Again, it bears repeating that simply stating and proving your thesis isn't enough. Show your new writes with another classmate and talk about which way you guys like best and why. Finally, if you fail to plant a naysayer in your text, you may find that you have very little to say. Original text:“In a variety of ways, the mass media helped make us the cultural schizophrenics we are today, women who rebel against yet submit to prevailing images about what a desirable, worthwhile woman should be…[T]he mass media has endangered in many women a kind of cultural identity crisis” (115).Informal: What the media says affects every woman. Our own students often times say that presenting counterarguments can make it easier to generate enough text to complete an essay. If you're writing something important like a job application letter, you'd obviously want to write like you have an education. If I were to write like I speak, it wouldn’t be appropriate for children under the age of eighteen to read. Since quotes can’t talk, you have to create an outline for them so that you do the talking. . Then rewrite the paragraph one more time in a way that blends the two styles. You have to display them in a way that makes their importance and meaning obvious to your readers. Then, write it again one more time, this time making it sound as if you are a hot shot. In this way, I came to believe that this war is a big mistake. Chapter 10.1For this exercise I am using Essay ‘Sex, Drugs, Disasters, and the Extinction of Dinosaurs’ by Stephen Jay Gould on pages 167-177.• Phrases that establish/differentiate views: “Science, in its most fundamental definition . The article “Hidden Intellectualism” by Gerald Graff shows amazing usage of metacommentary. C. and even far distances, subject”( 170) • Elaborate Sentences: “My greatest unhappiness . In this way, I came to believe that this war is a big mistake. It comes as a great surprise that much of the language used in academia today is derived from modern, colloquial language. Why go out and shoot one and experience it yourself when you can fill you virtual trophy case on your PS3. . Sometimes, I would attempt to make a sort of analogy, but it would end up sounding awkward and simply informal. The owner of Frederick Douglass was not pleased with this idea. 94, paragraph 2 "Dressed-down version"So Denise basically is saying stuff that's important, but like she's replying to someone else. She uses metacommentary a couple of times in her essay the one that really stands out is the one in the end where she talks about Greek Gods, and then says or could it be, making us think that it can be a number of things. I reread my essay of How To Tame a Wild Tongue. If I were to write like I speak, it wouldn’t be appropriate for children under the age of eighteen to read. On the one hand, writers certainly run into trouble if they merely repeat themselves and nothing more. As a result, more and more children as obtaining type 2 diabetes due to being overweight or obese. Peoples are complicated, so any study of human behavior is at best partial, taking into account some people do and why, but not explaining those actions defiantly. Daniel MaoProfessor SabirEnglish 1A/ 8:004 October 2013They Say, I Say Chapter 91.Original textHave you ever gotten the impression that writing well in college means setting aside the kind of language you use in every day conversation? Since quotes can’t talk, you have to create an outline for them so that you do the talking. She references other specialists that she believes will take notice and interest in what she has proposed, and therefore reflecting the importance and relevance of her writing to a broader audience"Blended version"As we can see by Grady's piece, addressing individuals or communities other than yourself- in this case, fellow specialists- can be beneficial. If so, then we’re here to tell you that it ain’t necessarily so. As a result, we can say the discipline is the subject of constant conversation and argument.Mixed: Social science is just a discipline that study peoples, how they behave and interact to each other, and the organization and the institutions that run these interactions. In this chapter, we want to show you how you can write effective academic arguments while holding on to some of your own voice Have you ever felt that writing well in college means abandoning all vernacular? That to impress your instructors you must have a large vocabulary and follow every rule in the English grammar. I write in simple terms that are understood by everyone. Beyond 300 years, the fission fragment radioactivity will have went down by a factor of 10; it will only be 100 times as great as the mined Uranium. In making a case for medical use of marijuana, I am not saying that the use of the drug is a minor threat, but in fact medical use of marijuana needs a set of regulations so that it can benefit the people who truly need it.b. You have to show them in a way that makes their importance and meaning obvious to the bookworms. 210: Moreover, we don’t need this 0.1% level of security for the full 10,000 years. When you think about it this way, the storage problem seems to be tractable.Exercise 2: Frederick Douglass Free Write In the text Frederick Douglass first learns to read by the help of his mistress. In some parts when I am trying to explain my quotes, I tend to use casual language like "isn't" and "they tell nobody." These writers worry that expressing ambivalence will come across as evasive, apathetic, or underdeveloped. But they would be more likely to learn if we let them on subjects of their choosing instead of ones we choose for them.Formal:Students do need to read models of intellectually challenging writing — and Orwell is a great one — if they are to become intellectuals themselves. Displaying the thesis in a method that would help readers understand the claim is significant.2) Looking back at my Rosa Parks' essay, I saw that I was more on the formal side than informal. Second part of the exercise- a concisely eloquent version of the above paragraph Restructure a paragraph from this book into a