A stress-free guppy always lives a healthy and happy life. While compatibility charts will typically avoid this problems, some fish will simply break the norm and be far above their normal aggressive level. Kids need to know ways to safely stand up to bullying and how to get help. If your guppy is only suffering from mild fin rot, then you won’t need to do too much. The males spend a lot of time chasing them, wanting to mate as many times as they can. Neale Monks has some advice for a reader who's concerned about possible tension between his male guppies. Marrow (my guppy) I thought was a bully. Stress can lead to health issues in your guppies. When setting up your guppy aquarium, no aquarist pictures their tank overstocked with fish or unwanted fry. How to Stop Guppy Fish from Breeding? Usually, the males will pester the smallest female. the responsibility of the community to stop and prevent bullying by building powerful coalitions around the victim. More females mean less competition among males. It also means less aggressive behavior. Here are the steps you’ll need to take. With no females, he will never stop. No doubt, this question is the key. He isn't bullying and is not aggressive. Avoid Sudden Temperature Change And if the fin rot has been caused by bullying, then it’s also going to stop your guppy getting their fins nipped. Ideally, this won’t happen. Bullying in the tank. Kids who know what bullying is can better identify it. Help Kids Understand Bullying. This is exactly correct regarding the guppy. With a Betta, you can change things and control territorial behavior, but Mr Guppy is not looking for territory. Or, separate the aggressive guppy. Q. I have a 65 l./14 gal fully cycled aquarium, containing four male Blue guppies. He is attempting to mate with the other fish. Male-only guppy tanks are ok but if aggression and bullying start, try to add some females. Encourage kids to speak to a trusted adult if they are bullied or see others being bullied. Is there nicks in the tail and is the bully lifting the ventral fins? It will stop when one of the antagonists gives way. Female guppies can be choosy about who they want to mate with. In this situation it is best to: Remove the bully from the tank How To Stop Guppies From Fighting? I had 5 males in a 5 gallon, sometimes what we think wasn't actually the truth. I put Marrow in time out for a few days when I put him back he decided to nip an otto but was happily chase my female guppy. If all attempts to stop bullying have failed then your fish may just be too aggressive for it’s tank mates. The male will be completely focused on the end game and it will take a lot of time and energy for the female to fend him off. When viewed from the outside, this behavior can seem like bullying, but this particular behavior has gainful purpose and is usually short-lived. Keep a ratio of one male guppy for every three female guppies. It's what guppies do, all day long. Bullying is a sustained behavior which really has no purpose other than to intimidate or harm another hen. How To Treat Mild Fin Rot In Guppies. You can save your guppies from death by providing them favorable living conditions. 8. They can talk about bullying if it happens to them or others. Usually, guppies get stressed due to unfavorable habitat, low water quality, bullying, illness, or even loud noises.