ThriftyFun is powered by your wisdom! Read on for tips on keeping rabbits out of the garden. Tomatoes, including cherry tomatoes, can make a tasty treat for your pet rabbit. Rabbits like to live in bushy fence rows or on the edge of fields. There are countless inter-related variables affecting what deer will eat in any given year. What is the Best Diet for a German Shepherd Puppy? Since there is always more than one rabbit, trapping is not a practical option. Best Answers. On the other hand, it is not suitable for rabbits of all ages, especially for baby rabbits. These garden pests are relatively neat eaters that will rip off chunks of leaves without leaving behind any jagged edges. Most rabbits will enjoy the taste, but they should only eat small pieces once a week or less. This need for fiber is also found in the pellets which are provided as commercial rabbit feed. In general they will not eat corn, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers or potatoes. The actual tomato fruit is safe for rabbits. There major problem is the lack of research into the matter. He currently lives with his wife & three guinea pigs in Texas. Tomato plants are also related to nightshade, and many parts of them are toxic to rabbits. Thanks for adding other food, not always sure what to give my bun buns. The most common varieties are red, but you can get them in different colors, from vibrant yellow to dark brown or even slightly purple. Iceberg lettuce and cucumber are not toxic for rabbits. Ripe tomatoes are most commonly red, but there are also orange, green and purple varieties available. Tomato plants. A sudden introduction of large quantities of fresh foods can unbalance their digestion and cause illness. This prevents it from setting fruit or may even kill the plant. Rabbits are fun pets to have but require specific knowledge on the animal, including dangerous plants, especially if your rabbit is allowed to roam about the yard. With their gnawing, rabbits can damage flowers, trees, shrubs and of course vegetables. Young rabbits are curious and tend to sample many plants, even ones reputed to be rabbit-resistant. All categories of plants are eaten by rabbits, including perennials, annuals, shrubs, tree seedlings, grasses, fruits and vegetables. This prevents it from setting fruit or may even kill the plant. But remember, tomato should only be given as a treat once every week or so. Can bunnies eat tomatoes? How Do You Know if a Rabbit Is Eating Your Garden? These may be because they are fattening, because they are toxic or because they aren't able to be digested. If you want to protect your precious tomato plants, you need to take action right away. In this AnimalWised article, we are going to discuss how tomatoes can be provided for a rabbit. The answer is yes and no. Dietary fiber keeps the rabbit's gastrointestinal system functioning properly and the physical roughage helps keep the rabbit's teeth healthy. While many confuse tomatoes as vegetables, they are actually a fruit. Red, juicy and delicious, tomatoes are a welcome addition to any salad. Thank you for your reply. If you want to read similar articles to Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?, we recommend you visit our Diet problems category. Are tomatoes good for rabbits? Tomatoes are: You can read more about the nutritional qualities of tomatoes in the table below: But before you start filling your bunny’s belly with tomatoes, make sure you’re aware of the health risks of tomatoes for rabbits: The first thing you need to consider is the serving size. But squirrels will eat them even when still green. Just a few of these variables include: population and overall health of the deer, weather conditions, geography and sources of food naturally available in surrounding woods and forested areas. Answer . Tomatoes do not contain much fiber. Rabbits love sugary fruit and will eat too much of it, which is bad for them. This doesn't mean they always should. Is there anything you can do? While there isn't anything toxic to rabbits in tomato fruit, you shouldn't give them too much. In general they will not eat corn, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers or potatoes. Remove any stalk which remains at the top of the tomato. Understand that planting rabbit-repelling plants isn’t a guaranteed solution because hungry rabbits are likely to eat almost anything. That’s why it’s essential to remove the stalk before giving your bunny any tomato, and to make sure they never consume any part of the tomato plant other than the fruit. However, eating tomatoes can also pose dangers to rabbits, as tomato plants are toxic to your furry friend. It is easy to assume that our cute little herbivorous friends will be up for any variety of fruit or vegetable in their diet. Marigolds, alyssums, ageratum, snapdragons, catnip, and strawflowers are examples of plants that repel rabbits. Rabbits do not have the same dietary requirements as most other domesticated animals, so we need to be aware of what they can and can’t