Colossians 2:16 – Complete (Powerpoint) – Brother Aaron Earnest (Prayer Meeting, March 03rd, 2020) DOMINION – Brother Aaron Earnest (Powerpoint) (Sabbath, March 07th, 2020) Forgiveness & Reconciliation – Brother Aaron Earnest (Powerpoint) (Sabbath – AY Program, March 21st, 2020) Follow The Leader – Brother Aaron Earnest (Powerpoint) (Children’s Vespers Program – July 31st, 2020 Religious believers gathering on the National Mall and around the nation September 26th are pleading with God that it not be so. Business Success Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you that your word enlightens my eyes, purifies my soul and preserves me for eternal life. Any of our government who is disobeying God to be impeached and replaced. outright animosity. This nation needs the Word of God reining once again! Not a political rally supporting any candidate or political party. Thank You, Lord, for granting repentance to America! Below is his letter, followed by a downloadable image of the prayer. A Prayer For Our Country . 2. Psalm 44 – Strong Prayer in Times of Trouble and Civil Unrest. We together turn away from religious and political corruption. Prayer Points for Safety and Protection with Scriptures. You can listen […] John 15:8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be my disciples. Prayer moves the hands and heart of God. We must remain steadfast under God's authority as we put politics in their rightful place. 1. PRAYER POINTS ON TODAY’S OPEN HEAVEN 16 AUGUST 2020 SUNDAY. He desires your love, your time, your attention and your fellowship. Jun 11, 2020 Feb 4, 2020 by Editor in Chief. People are entitled to the confidence that their votes will not be cancelled by fraudulent votes. Lord, no matter who is leading our country as President, we offer our prayers on behalf of his/her position. GOOD MORNING BELOVED, DAILY PERSONAL CONFESSION: My trust is in the lord, my hope and faith is in Him. Psalm 44:4-5. I know I am . Let God arise and disgrace every power challenging God in my life in this year 2020 in the name of Jesus. Luke 12:2-3, Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91 . Psalm 92:13-14 They are planted in the house of the Lord; they flourish in the courts of our God. 7 Prayer Points to Pray for Your City. The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Psalm 34:7. June Prayer Call: Praying for Justice June 6, 2020 . Prayer is powerful, and we look forward in anticipation to what God will do in our nation. "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17). 2020 RCCG National Prayer Retreat -USA. November 10, 2020. America is broken, and only a Christ-centered revival and accompanying awakening can transform our culture. And if the president is to be impeached, then may God have His way with him however he must. My prayer request is for our nation: The United States of America. The year 2019 is gone, this is 2020, the year where God will shower you with His blessings without limits. Your word says that I can do all things through you who strengthens me. At home, my mother, who has dementia and moved in with us in August 2020, has become more comfortable living in our home but, as many of you have experienced, each day has its own challenges as a loved one declines. OREMUS! O Lord, perfect all good things concerning me this year 2020. Truth will be revealed and all evil schemes will be thwarted. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò has sent a letter of encouragement to America and a prayer for our use at this time in history (available as a PDF here). Dear Father living in uncertain times, You are a certain god seeing turmoil all around us. So, I ask for special prayers for Cindy as she cares for my mother daily. Story. 2020 is no different.Our challenge for you is to make this year your greatest year of prayer and pursuit of God yet! October 19, 2020 As we approach the upcoming election, it is critical for Christians to remember that Jesus is the King of glory who will remain on his throne regardless of the outcome of the election. Prayer for America: 2020 – The Gift of Repentance. 2020 Election Prayer Guide. 2. Every Home for Christ ( and other partnering denominations and ministries, in cooperation with the Mission America Coalition ( and the National Day of Prayer Task Force These strong prayers for success and prosperity in business will provide you with a helping hand from the Lord. Has America moved so far from God, it’s passed the point of no return? Father, i thank you for your goodness and wonderful works in your life in the year 2019. 1. Every form of greatness ever seen through God is preceded by prayer!. Let God be God in my life in this year 2020, in the name of Jesus. 3. 5. It is like the precious oil upon the head, Running down on the beard, The beard of Aaron, Running down on the edge of his garments. Mobilizing A Prayer Army. It is preceded by sacrifice. Calendar. Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity! As churches throughout the nation are adopting monthly days of prayer, we ask churches to unite by praying toward a common sevenpoint prayer focus. Has America moved so far from God, it's passed the point of no return? As we continue to stand in faith concerning these elections, it’s important that we are praying and interceding on behalf of our nation. Comments 0. You are our King, O God! Prayer Points on Fruitfulness. BGEA is a … Forgive us for believing and repeating false doctrine. 