If a sample of DNA contains 33 % adenine then it contains 33% thymine too. That means there will be G=T= 20/20%( make up 40% of the DNA) and and adenine= 30% … species. 21 22 There is equal amount of A=C and G=T in Double stranded DNA. So you know that adenine matches with thymine, meaning they would have the same percentage. View Test Prep - DNA Q from MEDI 5088 at Augusta University. Take, for instance, spirulina, a form of seaweed. 1. Answer 1: Organism Percentage of each base pair Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine Yeast 34% 16% 34% 16% Cow 29% 21% 29% 21% Answer 2 : a. 100% are made of A,G,C, or T. as we know ratio of adenine + cytosine / thymine + guanine is constant . If there is no initiation of DNA synthesis takes place then it indicates the mutation one more place of genetic mutation: i. Mutation occurs at ori site ii. And they are always in equal amounts too so, cytosine … The amount of guanine should be equaled to cytosine and the amount of adenine should be equaled to thymine. All of these percentages must add to 100%, so if cytosine is 22, guanine is also 22. The perecentage of guanine is 30% According to the Chargaff's rules the DNA from any cell of all organisms should have a 1:1 ratio (base Pair Rule) of purine bases [for the DNA cytosine, thymine and for the RNA uracil] and pyrimidine bases [guanine and adenine for RNA and DNA]. Adenine= 30%. Using the base-pair rules, complete the following table to show the percentage of each type of base in the five different organisms. I like to see <20% trub. This would leave 56% to adenine and thymine. Thymine would be 33 % and cytosine would be 17%. Thymine 29 Organism Human Cow Salmon Wheat Yeast STOP Adenine 31 28 27 31 Percentage of each type of base Guanine 22 Cytosine 21 TM POGIL Activities for High School Biology Also, guanine matches with cytosine meaning those two have the same percentage. Thiamin losses were high in sorghum and pigeon pea (40% to 70%) and lower in rice and chickpea (10% to 40%). The yeast is harvested, washed, and resuspended in water, where it undergoes autolysis, i.e., self-digestion using the yeast’s enzymes. Mutation in gene responsible for the synthesis of enzymes of DNA replication. So, that means guanine and cytosine are 34%. Foods high in thiamin include pork, fish, seeds, nuts, beans, green peas, tofu, brown rice, squash, asparagus, and seafood. If the sample you are checking is your yeast slurry, now is a good time to try to get a feel for the percentage of the slurry that is yeast and the percentage that is trub. (a) Table 1 shows the percentage of different bases in DNA from different organisms. Reddy and Pushpamma (1986) studied the effects of one year’s storage and insect infestation on the thiamin content of feeds. Wheat germ ranks second to yeast in thiamin concentrations. This should be fairly obvious when you view it under a microscope. Source of DNA Adenine % Guanine % Thymine A tablespoon of dried spirulina contains 0.17 mg of thiamine or 14.2% DV. if adenine is 18% then thymine will be also 18 % as they pair each other Adenine= Thymine (because they are paired together, they are in equal amounts) So, out of 100, adenine and thymine are 66% of nucleotides, which leaves 100-66=34. 20 Depending on the brand you use, 1.5 tablespoons of nutritional yeast has as much as 10 to 12 mg of thiamine – that is 833–1000% DV or 8 to 10 times your DV. Yeast cells should be round or oval in shape.