eat. This can lead to bloating or other gastrointestinal problems. They are herbivores and derive this fiber from plants. The green part of the tomato plant contains poisons known as solanine and tomatine. Many members of this plant family contain potent alkaloids, and some are highly toxic. Rabbits, one of the most common animals that eat tomato plants, are a regular forager of gardens. I have had rabbits and raccoons take bites like that out of my tomatoes. How 'bout watermelons and beens? While there are some plants rabbits do not particularly like, they will eat anything if they get hungry enough. OK, so rabbits can eat tomatoes, but should they? Tomato plants and greens contain a poison that’s unhealthy for rabbits to eat. Rabbits need a diet which is high-in fiber and low in sugar and fat. Either way, they can lead to serious harm. Rabbits can eat tomatoes, but this doesn't mean they should. However, they are not good for them as they fill them up too much without providing much nutritional value. There has been some question over the veracity of tomato leaf toxicity. No. However, you’ll need to take care not to give your bunny too many of these delicious red fruits. Advertisement. Rabbits and humans do not have the same nutritional requirements. Rabbits do most of their feeding in the evening and early morning hours when you may not be able to keep a watchful eye on your garden. 0 0. Linked one below but Google "rabbit repellent" for links to many others. Tomato leaves are poisonous to rabbits. 14 Answers. Others, such as Harold McGee of the New York Times dispute this[2]. The supplementary food should be given as a treat when needed. However, as you know, rabbits should eat fruits in moderation, and despite the decades-old argument about whether tomatoes are a fruit or vegetable, they’re fruit enough that they aren’t good for bunnies. Rabbits do not tolerate sudden changes in their diet well. Brush rabbits, cottontails and jackrabbits can all be serious pests in your yard. Source: read more . First, let’s establish whether your plants are being eaten by rabbits or something else. Make sure you keep the leaves well away from your rabbit’s hutch. Although rabbits can eat tomatoes, they should not be fed stems, vines, leaves, and green unripe fruit of the tomato plant. 1 decade ago. However, there’s much debate over whether the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable. Tomato plants are toxic to rabbits and could potentially make your rabbit … Rabbits sniff a lot, so put aromatic plants, shrubs, and flowers in your garden. Even if your rabbit won't die from them, the leaves will not taste very good. Once again, tomato leaves are toxic to rabbits. Rabbits prefer young, tender shoots and are particularly fond of lettuce, beans, and broccoli. Can Rabbits Eat Apples (With Skin, Cores,…)? Here are some tips when feeding tomatoes to rabbits: According to the FEDIAF which represents the European food industry, rabbits do not generally need much vitamin C as they can synthesize it from glucose[1]. But they do make commercial garden rabbit repellents. Add your voice! When people ask that can rabbits eat tomatoes, we will say yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes but only in small amounts. If you have a garden, where tomato plants are, make sure your rabbit doesn’t have access there. Although different varietals of tomato have varying levels of acid and/or natural sugars, they all share similar core characteristics. As long as they are eating the fruit only and they are not contaminated, they should be fine for a rabbit’s diet. Yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes. Plant material like tomatoes contain water which will fill the rabbit up without giving them much benefit. Can Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants? There are some foods which are actually toxic to your rabbit and need to be avoided at all costs. What Do Rabbits Eat In The Wild? Rabbits need a diet high in fiber and low in sugar, so tomatoes don’t have the same health benefits for bunnies that they hold for humans. They can strip the leaves and flowers off a tomato plant. I want to start a garden but we have rabbits in our yard and I don't know if they will eat our tomatoes or not, will they eat... Keeping Rabbits Out of Your Garden - That said, tomatoes can offer a range of important nutrients and health benefits to rabbits. No. Tomato plants are toxic to rabbits and could potentially make your rabbit very sick. Also ... i think it's dried deer blood. Rabbits eat many garden plants when the plants are young, tender and vulnerable to damage. Again, only in moderation. Aj~ Lv 5. It’s a good idea to grow these plants around the edge of your garden with the plants that rabbits like inside. Leafy greens and celery are some of the other vegetables that are safe to feed to your rabbit. Above all, we need to know which foods are poisonous to rabbits. While tomatoes do offer some health benefits for rabbits, they also have a high sugar content and can cause