I screwed the diet on Day 3 by eating a meal(dinner). If from a carton – bad choice. Can we take low fat milk instead of skimmed milk?? Hi is this due to the craving my body have and the adjustment its making? ... On day 2 can I have eat vegetables which … 2)Can I hv tea without sugar ,once a day with semi skimmed milk in following days? Tomatoes may be included in lettuce-cucumber salads, but still these should be dressed in olive oil or vinaigrette. Take a slice of bread. COFFEE is OK, no sweetener unless it’s stevia…. I have never observed any kind of fasting – religious or otherwise. What time did you weigh yourself, what did you eat day 2? It is as well recommended to perform breathing exercises in the morning at the start of Day 3. I’m following the diet as advised by the website, drinking 3 liters or more of water. but today on day 3 2) a friend of mine followed this diet. I am a vegetarian and little choosy with my eating habits. And it works to keep you happy, which I think is important to keep you stress free… (y). If yes, how many patties can I eat? Lunch: Lightly sauteed asparagus, daikon radish, and cherry tomatoes(this is where I used way too much oil, but it still was a healthy meal) and three cups of water Day 3 LOL, herbal teas with stevia are great to have.keep going, let’s see what happens , Is it ok to eat vegetables cooked with turmeric powder and chillies, yes pure dried herbs and spices are great. Hi, all veg? Day 1 was Tough ! today meaning when? On day 3 on 2nd time in3 weeks.. Had lost 5 kgs last time but stupidly gained back 2kgs. . Olive oil contains biophenols, which suppress the oxidization of LDL … Having Mango+Kiwi+green tea + water for the breakfast…. Sorry Hope all of you the best with a jumpstart to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle! beans with a tiny sprout yes can cause an issue because they are beans not sprouts However keep rolling , hi..i completed my Gm diet last week..followed evrything but lost only 1kg…terrific…again i started this week ,today i completed 3rd day but lost 300gm…i dont know what z going wrong??? I noticed that most of the stuff I have read here about craving are pointed to sweets. 2. Fresh juices such derived from berries, oranges and lemons would be ideal to those who are not into drinking water, although these should be as well consumed in proportional amounts to avoid bloating. i weigh myself first thing in the morning. Lunch 1 carrot, 1 tomato , 2 cucumbers little cabbage and Lettuce leaves with seasoning of salt pepper and vinegar and olive oil. I made the wonder soup according your reciepe ……please lemme know, I am really curious and working hard. really? 2) Even before the diet, I already drink more than 2L a day, but I found myself thirstier compared to before. 13) smoking just a bad idea overall with health and weight loss. 1 green apple, Dinner: Steamed cabbage, carrot, broccoli, with onion, garlic, few olives, capers & olive oil. perfect, meat naturally has fat so your replacement for meat should as well , Hi… I am allergic to bananas. Unlike the diet with regular soybean oil, the diet with the new GM soybean oil did not lead to insulin resistance. Can i eat boiled Ghiya (Bottle gourd) on my 3rd day.. i came down from 98.6kgs to 86kgs. Day 3 was not that easy, for me. I feel like I got rounder. Very weak and tired since starting. 2 black coffee’s a day without milk and sugar With it being so warm here I love eating the fresh fruit more so than vegetables. Many studies have documented the benefits of following a diet rich in olive oil, but research supporting drinking this oil is limited. Breakfast I had 4 oranges *We're always free from artificial flavours, colours, preservatives & additives 76% Less saturated fat than butter** **Butter contains 54g per 100g Olive oil goodness*** ***Rich in monounsaturated fats. No fat. Can I eat dried fruits like dried fig or mulberry?or almonds? The GM Diet should not be a lifestyle. I haven’t weighed myself yet as I don’t have any scales until tonight but I am definitely lighter. I’m concerned this will throw me off for the rest of the week. You are weighing loads of extra food, water, etc. lemon great Acidulants, scary they will not say which ones, trust me you likely do not want to know. Did that impact my no-weight loss issue? You cannot have legumes when you like on this program. We do have a plan you can follow in between plans in the After 7 Days section. One more thing, can I take about half a cup of tea with milk and sugar if I can not resist? or both? Potato had bit of butter. Here is my Day 3 menu. Planning to do it once again giving break of one week. My final result day after tomorrow. though I have som cravings while I cook and serve. 1bowl water melon i will be having a 1/2 melon for dinner. 