Ask them to share their thoughts. A little empathy is sometimes enough to get someone to open up and unburden themselves." There are many spells to control someone’s mind that exist. All you need to do is set a high standard for something and give them a little time. It isn’t always easy to recognize the signs of mental and emotional abuse. Someone he respects. Know when to get into someone’s head and when to stay out. And equality doesn’t mean you are each in control equally all the time. As we’ve already discussed, the more stressed you are, the less likely you are to hear from your subconscious or intuition. These tactics are also used to control civilian populations. He wants an EQUAL. Rather, having the skill to keep on understanding people gives you power. It is not your ability to read a person’s mind that gives you great power with people – that is a skill we all have. A lot of guys (who come up to the Baltimore Lair) are interested in learning one thing – how to manipulate a woman’s mind. Psychological abuse involves attempts to frighten, control, or isolate you. ... A lot of us know that, to get someone to do you a big favor, you ask them to do a little favor first. If you find out that she's into partying, instead of admiring her wild streak and glamorizing her even more, turn her into a bit of a joke by thinking "she is a drunken mess, even worse than I was when I discovered alcohol in my teens. How pitiful." Look for clues into someone’s personality by paying attention to characteristics and verbiage. Not to get you in your head, but what your hands are doing in a conversation conveys a lot of information. How to Convince Someone. Someone who prefers to be dominant, for example, might have an overly firm handshake, says Miner. There are many ways to manipulate someone’s mind. If you want to know more, read on and I’ll show you one of these very spells. Legend has it that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to win over a man who didn’t like him. Bottom line? In the military, psychological warfare is used to deceive and dissuade the enemy. Key 2: Relax and get into the vibe of appreciation. Match their type of reasoning -- if they're being emotional, appeal to their emotions; if they're relying on logic, be logical. when things get rough. Related: 7 Trust-Building Tips To Use In Your Business Start telling the story. Trick: Get someone to do a favor for you—also known as the Benjamin Franklin effect. He asked the man to lend him a rare book and when the book was received he thanked him graciously. Want to change someone's mind while pretending to encourage them? But like someone he can look up to, someone he can respect, someone who’s ‘got his back’. Understanding is after all the purpose of peering into someone’s mind. It means sometimes he’s the strong one and sometimes you are. Yes, even the most innocent, well-meaning average frustrated chump (AFC) would tell me in private that he would somehow want a surefire method to … Get them to lower their guard with a genuine compliment. Pose a counter-argument (without making them defensive).