The best George Carlin quotes for a good laugh . It enables discrimination. Could it be that these same assholes fucked over so many Americans for so many years that these same Americans had no problem voting for the OrangeMan? And here's George. That’s the reason why the corporate media must continue to go full-tilt against the risk to their enterprise/owners: You know, like the Chinese do. Director: Rocco Urbisci | Stars: George Carlin, Jon Stewart, Johnny Carson, Sinbad. 13. YOU DON’T. They don’t want well-informed, well-educated people capable of critical thinking. Make no mistake, it is constant warfare now and has been ever since Trump was elected. If you don't align with what our overlords want you to believe, well, you're basically a Nazi according to the blue checkmarks on Twitter. It’s A Big Club, And You Ain’t In It – George Carlin December 15, 2015 Michael Patrick McCarty 3 Comments Some call this short video clip below the best three-minute stand up comedy routine of George Carlin’s long and illustrious career. The table is tilted, folks. George on George Original Air Date: September 30, 2003. Apparently not, because you're the one promoting this authoritarian Big Lie and undoubtedly you believe your own bullshit. Speech doesn’t pull the trigger, but does anyone seriously doubt that such hateful speech creates a climate where such acts are more likely? Because the owners of this country don’t want that. Very salty language, but the points made are insanely accurate. And that’s exactly what the presidential candidacy of Donald Trump has brought to the forefront. Read it first. Disc 3 [AUDIO CD] I Kinda Like It When a Lotta People Die ... championing the virtues of free speech, I came to see how our First Amendment standard is an outlier. We speak here of George Carlin, who left the earth too soon in 2008, but saw the future quite clearly, which may have hastened his departure. I’m all for protecting “thought that we hate,” but not speech that incites hate. Good honest hard-workin people CONTINUE — these are people of modest means — continue to elect these RICH COCKSUCKERS who don’t GIVE a fuck about them. He’s right. The 1st Amendment is an outlier here on Earth. And where truth cannot drive out lies, we must add new guardrails. They also recorded an album, Burns & Carlin at the Playboy Club Tonight, on Era Records. “That’s why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” – George Carlin. The presumption has always been that the marketplace would offer a level playing field. When I was a journalist, I loved Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.’s assertion that the Constitution and the First Amendment are not just about protecting “free thought for those who agree with us but freedom for the thought that we hate.”. The REAL owners, the BIG WEALTHY business interests that control things and make all the important decisions — forget the politicians. Main 'They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. Domestic terrorists such as Dylan Roof and Omar Mateen and the El Paso shooter were consumers of hate speech. George Carlin Appearance from The Comedy Store (1999) George’s Best Stuff (1977 - 1990) Disc 2. With the context of the last twelve months of sunlight upon a political process as a backdrop, this George Carlin segment is essentially the USA version of the Brexit argument. They want OBEDIENT WORKERS. This private club of globalists came about because we allowed them to control our system of money. “Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.” – George Carlin. "It's a big club.... and you aint in it!" Well, we're back to George Carlin again. His prescient observations have withstood the test of time (video at the end). And you know something? These laws started out as protections against the kinds of anti-Semitic bigotry that gave rise to the Holocaust. He could lead by example, make himself fabulously wealthy, and do something to reform the system. | Fascism Is Here Now — It's Your Choice ». That's the war we're in. They are waging war on what's left of the Republic and Democracy right now with this sham impeachment bullshit. In the age of social media, the marketplace model doesn’t work. He wants you to believe some Big Lies. George Carlin Was Right: "The Big Club"… July 4, 2016 | Sundance ... By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. Free speech can lead to wrongthink, which can be defined as any speech or beliefs the elites don't like. I wonder, Mr. Cocksucker, whether you yourself can tell the difference between Truth and Propaganda? They don’t want that. They don’t give a fuck about you, they don’t GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. It undermines the very values of a fair marketplace of ideas that the First Amendment is designed to protect. George Carlin was dead ass right on this one. It came courtesy of The Reformed Broker, Joshua Brown, who introduced it by saying that Carlin was one of his biggest influences, and who called the clip eerily prescient. Listings Calendar. Well, we know what they want — they want MORE for themselves and less for everybody else. The Real Owners of this Country don't want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. He's like fine wine. Member Of. Well, we're back to George Carlin again. Emphasis added. Could it be that our corrupt elites and that HopeyChangey dickhead were responsible for the election of Donald Trump? Trump’s “America First” platform is adverse to their interests. It is important to remember that our First Amendment doesn’t just protect the good guys; our foremost liberty also protects any bad actors who hide behind it to weaken our society. They did. By the way, it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head with all day long when they tell you what to believe. So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. Why, they asked me, would you ever want to protect that? No, of course not. Isn’t