an upset stomach. We need to remove the stalk of the tomato because any leafy green part is potentially poisonous. The list below shows the plants in our garden that the rabbits have left alone. There is no way it is a bird as the wouldn’t be able to get in or out of the net. I want to start a garden but we have rabbits in our yard and I don't know if they will eat our tomatoes or not, will they eat Cucumber? - Nut Tolerance in Canines, Poisonous Foods for Rabbits - Full List of Toxic Food, Wash the tomato thoroughly so it is free of pesticides. They eat a lot of hay which contains a lot of fiber. Use it as a way to bond, but don't overfeed the rabbit just because they are responding positively. These hungry nibblers will find their way into your garden at night and eat your lettuce and other edible goodies. In this case, building a fence around your garden is recommended. However, rabbits which are stressed might benefit from it, so tomatoes can be used to boost a sad bunny's spirits. Don’t feed excess tomatoes to your pet rabbits because these fruits may cause various health problems. The leaves and stems contain solanines and are poisonous to rabbits in large quantities. Alternatively, spray your plants with raw eggs, which has a smell that rabbits dislike. It is safe for Rabbit’s to eat tomatoes. The green part of the tomato plant contains poisons known as solanine and tomatine. There was 100% mortality in higher does and lower doses and abnormalities in all groups[3]. Pet rabbits eat up to 30 times per day, so they need a steady supply of food. But are they a welcome addition to your pet rabbit’s diet? 1, 2, 3, Click to attach a photo related to your comment. How something is eating 1/2 a tomato at a time. In short, yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes in small amounts. However, does the same go for rabbits? In the vegetable garden rabbits prefer peas, beans and beets. No. Can Rabbits Eat Tomato Plants and Fruit? In addition to the aforementioned exclusion and repelling tactics, the last trick is the kindest one: to grow food specifically for rabbits and other wildlife to eat. This is because their teeth need to be worn down to prevent overgrowth. They are mostly water and don't have a lot of nutrition. When we think of an appropriate diet for rabbits, we need to be considerate of both their eating habits and how different foods can affect their health. One reason why many of us pick them early and let them finish ripening on the kitchen counter. Start with a plot 10’ by 10’ and stock it with nutritious fare rabbits love: clover, alfalfa, carrots, beets, radish, lettuce, endive, watercress, and … Rabbits And Tomatoes. Steven is the guy behind SmallPetJournal. Many tomato plants have rough, fuzzy leaves that have a bitter taste. There are some foods, however, which need to be avoided by rabbits. Yes rabbits eat anything I had a rabbit that ate my shower curtain so I wouldn't be surprise if it ate your fruits and vegetables try building a fence. cabbage, spinach, carrot leaves, kale), Dark leaf lettuce (e.g. Rabbits need a lot of fiver which is why they should be given a constant supply of hay. Click below to answer. Rabbits can eat tomatoes, but only as a treat since this fruit is high in sugars. Hardiness Zone: 6a By Laura McCormick from Rochester, NY. ;) Don't know if the dog hair will work but it might be worth a try. This can lead to them ignoring their necessary nutrition. They usually work under the cover of darkness. Required fields are marked *. Flowers they like to nibble include gazanias, marigolds, pansies, and petunias. However, you should only ever give ripe tomato to your pet rabbit as a treat. Rabbits should never be fed avocado, fruit pips, or rhubarb. This fiber is beneficial for two main reasons. They will need about 20 g of pellets a day. However, a study was released in 2011 where chick embryos were injected with tomato leaf extraction. As a result, they should only ever be given in moderation. Can rabbits eat tomatoes is Googled an average of 5400 times a month. However, there is enough evidence to suggest they should be avoided and high amounts may at the very least lead to digestive problems. Tomatoes are not toxic to rabbits, but they do contain nutrients which need to … They can strip the leaves and flowers off a tomato plant. The first step is to determine if it is rabbits eating your garden by looking at the evidence. Understanding a rabbit's nutrition is fundamental to their well-being. Why Does My Cat Always Want Me to Watch Her Eat? Do rabbits eat tomato plants? onion). Cut the tomato into small chunks. The problem arises when we think about the amount of tomatoes a rabbit can eat. I think it’s either an opossum or rats/mice. Here are the plants rabbits avoid eating Relevance. He has six years of experience keeping small pets, from guinea pigs, rabbits, to hedgehogs. Your email address will not be published. Although rabbits are herbivores, there are certain plants they won’t eat. To keep rabbits out of your garden organically, try