save. The amount of days you wish to fast forward. This command enables and disables (toggles) the visibility of objects on the screen like stars, ships, stations and planets. So for just 20% of each member's fleet capacity a good sized federation receives a 500 point fleet plus each member can make as many national fleets (at their command limit) as their economy and remaining 80% fleet capacity will support. Toggles rendering of the arrows and names towards neighbors of a system. The amount of skill levels you wish to add to all leaders under your control. This command will kill the leader with the specified ID. Your empire ID is always 0. If you want to contribute to this page, which is a work in progress, in the console type "help" to see the list of commands, then to see a description and parameter of a command, type "help [command-name]", and put the corresponding details into the list. This command is a debug command, used when portrait modding. The amount of terraforming resources you wish to add. This command will research the technology type with the specified ID. The ID of the resource you wish to add. The amount of minerals you wish to add. This command can be used to add or remove (use negative numbers to remove) opinion from one empire to another. This command prints a list of all planet classes, and the amount of them in the current game. Optional (if left blank, this command will be applied to all empires). This command enables or disables (toggles) ship trail visibility. The limit doesn’t represent the actual number of ships. Legacy Wikis. ... Stellaris Galaxy Command Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This command adds an anomaly category for the planet that you currently have selected in-game. If left blank, this will default to 5000. This command will forcefully start the next democratic election. The area of tech you wish to see weights for: 'eng' for Engineering, 'phy' for Physics and 'soc' for Society. This command will remove all notifications currently on the screen. When it is enabled, your FPS and render time will appear on your screen. The ID of the trait you wish remove. The ID of the leader you wish to remove the specified trait from. Introduction []. This command enables and disables (toggles) wireframe. This command will display bounds around GUI elements currently on the screen. The ID of the planet you wish to adjust the size of. This command enables and disables (toggles) the display of names for things like empires and galaxies in the map. This command prints errors to the game log and console. Instantly researches all non-repeatable technologies. The amount of food you wish to add. Useful for reporting bugs. This command will credit you with the specified amount of resource points. This command will reveal all space that is currently uncharted. The name of the class you wish to change your selected planet's to. Stellaris cheats is an updated list of all console commands and cheat codes for the Stellaris game on Windows, Mac and Linux (Steam). The ID of the planet you wish to populate. Toggles rendering of stars and black holes on the galaxy map. This page lists the codes which may be input into the Console Window, a special debugging window which may be accessed on non-ironman games by pressing Shift+2, ALT+2+1, Shift+3,§, ~, ^, °, ², or ` (key varies based on keyboard layout). hard cap is 500 but on Vanilla stellaris you can only max out around 250. Close. ... -10 Fleet Command Limit; Institutions The Separatist Council: Specify your current language to reload the language file (if you have made changes). Toggles rendering of lines during combat showing which target a ship is focusing on. The ID of the empire you wish to receive the specified diplomatic action from. Provided you have at least one science strip, this command will survey all planets. This command will reload all of the assets the game currently has loaded. This command enables or disables (toggles) particle debug information. This command will refresh the technology tree (randomizes your current research options). This command can be used to change your empire's graphical culture (the way it looks). How important do you think fleet command limit is? This command executes the specified effect script. This command likely clears the pathfinding cache (frees up memory). This command adds the specified amount of unity.