that, by definition, speech that undermines the values that the First Amendment was designed to protect: fairness, due process, equality before the law? George Carlin Appearance from the Comedy & Magic Club (2006) George Carlin: Too Hip for the Room Taped on December 17, 2007. Here's the rest of the bullshit. Isolate – Ridicule – Marginalize. He could unlock the doors to the "big club" from the inside, and show people how to do things right. He mentions George when referring to the quotes on the internet falsely attributed to him; "And by the way your quotes from George Carlin aren't really George Carlin.". All day long, beating you over the in their media telling you what to believe — what to think — and what to buy. In general, hate speech is speech that attacks and insults people on the basis of race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation. And nobody seems to notice. It’s never going to get any better, don’t look for it, be happy with what you’ve got. The ‘Big Club’ exists and they are unaccountable to the people outside of it. No, they want your soul too. This asshole was and still is a propagandist. George Carlin T-shirts and George Carlin Posters - From The official Home of George Carlin 12. Why shouldn’t the states experiment with their own version of hate speech statutes to penalize speech that deliberately insults people based on religion, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation? Great George Carlin: - "The Big Club". That’s against their interests. I’m talking about the REAL owners, now. AT ALL. You and I are not in the big club….” Only he wasn’t joking. They want your fuckin’ retirement money. 44 It was during the waning of the Nixon years, where confidence in government was beginning its slide down to the Stygian depths where it rests today; the Vietnam War, and racial unrest, continued to rage on. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. The Immortal George Carlin Explains how the Game is Rigged, “It’s a Big Club and You Ain’t in It”! The American Dream –. Right. OK, here's some. Disinformation techniques are always associated with Russia and other non-democratic states. George Carlin- The official home of one of the most important and influential American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, and author. Trump represents an existential threat to their decades long grip on power…. Donald Trump is adverse to their interests. Now, if you understand what I just said, you will also understand why The Washington Post just ran an editorial called Why America Needs a Hate Speech Law. Free speech is the lifeblood of actual journalism. He's referring to... ... Russia’s Internet Research Agency planted false stories hoping they would go viral. George Carlin is a Grammy-winning American stand-up comedian, actor, and author. They’ll get it. "Free Speech" is merely a Republican "talking point" according to those deranged by #OrangeManBad. On the Web, it’s not enough to battle falsehood with truth; the truth doesn’t always win. Somehow, magically, truth would emerge. All you need to know about the modern world. George Carlin's daughter, @kelly_carlin, on her first radio show with guest Paul Provenza, talking about this routine. I have a problem with the first sentence—this evil elite cocksucker thinks he was a journalist at Time magazine. Those are exactly the conversations happening around every kitchen table, in every coffee shop, grocery store, and sidewalk run-in with friends and colleagues. Let the debate begin. Believing that free speech itself is a good thing means you're alt-right. Cause ya have to be asleep to believe it. ! [Transcript]  “There’s a reason education SUCKS, and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. The Russiagate conspiracy theory is one of those Big Lies. George Carlin Appearance from the Comedy & Magic Club (2006) George Carlin: Too Hip for the Room Taped on December 17, 2007. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. Political correctness, intersectionality, invoking white privilege and the rest are merely means to an end—political and thought control by elites. George Carlin Appearance from The Comedy Store (1999) George’s Best Stuff (1977 - 1990) Disc 2. 5 5. That’s right. You know? Thanks to the Internet, he will be forever with us, or at least until Big Brother yanks him away for being too subversive. The modern standard of dangerous speech comes from Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969) and holds that speech that directly incites “imminent lawless action” or is likely to do so can be restricted. The elites hide behind this "race, religion, ethnic origin and sexual orientation" nonsense. | | Digg This I hope you the reader understand at least that much. George Carlin Funny , Disappointment , Humor "A Note on George Carlin about Steroids and Sports from a Practical Idealist" by Carol Smaldino, You can follow this conversation by subscribing to the comment feed for this post. all of it, both branches of the UniParty. All day long, beating you over the in their media telling you what to believe — what to think — and what to buy. Sunday Talks, Representative Elise Stefanik Discusses Her Role as House Conference Chairwoman, May 17th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 118, Sunday Talks, Swamp Gatekeeper Chris Wallace Interviews Decepticon Deep State Implant Liz Cheney, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, Commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley AFB, Colorado, Relieved From Duty After Questioning Creeping Marxist Ideology in Military, May 16th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 117. Gotta contain this internet threat. I'm not kidding. There's a not-very-well hidden agenda behind all that nonsense (see below). And it is class warfare. But as a government official traveling around the world ... For Obama, Mr. Hopey-Changey. They use this stuff for their own evil purposes. – George Carlin. Nobody seems to care. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. It's all a smokescreen, even though their "woke" minions believe this bullshit. They own all the important land, they own and control the corporations; they’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the State houses, the City Halls; they’ve got the judges in their back pockets, and they own all the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear. Only a quarter of high school students could tell the difference between an actual verified news site and one from a deceptive account designed to look like a real one. And YOU ain’t in it! You get the idea. Even the most sophisticated Arab diplomats that I dealt with did not understand why the First Amendment allows someone to burn a Koran. Or, George Carlin could also buy plenty of stock in one of those companies whose antics he decries, and play the game that way. Legendary comedian George Carlin died in … Unless we think of some way to fight back. Ever since right-wing populist Donald Trump got elected through the electoral college, those elites have waged constant war on Trump and the Truth. The “figuring out” is well underway, Trump has pulled back the curtain and fundamentally changed the perspectives of many within the electorate. « Don't Worry, Be Happy | THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU — AT ALL. Can you say revolving door? As George would say, that's against their interests. | Save to As Joseph Goebbels said, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Milton, an early opponent of censorship, said truth would prevail in a “free and open encounter.” A century later, the framers believed that this marketplace was necessary for people to make informed choices in a democracy. I think it’s time to consider these statutes. You see, the owners of this country know the truth. Submit Corrections. HE WAS GREAT,GOT HIM ON DVD.THAT IS,WHEN HE WAS BREATHING!!! 11. |. It’s a fair question. Ever since right-wing populist Donald Trump got elected through the electoral college, those elites have waged constant war on Trump and the Truth. And now they’re comin’ for your SOCIAL SECURITY MONEY. You and I are NOT IN the big club. Is Trump merely a symptom of a much greater rot in that Nest of Vipers called our nation's capital? And that’s why candidate Donald J Trump is uniquely qualified to be the one person who can stand up to these insanely self-serving interests and remove their influence. The game is rigged. Of course not! Jay Syrmopoulos June 11, 2015 Disc 3 [AUDIO CD] I Kinda Like It When a Lotta People Die No corrupt elite anywhere in the world can operate with impunity if people can say or think anything they want, let alone vote or engage in any behavior which indicates they have a spine. George Carlin once famously joked, “It’s a Big Club. George Denis Patrick Carlin . No bona fide journalist would attack the 1st amendment. Sorry... there are currently no upcoming events. Pay no attention to all that political correctness nonsense. The evil cocksucker who wrote this Washington Post editorial is Richard Stengel, the former editor of Time Magazine. They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying — lobbying to get what they want. They’re not interested in that, that doesn’t help them. George Denis Patrick Carlin was born May 12, 1937, in the Bronx, New York. A&E Iconic comedian George Carlin predicted a pandemic before his death. Right, it's the evil internet that makes our political and corporate overlords nervous. Since World War II, many nations have passed laws to curb the incitement of racial and religious hatred. Hmmm.... Do you think this evil cocksucker is referring to himself? The Russians understood that our free press and its reflex toward balance and fairness would enable Moscow to slip its destructive ideas into our media ecosystem. Reblog It's a big club and you ain't in it. They want it BACK. When Putin said back in 2014 that there were no Russian troops in Crimea — an outright lie — he knew our media would report it, and we did. The sad fact is that every disinformation technique listed by CEPA (for example) is being used by the American corporate-owned mainstream media every day in 2019, and this deception will only get worse next year prior to the election. It's called the American dream. They DON’T want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. It is hand screen printed on a 100% cotton soft style unisex t shirt in the following colors: Big Club Sports Gray, Masonic Cotton or Private Island Blue FOR SIZING SPECS: Refer to our size chart image in this listing The stench is getting pretty thick up in here. Glenn Greenwald Censored At The Intercept, Resigns. Hate speech has a less violent, but nearly as damaging, impact in another way: It diminishes tolerance. They’ll get it ALL from you sooner or later — ‘cuz they OWN this fuckin’ place. This is a high quality silk screen print in a print color I call "Insider Navy Blue". As Carlin says with some cussing for emphasis: […] They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting F**KED by system that threw them overboard 30 f**kin’ years ago. George Carlin. You want some hate speech? But in the age of social media, that landscape is neither level nor fair. That’s partly because the intellectual underpinning of the First Amendment was engineered for a simpler era. I'm done. We’re fucked. Any reference to "Russia" with regard to the 2016 election is what poker players call a tell. That "big club" you ain't in consists of the elites who own and run this country. Then watch the video. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they’re getting FUCKED by system that threw them overboard 30 fuckin’ years ago. This Stengel asshole is counting on you being weak-minded enough to cede your 1st Amendment rights to our corporate and political overlords. They don’t want that. These evil elites have waged war on ordinary working Americans through their "woke" minions on social media (especially Twitter). We call them hate speech laws, but there’s no agreed-upon definition of what hate speech actually is. The table is tilted, folks. That’s the Alinsky inspired approach the anti-American interests take whenever anyone comes close to challenging their positions and power. E5577101-4EDB-A6ED-66BC-FEDBCDA997C8 1.03.01 He gets better and better as time goes on. A 2016 Stanford study showed that 82 percent of middle schoolers couldn’t distinguish between an ad labeled “sponsored content” and an actual news story. There are trillions of dollars at stake. You too can pay $40,000 a year to get indoctrinated in fascistic post-modernist bullshit (watch these two amazing lectures, part I and part II). You will understand that the owners of this country don't want you to be able to speak freely. The elites want you to believe that it was the Russians who elected the Donald, and anything else you might say or believe is wrongthink. Yes, it was a simpler era when the convoluted evil this cocksucker represents was not as pervasive as it is right now. That's another tell. Good honest hard-workin people — white collar, blue collar — doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. But George Carlin explained that as well because K-12 "education" in the United States is a joke and getting a "college education" is the same as volunteering to become a mark in a money-making scheme run by college presidents and administrators. By otto6. That’s why all entities around the political sphere despise him. Bill Burr, Louis CK, Dave Chapelle, George Carlin. It’s a big club, and most of us are in it – commented on Jun 29. On the Internet, truth is not optimized. In the weeks leading up to the 2016 election ... Bad actors? During this period, while appearing at the Racquet Club in Dayton, Ohio, George met Brenda Hosbrook, whom he married in June 1961. Because the owners of this country know the truth — it’s called the American Dream … ‘cuz you have to be asleep to believe it.”. Although working mainly mainstream clubs, the act had a decidedly anti-establishment, satirical flavor. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passably accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. on Wow. They don't just want obedient, cheap workers as George Carlin said. Votes: 891 George Carlin returns to the stage in Life is Worth Losing, his 13th live comedy stand-up special, performed at the Beacon Theatre in New York City for HBO Recorded on November 5, 2005, Beacon Theater, New York City, New York AT ALL. Enjoy!! Russian agents assumed fake identities, promulgated false narratives and spread lies on Twitter and Facebook, all protected by the First Amendment. All speech is not equal. All Dates This Weekend Date Range. Leasing Lifestyle: This legendary George Carlin rant is even better when read, so this classic piece of polemical gold should be shared and understood more widely. The even sadder fact is that only a few Americans are capable of recognizing what is going on. Last Updated on March 6, 2021. June 19, 2009. I've made a few comments to help you through this steaming pile of self-serving dishonest horseshit. Unfortunately, most Americans are too dumb or domesticated to realize that our elites are coming for them. It's the corporate/political elites against the middle and working classes. His prescient observations have withstood the test of time (video at the end). George on George Original Air Date: September 30, 2003. For now, you can find Carlin's 2005 skit, "The American Dream," quite easily. UPDATED: Thu., March 26, 2020. You watch them talk about some actually fundamentally deep philosophical question, but told in a funny way with an audience laughing. Yes, the First Amendment protects the “thought that we hate,” but it should not protect hateful speech that can cause violence by one group against another. Burns & Carlin. Being considered as one of the top comedians of all time, George is well known for his black humor, political views, observations on language, psychology, and religion along with many other taboo subjects. That "big club" you ain't in consists of the elites who own and run this country. (0) OBEDIENT WORKERS. Comedian George Carlin, a counter-culture hero famed for his routines about drugs, dirty words and the demise of humanity, died of heart failure at a … The [1st] amendment rests on the notion that the truth will win out in what Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas called “the marketplace of ideas.” This “marketplace” model has a long history going back to 17th-century English intellectual John Milton, but in all that time, no one ever quite explained how good ideas drive out bad ones, how truth triumphs over falsehood. George Carlin’s last specials. And nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care … that’s what the owners count on, the fact that Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red, white and blue dick that’s being jammed up their assholes every day. I recall many years ago, when he was guest-hosting the Tonight show, George Carlin having a somewhat strained political conversation with the comedian Shelley Winters. And despite the fact that Google, Twitter and Facebook are censoring the fuck out of any speech they don't like and promoting the elite-controlled mainstream media whenever they can, so-called "hate speech" keeps popping up like weeds in the elaborately designed, well-tended garden these same elites created to keep us all fat, dumb and medicated. In an age when everyone has a megaphone, that seems like a design flaw. Carlin and his older brother, Pat, were primarily raised by their mother in … George Carlin celebrates 40 years of comedy and here, he presents 2 new standup bits, comedian Jon Stewart gives an interview with him, and we look at his old comedy work through the last 4 decades.