spraying your plants with a repellent made from water, dish soap, hot sauce, and garlic cloves. The best way to spot a rabbit is to put a camera with night vision in a corner of the garden. About the size of one cherry tomato is sufficient. This post may contain affiliate links. While tomatoes make a tasty treat for rabbits, the leaves might not. The reason for this is that the tomato plant is part of the nightshade family. You should only give Rabbits tomatoes (or any other fruit or veg for that matter) once a day. Rabbits do most of their feeding in the evening and early morning hours when you may not be able to keep a watchful eye on your garden. Eating them will not cause any direct harm, but the indirect consequence is that feeding them too many tomatoes will result in not getting enough of the correct nutrition. More specifically they are a type of berry which grows on the vine. Rabbits feed on beans throughout the growing season. This is not to say they are bad for you and they do carry small amounts of vitamin C. They are low in protein and fat, but do have some carbohydrate content. It is likely that your rabbit will not die from eating a small amount of tomato leaves. What can I do to keep rabbits from eating my tomatoes and other vegetables that I have planted around my house . Tomato fruit, however, is not toxic and can be given to rabbits as a treat. However, we are not able to conclude that by default the tomato plant is toxic for all rabbits. romaine, watercress, rocket), All plants which grow from bulbs (e.g. Can rabbits eat tomatoes? Eating sweet, juicy tomatoes fresh off the vine is one of the benefits of growing your own garden. Since we know that rabbits can eat tomatoes in small portions, how do they fit into the normal rabbit diet? Some have said that alkaloids present in the leaves, such as tomatine, are the danger. To keep rabbits from destroying your garden, you will need a combination of repellents, diversions, and barriers. Fruit and vegetables rabbits should avoid include: There are other foods which rabbits need to avoid such as chocolate and bread. You can prepare tomato for your bunny by completing the following steps: You can give tomato on its own as a treat, or feed it along with other fruits and veggies that supplement the hay in your bunny’s diet. Answer Save. Rabbits can eat tomatoes in small quantities on occasion. to your furry little buddy. Usually the rabbits prefer very young tomato plants or just nibble a few low-hanging leaves on older plants. Rabbits and tomatoes. Yes. Rabbit Resistant Plants. However, be aware that the presence of raw eggs may attract ants and other pests. Do not feed the pips, stones, plants etc of fruits unless otherwise stated, as most of the time they are poisonous! Deterring Rabbits in Our Garden This way, you will keep the rabbits from eating all the vegetables in your garden. This is because they are either considered toxic or they contain high amounts of nutrients which are bad for them. The good news is that tomatoes are safe for rabbits to eat, including cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes and other tomato varieties. To learn what garden plants are harmful to rabbits, click this article. So you’ve planted plants that rabbits won’t eat, but the little critters are still making a meal of the other goodies in your garden. Tomatoes are not one such food. Some tomatoes disappeared from our garden and mom saw some other rabbits come the other day, and we pieced it together, but we're not sure that rabbits eat tomatoes … Their sharp incisors most often leave a near-perfect, 45-degree angled cut in the stem. Just for the sake of your rabbit, I'd avoid feeding the leaves to him. While humans might think of tomatoes as a healthy food, they are a non-nutritious treat for rabbits. In botanical terms, it’s considered a fruit, thanks to the fact that it forms from a flower and has seeds. Your email address will not be published. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t give your bunny a tomato treat every now and then. We'll also look at the rabbit's general diet and nutritional needs as well as other fruit and veggies they can have. If eaten in large quantities, they can cause serious health problems for your furry friend. Here are some foods which can be incorporated into a rabbit's diet: These foods should be incorporated into your rabbit's diet as treats, with some being worse than others. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ab574f4176f3e9c6c52bf28e2029d558" );document.getElementById("gfeb612c46").