Max Effort Training for Sport Athletes Athletes need to be strong, there is NO question about it. Because the ME method is so taxing on the body, it is recommended that athletes only perform this method for one upper body movement and one lower body movement per week. Rather, the sets are determined by how high the athlete climbs in weight for that particular day. Below is an example of how to incorporate the ME upper body method into an athlete’s total body training session. For example, a typical max effort session is seven to eight total reps after you warm up with a bar. These muscle fibers are also known as fast twitch muscle fibers and play a huge role in athletic ability. Here are a few scenarios where that may be the case as well as what you can do to fill in the gaps where the max effort method would be. And always perform the movement first in the workout. When an athlete trains with heavier weights they see favorable adaptations within their muscle and nervous system. Shop: @eliteftsFacebook: #programming With all the fads and gimmicks, some athletes think they need a program of all speed or all agility, and they believe they are “strong enough”. This is especially true as the athlete climbs closer to their MTW. We are also able to convert a small amount of non type II muscle to these fast twitch muscle fibers allowing us to become more powerful and explosive. Rather, the sets are determined by how high the athlete climbs in weight for that particular day. In this article I will do just that. People also believe, wrongfully, that the max effort method is all about working up to a maximum lift for one rep. Not true. It is much easier to lift heavier weights when using lower repetitions. While that article goes into the explanation of WHY athletes need to train for strength, I did not discuss HOW athletes should train for strength. We are a participant in the Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. The athlete will start with a lighter load and gradually increase the weight with each subsequent set until they reach the heaviest weight they can lift for that specific rep. range (I will go into more detail on sets/reps later in the article). As the athlete nears their MTW it may require up to 3-5 minutes for full recovery. The purpose of max effort and dynamic effort is to use high force production to better your ability to use the muscle you already have. All rights reserved. A motor unit consists of muscle fibers and the nerve that innervates (or controls) them. Generally, every 4-5 weeks an athlete may need to replace the ME movement with another similar (yet less intense) movement pattern. For those of you not familiar with Louie, he is the founder of Westside Barbell, a gym that produces some of the strongest powerlifters in the world. I will explain the main method I use with my athletes to help improve their maximal strength. Visit his website to get more info on what he has to offer for you: I tell our athletes that once the weight starts to feel heavy and bar speed becomes slower, to make the jumps more gradual. As stated earlier when performing the ME method, the athlete start out with a lighter load and gradually increase weight until they reach their maximal training weight (MTW). Strength is the backbone to our program as it is essential when it comes to developing all other athletic qualities such as … As a rule of thumb, athletes with less training experience can often get away with performing the same movement for a longer period of time while still seeing gains. Again, when programming ME methods into an athlete’s training program it is important to put them at the beginning of the training session. Remember the goal is to climb to heaviest weight as possible for that particular movement. More specifically, this type of training will increase type II muscle recruitment as well as increase more total motor units. The ME method is fairly simple, yet extremely effective. This is not the case. This helps to increase efficiency in the weight room. Also, perform the ME lower movement and ME upper movement on different training days. Again, when performing the ME method the idea is to lift HEAVY weights. It […] The max effort method is considered by many coaches and athletes as being the superior method of strength development. Lifting with maximal weight allows favorable adaptations to take place within the muscle and nervous system of the athlete. The max effort method builds the inter and intra muscular coordination, technical efficiency at heavy weights, and psychological strength. As the athlete nears their MTW it may require up to 3-5 minutes for full recovery. I’ve touched on the Max Effort Method (ME) in the past but it requires a re-visit because it is a differentiation in most training programs. Perform one upper and one lower ME movement per week, but not on the same day. Heavy lifting and struggling take guts. Training Day 3 – Dynamic Effort Method, Lower Body; Training Day 4 – Dynamic Effort Method, Upper Body Note: 72 hours of rest is needed between Max Effort and Dynamic Effort days for Lower Body or Upper Body for optimum recovery. We’re committed to serving as your most trustworthy athlete resource, on your sport and fitness journey. Here’s an example of an athlete using the ME method for the squat. The name implies what it actually is. Typically the lower the rep range the greater the strength gains. The best way around this three-week barrier is to switch the exercises used for the max effort method … Perform one upper and one lower ME movement per week, but not on the same day. When using the ME method we keep the repetitions on the lower end. The weight that they reach for that particular day … When incorporating the ME method into your training program, there are a couple of guidelines to follow. Zatsiorsky explains that the maximum effort method consists of lifting loads that are in the 90-100% range. For athletes, the maximal effort method has been glorified for the wrong reasons. There is no set amount of time between sets. Another important, and often overlooked, reason to train with heavy weights is because it better trains the nervous system. Any sporting event that involves speed, quickness, and explosion will rely heavily on these Type II muscle fibers. This article is intended to explain what the maximal effort method is, why it works, and how to employ it. Because of this it is important for athletes to properly train it. This is best accomplished first thing in the training session. According to Vladimir Zatsiorsky, “The method of maximal effort is considered superior for improving both intramuscular and intermuscular coordination.” When an athlete trains with heavier weights they see favorable adaptations within their muscle and nervous system. Then perform relevant accessory work. Both of these will lead to a stronger and more powerful athlete. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. W  I  N  N  I  N  G     S  T  A  R  T  S     H  E  R  E  . What this means is that the athlete should not be performing ME squats for 12 straight weeks. The maximal effort method involves an athlete performing a compound movement (think squats, bench press, etc) while gradually working up to the heaviest load that they can perform that day for the desired repetition range. Maximal-Effort Bench: Work up to a 1- to 2-rep max with a different bar or method (Duffalo bar, floor press, or close grip). The method that I am referring to is known as the maximal effort method. An example would be replacing ME bench press with push-ups for higher repetitions. For squatting, use 50- 60% with a method of accommodating resistance. Always put ME training at the beginning of your training session.