The Hopi were told that after a time White Men would come and take their land and try to lead the Hopi into evil ways. Message from a Hopi Elder "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. The White Eagle teachings are now available on a dedicated website, with the ability to search, view and print them: If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. The decision to fall into the hole or to step through the gate is up to you. VISION QUEST ️ “This moment humanity is going through can … Create your community. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 16/3/2020. Know your garden. Alain Boudet. Message de White Eagle, de la nation Hopi «Ce que l'humanité traverse en ce moment peut être considéré comme un portail et un trou noir. with negative energy, constant nervousness, pessimism, you'll fall into this hole. VISION QUEST ️ 16th March 2020 “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. La décision de tomber dans le trou noir ou de passer par le portail dépend de vous. Enter your email … “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. la traduction française se trouve à la suite du texte original. Home › The Red Road › Joseph White Eagle – Hopi Prophecy. What are your relationships? The youngest was 77 and the oldest was 106. Je ne sais s’il a vraiment été écrit par White Eagle ou si White Eagle existe vraiment. If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a d ay, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. In Uncategorized; Leave a comment; THANK YOU ALICE! An elder, Martin Gashweseoma, first told me of the Hopi prophecies and the petroglyphs on prophecy rock in Arizona about 15 years ago. Dr en Sciences Physiques. This message came from the Hopi Elder White Eagle (click here to see the original): “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole.

The article starts with a short introduction by 325, followed by the message of White Eagle. I will explain what this is. This moment that humanity is experiencing can be seen as a gate or a hole. What are you doing? The Transitional Pastor search committee received 14 nominations from the staff, congregation and Presbytery, with candidates from across the nation. January 15, 2021 travellingnomad2018 1 Comment on A Hopi Elder speaks (Hopi Nation – Oraibi, Arizona) A Hopi Elder speaks (Hopi Nation – Oraibi, Arizona) March 30, 2020 March 30, 2020 travellingnomad2018 6 Comments on Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 16/3/2020. “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. They narrowed this list to four serious candidates and then two finalists. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous elder sent on 03/16/2020: (shared by reader Alice Piccola) Home; Uncategorized; Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous elder sent on 03/16/2020: (shared by reader Alice Piccola) Posted on April 6, 2020; By Marcia Pierce. Message de White Eagle, de la nation Hopi «Ce que l'humanité traverse en ce moment peut être considéré comme un portail et un trou noir. By Akasha June 20, 2020 Blog. The world had barely reckoned with climate change. As nihilist-anarchists against civilisation we share this text we were sent, as recognition of the call from the FAI/IRF cell in Argentina to be open to indigenous thoughts and life-ways: “This moment humanity is going through can be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. And there are things to be considered . Laisser un commentaire Ce texte circule sur les réseaux sociaux. The article starts with a short introduction by 325, followed by the message of White Eagle. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. Les prophéties et les messages des chefs indiens Hopi. Message from a Hopi elder. Les Hopis sont une tribu d'indiens qui vivent en Arizona (États-Unis), sur de hauts-plateaux désertiques. The Hopi have always had their fingers on the pulse of the planet. From Mexico Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020: “This moment humanity is going through what can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. It is time to speak your Truth. Are you going through a portal or down a hole? I share some prophecy from the Hopi Nation. What are your relationships? It is time to speak your Truth. Article from It is also an identifying mark for the Elder Brother to recognize them. Message from White Eagle, Hopi Indians, North American Tribe. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. Create your community. VISION QUEST “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. Hopi prophecies speak of the return of Bahana, their True White Brother, who left them in ancient times, promising to return. Keep the Faith, hold on to Hope, Trust that this is all for our Highest Good! Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous. If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. A Message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous on 3/16/20 . Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. No Comments “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. ImStillMags Mags: 9/23/20 2:11 PM: Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous. Mais le message est beau…. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. Message from Hopi Elders. Joseph White Eagle – Hopi Prophecy By Kandace Keithley ~ Bird Clan Messenger on April 2, 2020. Know your garden. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. A message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous elder on March 16 2020: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. In this time of healing, the message of hope from the Hopi [and] Maori and the Stony Elders, I was invited to Sacred Ceremony by the Stony Elders. Hopis’ Ancient Knowledge and Prophecies are warning through many signs, that we have entered a dangerous period in our lives. Are you in right relation? But in spite of all the pressures against them, the Hopi were told they must hold to their ancient religion and their land, though always without violence. Here is a wise message from White Eagle, a Hopi indigenous leader: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. A message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous elder on March 16 2020:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. The message was written on March 16, 2020. La décision de tomber dans le trou noir ou de passer par le portail dépend de vous. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If you regret the problem and consume news around the clock. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous . If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole. Message from White Eagle, Hopi Elder on 03/16/2020: “This moment humanity is going through can now be seen as a portal and as a hole. If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. Publié le 10 août 2020 par Sabine Nickels. They wear their hair in bangs to form a window, they say, by which to see their Elder Brother when He returns. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020. The Elder Board is pleased to announce the selection of a Transitional Pastor, John Crosby, from Edina, Minnesota. Where is your water? The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. Originally published by 325. If you repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, you will fall into the hole. Message from a Hopi elder. A relevant Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous for this time. On initially accessing the website, we recommend you read the narrative on the search and introductory pages to provide background to the Inner Teachings and guidance on using the search facility. The message was written on March 16, 2020. And they do right now...check this out! The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. And there are things to be considered... Where are you living? The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous. By Joseph White Eagle. The messages come from the Hopi, Maori and the Stony Elders, who are part of the great Sioux Nation in Alberta , also from the White Bison Society. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous. Leurs anciens sont des chefs spirituels porteurs de la sagesse et des traditions. Where are you living? So now there were two feathers delivered. You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. Leur nom signifie les pacifiques. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. A person who was on his way down to Colorado delivered the white eagle feather or the feather from a white eagle. Posts Tagged ‘Hopi’ Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 3/16/2020 (Turtle Island) Friday, March 27th, 2020. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole. Jun 13, 2020 - My beautiful friend, Silvana, who facilitated a women's retreat in November with me, discovered this powerful message on FaceBook and I had to share it with you! Follow Blog via Email. Showing 1-2 of 2 messages. Where is your water? What are you doing? Are you in right relation? The comrades of 325 published a message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous. Message from White Eagle, Hopi indigenous on 03/16/2020. .