2 Replies to “JOIN PRAY AMERICA 2020” estella vergara says: July 15, 2020 at 9:40 PM. Read 7 Powerful Prayers the United States of America Needs Right Now and learn how to pray in ways that reveal God's power and strength. They still bear fruit in old age; they are ever full of sap and green. Elections can also be a time filled with great negativity, as those vying for positions of power fight tooth and nail against one another and bring about messages of hate in hopes of beating out their opponents. Beloved, these prayer points are spiritual and may not be understood by carnal minds. ©2021 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Lord God and Heavenly King, You alone are the Lord of the earth and King of the universe, and You alone can revive and restore the United States Of America and bring us back under Your own Sovereign rule. July 9, 2020. 4. Pastors and prayer coordinators can obviously create their own prayer guides, but we believe there is power in uniting the praying Church citywide, countywide, statewide, and nationwide. It is our first point of action. I trust that many people are walking for Jesus. A Prayer for Our President. Watch Replay. Again, so wherever you are, let's pray together. View Video. At the start of every year, we aim to power up in prayer. Draw him into a strong relationship with You. The original motive of God is to bless man abundantly, as God has his plans so also the devil. That God will be with us, and that our nation will always prevail and prosper. Prayer Points for blessings should be an integral part of our prayer life in 2020. Command victories for those of us who love You – just like You did for righteousness of the past. 1. (Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the prayer.) PRAYER POINT ONE: Expose and hold accountable those who practice the seven things God hates and He says are detestable to Him: ... DAY 3: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020; DAY 2: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020; Jonathan Cahn: Day of Prayer and Fasting on Nov 3, Election Day 2020 ; DAY 1: Prayer and Fasting for American Election 2020; Three-Day Prayer and … Integral to the survival of this Republic is the integrity of its voting process. By Misty Robinson. Feb 9, 2021 - This would include the President and the leaders of our country, Federal,State and Local leaders. It is our first point of action. Debbie says: June 18, 2020 at 11:29 AM. Add to Calendar Add to Timely Calendar Add to Google Add to Outlook Add to Apple Calendar Add to other calendar Export to XML When: January 16, 2020 @ 7:30 pm – January 18, 2020 @ 10:30 am 2020-01-16T19:30:00-05:00. Prayer Points for America; Church Prayer Point #1: Unity . November 6, 2020. Pray for the judges of this nation, that they will seek the wisdom that comes from above. Our Nation and the Issues It Faces. See more ideas about prayers for america, prayers, names of jesus. Share these prayer points with them, as well as with pastors and churches, and everyone working in business, education, healthcare and all areas of American life. At two huge events – Washington Prayer March 2020 and a solemn assembly called The Return – they’ll be praying America be given more time. You are the peace within us and though the future may seem dim, you are the light that illuminates our path forward. July First Friday Prayer Call featuring Liberty Counsel's Mat Staver breaking down the recent Supreme Court decisions and an update from the Ukrainian Intercessors. IFA's First Friday Prayer Call led by IFA President Dave Kubal. 1 . The divine plan and purpose for America will be fulfilled and God will give us Godly leaders. You have looked past our sin and established Your own righteousness in us, yet again. Prayer Points. 30 Prayer Points For New year 2020. Where: Dayspring Conference Centre - Redemption … I will never be discouraged or disadvantage. Prayer: O Lord, protect me and my family from evil attacks, in Jesus name. Prayer Points; Livestream; Give; Thank You for Praying Over America. hi This is a great thought that we should all walk our communities and pray or sing or dance for the Lord. I Timothy 2:1-4, Proverbs 29:2, 2 Chronicles 7:14. The following prayer points cover seven major areas that relate to our national elections. Perhaps a turning point in our nation's history May God shed his grace on America and unite this country. This is a dedicated prayer march. Will You Join Us in Praying Over these FIVE STRATEGIC PRAYER POINTS for the election and share this to at least 10 other people who are prayerfully concerned about our nation? Prayer Points for the new Year. Not a protest. Let’s join in clear agreement, visible unity, and extraordinary prayer as we focus on praying for America on Thursday, the National Day of Prayer. February 5, 2020; Posted by J. Bronson Haley; 30 Dec . Elections can be a hopeful time; a time that brings about new beginnings, hope for a brighter future, and overall positive change. Prayer is never the last resort of God’s people. 2020 RCCG National Prayer Retreat -USA. While we work to this end in this election, we must petition God. 2020-01-18T10:30:00-05:00. Please keep praying at this crucial time in our country’s history—for God’s mercy, protection and guidance in the days ahead. Our United States military forces, and for Israel. Reply Report comment. If you want to be blessed from these prayer points, you must first, surrender Your life, to the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, by saying this prayer: PRAYER POINTS FOR OPEN HEAVENS 1 DECEMBER 2020 TUESDAY. July 14, 2020. Stories, Photos & Videos.