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); SmallPetJournal is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, or Remove the stalk and any other parts of the plant that may be attached. Cute as they are, rabbits can do a lot of damage in the garden. I have a Dog but I don't know if that will help much. Leafy greens (e.g. Ask u'r local garden place. The tomato is the fruit of the Solanum Lycopersicum plant. Plants Rabbits Won’t Eat in my Garden . Yes, they can eat the fruit part, but in moderate amounts only. All parts of the tomato plant are mildly poisonous, so do not give the leaves, stems, flowers etc. They are useful for humans as they can be used in a variety of dishes and do provide some antioxidant properties. A slice or two, or a single cherry tomato, is the most you should ever give to your bunny. Yes, rabbits can eat tomatoes. To do this, we need not only to ask can rabbits eat tomatoes?, but we need to look at what rabbits need to eat to keep them as happy and healthy as possible. The baby rabbits digestive system is very sensitive. You shouldn't give the rabbit much more than about a square inch of tomato. Favourite answer. Copyright © 2018 - 2020 Native to South America, it’s rich in vitamin C, potassium and an antioxidant known as lycopene. In the vegetable garden rabbits prefer peas, beans and beets. They’re also impressive jumpers, so they can get into areas you wouldn’t expect. Can Dogs Eat Almonds? We have a fence, too. So if you’re looking for a tasty snack to give to your rabbit as a treat, you might already have a few of them sitting in your fridge. You should also note that tomato leaves, stems and plants can be toxic to rabbits and must be avoided. By Becca J [2 Posts, 28 Comments] July 23, 2010 0 found this helpful. Instead, introduce new foods one at a time in small portions so it is easy to isolate a particular type if it upsets your rabbit's digestion. They have been known to eat things they shouldn't and it can be easy for a rabbit to eat the leafy green part of a tomato thinking it is beneficial. ... First the birds were pecking them so I put a net all around my garden. Fruits should be fed in moderation due to sugar content (up to 2 tablespoons worth per day). You should only give Rabbit’s a handful of tomatoes (or fruit and veg in general) at a time. Equally, they range in size from grape like cherry tomatoes to giant beefsteak tomatoes which can rival your bunny in height and width. Do rabbits eat tomato plants? Feeding too much tomato can cause digestive problems for your furry friend, so don’t over-do it. Yes tomatoes are perfectly safe for rabbits to eat as an occasional treat, but be sure to remove the seeds before giving it to them. If you want to give tomato to your rabbit, do it as a rare snack. This fruit is not dangerous or toxic to rabbits, but it isn’t necessarily the most nutritious snack. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. It is sort of the bunny equivalent of eating too much cake and spoiling your dinner. All varieties of tomatoes are safe, like red, yellow and cherry.,,, A Homemade Diet for Dogs with Kidney Failure. My Dog Won't Eat Dry Food, What Can I Do? It can be frustrating, and nothing seems to repel them once they acquire a taste for tomatoes or pepper plants except swift traveling lead pellets. I been finding holes in my tomatoes and seen rabbits in my yard a lot lately. whether the tomato is a fruit or a vegetable, vegetables that are safe to feed to your rabbit, Top 8 Giant Rabbit Breeds That Make Great Pets, How to Keep Your Rabbits Warm This Winter. However, eating tomatoes can also pose dangers to rabbits, as tomato plants are toxic to your furry friend. He will probably eat those plants, which can be fatal. Dave. Not really, because the the tomato plant is poisonous to rabbits. Remove the seeds as they provide no benefit. 11. With their gnawing, rabbits can damage flowers, trees, shrubs and of course vegetables. Even worse, a rabbit will eat this plant, due to the fact they can find it in the nature. Salvia; Diosma; California Lilac; Rosemary; Marguerite daisy (large bush) Geraniums; Lavender; Aloes; Nandina (sacred bamboo) Yukkas; Rock rose; Irises; Butterfly grass; Primrose Jasmine ; Agapanthus; Conifers . And does anyone know a good way to keep bunny's out of your garden? I've had them repeatedly eat dwarf tomato plants down to next to nothing. One very reliable sign of marauding rabbits is when you see the area scattered with coarse, round, fecal pellets—the scat (poop) of rabbits. marigolds work. Yes, they can. But due to the way it tastes, it’s treated more like a vegetable in the culinary world. Unfortunately, these adorable fuzzy-tailed mammals also have a voracious appetite, which is why it helps to know which plants rabbits won’t eat. Which fruits can rabbits eat? It’s also important that you never feed your pet any part of the tomato plant other than the fruit. Although rabbits will eat numerous plants in the garden and landscape, they particularly enjoy beans, peas (Pisum sativum) and carrots (Daucus carota). They’ve also been known to eat the fruit and seedlings as well, usually during the evening, night, and early morning. Rabbits also tend to eat on the tomato plants and can easily cut down the entire vine. Wild rabbits know not to eat these parts of plants, but domestic rabbits may not have the same instincts. The first step is to figure out whether there are rabbits in or around the area. The exception is green/unripe ones.