Tips for Creating Vendor Risk-Assessment Questionnaires. In the verbal reasoning test you will be presented with a short passage of text which you’ll be required to interpret before answering questions on. Everything starts with a short, screening interview. These are typically in the ‘True, False, Cannot Say’ multiple-choice format, although there are a range of alternatives too. Example Questions; These examples give you an idea of the type of assessments you may be asked to complete when applying for a job. Objective Management Group, Inc. is the pioneer and industry leader in sales force evaluations and sales candidate screening. More Buy. While other assessment companies validate using Face Validity (appears to test for what they say it does) or Construct Validity (findings are consistent with what they say they are testing for), OMG uses Predictive Validity (must correlate to on the job performance). This can be done through a healthy diet or daily exercise and a good night’s sleep. Do you have any sales assessment questions that you find helpful? (Teamwork & communication), 2. This first intervew … Home » Blog » Tips » 10 Sales Assessment Test Questions to Ask All New Hires, by Archie Heinl | May 8, 2017 | Tips | 1 comment. Use the SSaPP to gain insights into every sales person's unique profile. What motivates you in work? Was it a lack of energy? Unlike an interview, which usually only digs just beneath the surface, a sales assessment test evaluates a new hire’s overall competency and give managers insight into where that employee’s strengths and weaknesses are, which teams they might work best on, and which clients might be a good fit. the 6 step sales hiring process we discussed the importance of using a sales candidate assessment. (Teamwork & communication), 3. Besides money, what motivates you as a salesperson? In your previous role, how did your daily activities improve your company’s bottom line? The test results will give the company an indication of how close a match the candidate taking the test will be to the company's hiring specifications. 1. That’s a good thing, though, because it means there are many questions you can ask to dig below the surface in each competency area. Verbal reasoning tests assess your understanding and comprehension skills. Instead of asking generic questions, a sales assessment seeks to create an employee profile based on eight areas of development or aptitude: As you can see, the categories are pretty broad. The rules around which sales assessment questions to ask and which not to are pretty loose. Data analyst excel test for interviews helps employers to assess the analytical skills of candidates while working on excel. (Sales strategy & forecasting), 8. For the self-assessment questions, indicate the degree to which the given statements apply to you. Do … Integrity Test. In time, and with the right amount of practice, you should see an improvement in your results and feel confident on the day of your assessment. The challenge is ensuring that the questions you ask elicit meaningful answers. A Behavioral Styles Assessment vs. OMG's Express Screen. For each scenario, answer according to how you would most likely behave in a similar situation. Instead, ask a situational question that demonstrates how the new hire would handle a conflict. Express Screening. By using the MSP, you can profile an employee's skills pertaining to his or her ability to perform a managerial role. Keep in mind that a sales assessment test is designed to learn about someone you expect to succeed. Write down, or have a former co-worker or boss write down, your weaknesses in the sales arena that you will need to focus on. (Personality type). Employers that conduct assessment testing may do so before a prospect even comes in for an interview, or after candidates have passed an initial screening process. Read more about the interview process at American Express. The goal is to learn in a short period what might otherwise take months to figure out. Prepare yourself, explore our tests and find out what to expect. What’s most important is that you stick to the categories above. In your last role, how did your attitude and behavior help your team move towards a goal? Sales Skills Test. The IBM IPAT test includes 20 questions mixed between fractions, ratios, speed-distance-time, basic algebra and Conversions of measurements and weights. If the firm you’re applying for has an assessment centre, it may involve psychometric tests, interviews, group exercises, case studies and presentations. They may need to take a hard look at the online pre-screening assessment tests, which may be inadvertently costing the company highly skilled and talented future employees. The sales aptitude test is generally along the lines of a sales personality test though you can expect to answer questions relating to the specific knowledge of job skills, along with skills that are inherent in the sales profession. Have you got what it takes to work within a sales environment driven by targets? Watch free screencasts of our assessments. In your last role, how did your attitude and behavior help your team move towards a goal? Where do you see yourself in five years time? If you try to game the test it will lead to inconsistent answers and that will raise red flags and then you won’t have a very good chance at a good score. What are your interactions like? By using our website you agree with our Either way, familiarize yourself with the company’s products or services and know what it is looking for from a sales representative. Shared on June 18, 2018 - Commercial Business Consultant - Phoenix, AZ. Join the conversation in the comments, and share your ideas with your colleagues. It’s the first test I have done in preparation for an interview, and I found it very helpful. The numerical reasoning test assesses your ability to evaluate, analyze and interpret numerical information that will be provided to you in charts, graphs, and tables. It’s important to practice numerical reasoning tests before you take the exams to improve your accuracy and the speed at which you can answer the questions. You will receive 2.15 minutes to answer each question with questions ranging in difficulty from advanced down to novice. Invited to take part in an online assessment? Was it information that you didn’t have in order to get unstuck? Tests. We’ll add your criteria to our own validated criteria for a successful salesperson in … Share. How often do you check in with current clients over the course of a year? “Where do you see yourself in five years?” “What was your last manager like?” “Why are you looking for a new role?” The answers may be somewhat helpful in the hiring process, but they have little to do with an actual sales assessment. Test potential offerings using SurveyMonkey Audience, which gives you access to millions of respondents similar to your target audiences.