My heart broke for them then and now because God gives us new life, the resurrection life of Christ in salvation! Although he did teach SOME things biblically "A little leaven leavens the whole lump". Our Address is: 1st Floor, 15 Park Rd, SEVEN HILLS NSW 2147 Ph 02 9838 7778 One does not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that Prince was a charlatan. Subscribe to this RSS feed. I was a part of a religious commune from 1968 through 1971. Gather Together to Give Thanks - Derek Prince (December-23-2020). It would be good if you could point out my error scripturally Jerry rather than continually repeating that I am wrong. The scriptures tell us that we are a new creation and blessed, not cursed - we cannot be both at the same time! Dear Treena, Thanks so much for this article, for the last few days I have been binge watching Derek Prince on YouTube. Are you seeing the necessity to open up your spirit to Him in a greater way. Thank you Natalie. But overall, Jesus died for us and we should go directly to Him for forgiveness of sin and repentance. When something bad happens to someone it is not because they are cursed. Derek Prince opisuje jednu od dobrobiti koju čovjek prima kada upozna Boga kao Oca. But what happens when God's Kingdom comes? On the contrary. Paul himself said that he suffered from a "thorn in (his) side" - here was a man who was actively serving and suffering for the Lord Jesus Christ, yet was being demonically oppressed. 1.800.448.3261 Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; Youtube; ECFA; Pinterest; Powered by Endis Low Graphics Copyright T&Cs Privacy Help The official Derek Prince Ministries application for the iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and Android devices & Kindle Fire. You can also look at Derek Prince series on the book of Psalms. Possession is of the soul; oppression is of the flesh. Subscribe to this RSS feed. It is a thorough initiation into the six elementary principles of the Christian life found in Hebrews 6:1-3. Definition: I am possessed, am under the power of an evil-spirit or demon. Really, checkout the video above and see that he believes that:1. one must maintain their salvation via works2. Israel is an important part of our faith: in our prayers and confessions. He gave a partial list of the things they said and DP described the things they said as the false teachings that those particular demons were in charge of deceiving people with. YouTube. Similarly, I believe the Lord when He "beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven" saw this event happen outside of time, yet it WAS at the precise time of His crucifixion that Satan was defeated, John 12.31, and this happened before the beginning of time, Rev 13.8!I think many are too ready to blame demons for every disaster, forgetting that we are "drawn away of OUR OWN lust" James 1.14. When I first became a christian I thought he was really good. Sanctification is a lifelong journey and we can never expect perfection. For "the servant is not above his Lord" Matthew 10.34.The Bible tells us in NO uncertain terms that the "wheat and tares" (true and false believers) will grow together until the harvest (Matthew 13.30) and so it will be.Keep up the good work and God Bless. I wouldn't trust anything from the Bevere's, Joyce Meyer or anything supporting Derek Prince Ministries. I can believe his experience, but on the flip side meaning that the demons were actually calling out truths they suppress instead of lies they taught3. Now I know the truth I would warn people not to get involved with this ministry. Derek Prince's Secret Battle with Depression… and How He Overcame! I have my doubts about someone who goes correcting God's inerrent, perfect, word. Christians are instructed to turn the other cheek. Parts of his teaching are provably unscriptural, particularly demonology and curses. My experience of people who were involved in satanism or witchcraft, the "deliverance" process can take much time and needs these class of people need constant love and prayer support with lots of encouragement to be built up on the Word of God.Actually in 39 years of being a born again, spirit-filled Christian, I've rarely seen someone who was fully possessed. Amongst other dubious statements, in several instances Prince promotes the mystic idea of transubstantiation. SORRY but I disagree with your logic on the meaning of 'Demonized vs Possessed. Our first authority are the scriptures, not the machinations of Derek Prince who obviously had no knowledge of the subject in which professed to be an "expert", as demonstrated in his inability to recognise demon possession in unbelievers. Definition: I am possessed, am under the power of an evil-spirit or demon. Thank you also for speakers no out against false teachers. Some believe in the doctrine of "generational bondage" for example. Walter Veith is a Seventh Day Adventist. Diseases of the Tongue (2) Friday, 2/5/2021. Thank you for your post. In that he mentioned that he drinks and he gave an example of drinking the previous night to a meeting and was having a hangover. Atonement, Pt 2: A Divinely Ordained Exchange/Forgiveness & … His non-denominational, non-sectarian approach has made his teaching equally relevant and helpful to people from all racial and religious backgrounds. No one who is truly born again can be cursed by generational curses. Thank God you were unscathed by it. To knowingly have idols is to give some credence to the evil behind them. As for Luther, he subscribed to the occult, praised Alchemy and was closely associated with the early Rosicrucian movement. I do, however, present that a backslider can be severely OPPRESSED; since he has given in to the flesh and is no longer utilizing the "weapons of our warfare".Your statement that, "a person who is a Christian and who is and following the Lord cannot be demonically possessed because Christ has set him/her free" is a dangerous comment, if you are actually talking about OPPRESSION. Derek Prince Ministries (October 8, 2018) - Clothed in Righteousness. it was always my fault, I was told I had the spirit of rejection and control as I would not submit to authority and I needed to repent of that. Derek Prince Ministries (October 8, 2018) - Clothed in Righteousness. Yep, agree with Anon.An unsaved person can be both possessed and oppressed.But if a person gets "properly" born again, then the Holy Spirit is the seal and becomes at one with our human spirit. This can open the lid to some to understand how subtle things can creep in and disturb us. 28Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. I was also a victim of the shepherding movement, almost to the point of suicide. I listened to Derek Prince, but was never comfortable, in particular with his blessing/curses teaching. Brown, 1:453 “be possessed by a demon” TDNT, ed. This unofficial website Derek Prince Sermons Online is on a mission to bring closure to you all Sermons, devotions, inspirational messages, Derek Prince Ministries live stream, services, videos, the best of 2020 messages and videos and all latest updates pertaining to Godliness.