proletarian version of it. “I SAY” 53 four “yes / no / okay, but” 55 Three Ways to Respond five “and yet” 68 Distinguishing What You Say from What They Say The Secret Life of a Potent Cell is a perfect example of why referencing outside perspectives makes our own words seem stronger, and more interesting, because it attracts readers who might not have thought the topic applied to them.2. There were parts of it that should have been more formal and academic, but I could not express the thoughts in a different way due to the context. The templates helps you, the writer, to clean your ideas in relationship to your thesis, supporting evidence, opposing evidence, and the conclusion of the argument.Writing good needs you giving your sources and your ideas to reader without troubles. To mention one, “Her name is very powerful and immortal in every society that struggled for equality and freedom. Doesn't speaking on the haters views make you look stupid and make your argument sound hella irrelevant? .for their extinction” ( 170) • Transitional phrases: “Simply consider how the idea . 2I found that I used both informal and formal writing in my Rosa Parks essay. Blend of Formal and Informal: Well, every writer runs into trouble, trying not to constantly repeating yourself and that seems to be. I think I generally speak the same way that I write. That was a courageous thing for her to do that, but it was also against the law to help a African-American learn how to do anything that would make them equal to whites. 127But how do you know when it is better to play things straight and stick to standard English, and when to be more adventuresome and mix things up? I think for an essay for an English class is supposed to be more formal, but I think I should have lessened the formality a little to make the audience more comfortable. For example, I tried comparing blooming (and the idea of Spring) with the movement, but it came out awkward and some words were informal. and stunning statements” (169) “I want to show why . For example, my introduction may be more attractive if I had been more informal, since it is always the slang, or the "out of the ordinary" in a text that captures the most readers. To mention one, “Her name is very powerful and immortal in every society that struggled for equality and freedom. I could've probably cut out a few of the direct quotations and added a little more of my own writing about the actual term "rebel" and how it relates to us, citizens of today (probably my audience). I feel that his writing could have really improved if he were to use met commentary. Isn't the advice to incorporate critical views a recipe for destroying your credibility and undermining your argument? Formal:But how would you know when it is superior to play things straight and stick to standard English, and when to be more audacious and associate it with something else? In this article, I will also bring to the audience’s attention the alarming fact that this toxic property is already, as you are reading this, causing health problem amongst the habitants in the surrounding areas of its manufacturing.• My point about the national obsessions with sports reinforces the belief held by many health experts that in becoming obsessed fanatics people are also become too sedentary and inactive as oppose to being the athlete themselves.• I believe, therefore, that war is completely unjustified. In making a case for medical use of marijuana, I am not saying that it is okay in legalizing it. Great examples of the different writing styles. Michael CunninghamProfessor SabirEnglish 1A 10-10:506 November 2013They Say I Say Ch. In this way, I came to believe that this war is a big mistake. At times it may have seemed causal and that’s because the way Anne is giving he facts and description are casual in a sense anyways. What doesn’t occur to us, though, is that it is also the schools’ and colleges’ fault for not teaching street smarts along with good academic work.2) In my essay that I wrote about Rosa Parks, I found myself very focused on having a formal tone. If, for example, you are writing a application letter for a job, it would be best to avoid the such of slangs or any kind informal English. This blog is for a course at the College of Alameda. Complete each of the following metacommentary templates in any way that makes sense. But let me back up and explain how I arrived at this conclusion: We should have never attacked Iraq because it just caused more trouble. Tiffany Gregory Professor Sabir English 1A / 10-10:50November 4th 2013 They Say / I Say Ch.9OriginalThese templates are popular because they provide a quick and efficient way to perform one of the most common moves that writers make: challenging widely accepted beliefs, placing them on the examining table and analyzing their strengths and weakness. You are trying to assert your cogent case, and we want you to acknowledge someone else's opinions?2)In my Rosa Parks rebel essay I was very formal but I feel as if I did not analyze my quotes as well as I could have. When you write a letter applying for a job, for instance, or submit a grant proposal, where your words will be weighed by an official screening body, using language that's too colloquial or slangy may well jeopardize your chances of success. When you write stuff for a job, your words are judged in the interview. As a result, it’s the subject of constant conversation and talk.Formal: Social science is a discipline that studies peoples, how they behave and interact to one another, and the organizations and the institution that facilitates these interactions. In this article, I will also explain how the addiction of drugs can ruin one's life.My point about the national obsessions with sports reinforces the belief held by many sport fans that one team is better than the other. 91. On the one hand, X is right to say _____. 24:These templates are popular because they provide a quick and efficient way to perform one of the most common moves that writers make: challenging widely accepted beliefs, placing them on the examining table and analyzing their strengths and weakness.