6-8 litres of water 14) my body feels weird its like I’m shaking but in not is this normal? Well too much fruit day 3 and not enough veg, that may not be great but hopefully all is OK. Hi, today is my 2nd day. Dinner: wonder soup + 2 glasses of water. Your true weight is first thing in the morning, when you wake, after going to the bathroom before you eat or drink a thing. ??? Soybean oil accounts for more than 90 percent of all the seed oil production in the United States. During the first three days of the GM diet, it is important to consume only fresh produce, as they contain more nutritional value. Some more things to ask.. On day 4 can i have knor soup mix as a flavour.. please try to reply asap. brown rice is nothing but d very popular usna chaval… the thick rice dat is normally eaten by villagers…. 1 big bowl of soup(tomato,peas,beans,onion). I mean in kind, please consider checking into potential issues. Had melons and water in breakfast today. Day 7 Started with 92.2 Day 3 started and I am 91.3 Kg as did some cheating on day 2…. . Cutting out sweets and getting clean for a ‘clean’ diet. Will having stevia sweetened coffee hamper my wt loss? – Dinner: same as lunch First day i lost 1.6 kgs. Think nutrient dense and never eat gluten. You need good fat like animal fats found in good grass fed meats, ghee, olive oil and especially coconut oil. Can i know the reason for this. Weigh myself in the morning of Day 3. Please suggest to help us how we can acheive this 10-15kgs within how many diets? You can however do the diet again but you must wait at least two weeks, but preferably one month. i just lost 2.8kg at the beginning of day 3…. If you mean when you have each meal, just do your best. shall i intake unlimited fruits and vegetables? Ok Thanks so much for the reply regarding my cinnamon apples question on yesterday but I’m going to aggravate you again today with another. Please let me know. Chicken yes is fine though…, 11 hour trip? Salt to taste Hang in there, nobody including myself ever says dieting is easy. Could i have plain non-salted crackers with the salad? After 1st week my weight dropped to 93.5kg’s… I gave a gap of 8-10 days and started 2nd week.. Many thanks. Is it recommended , specially at night ? Although 1/2 tsp of oil would not hurt. 30 min cardio – Lunch: same as day 2 Any substitutes? Everything went downhill after a diagnoses of cervical cancer…I am in remission now, but after long months of treatments and then a surgery that left me in bed for 8 weeks…I packed on the pounds and lost muscle mass. Its not recommended but still wanted to knw coz i hv habit of drinking green tea.. thnk U. light exercise is fine, just don;t tear down your muscles. I posted a note yesterday that didn’t make it. me 2 completed 2 days…veg day was not so gud..anyways lost 2 kgs in 2 days….too happy abt tat…..but even i too doubt whether ths will long last…. Afternoon snack: a container of blackberries a cup of water I m sure this time I will loose 5 Kg cnfm 2 kg lost 1st day let s see wht will happen 7th day. NO red chana, it can replace meat. All the above spices on meat.. and instead of beef i want to substitute chicken is it okay ? Also have some veg day 1 if you need more fruit, will help. These recipes shown below make use of the recommended vegetables to make your mealtime delicious and nutritious. Tomatoes, dinner maybe some cucumber. 10 ) are crops like cassava , corn . If yes, pls specify quantity….thanks, no, not at all the same.. no buttermilk unless it’s day 4…. Dinner 1 cup to daal, Will keep you posted for my day 3 food intake…best of luck. Morning-Few Strawberries…Lunch-Wonder soup…Later-Some melon One of the most concerning things about the keto diet is amount of saturated and animal fats. All the hunger pangs, all the temptations, all distractions have moved out from the way of determination.. Today not even a single deviation from the Diet plan, LemonJuice with Ginger Nice losses so far – keep on rolling…, Hi I have a couple questions for you: Second day -Had veggies and about to loose my control but reading all comments kept me motivated Thanks you. I am worried about constipation… anyone else that feels the same? Can I stick to just Fruits today? Be patient, I am on a different time zone and will reply as you can see within 24 hours. Anyone know any brands that Walmart or Publix has? If you need to swap a day or 2 you can try if you like. no dal, but you can have veg (no avocado, peas or corn). am I going to lose weight if im going to consume Gm soup 2-3 times a day in a week? Sorry. If you plan to exercise during the diet, you cannot do heavy weights and heavy workouts (We state this on the Exercise page), you need to have the correct amount of protein. 2. Managed to get through day 1. However, losing weight so quickly can be harmful, and there are no scientific studies that prove the GM diet plan is safe, reliable, or sustainable. how many months? Doing so will release the tensions garnered from Days 1 and 2, and followers may experience a more relaxed time ahead. Would it work now as i had pulses on Day 2 in night? Add as many spices as you like to your food. 7 Day GM Diet Plan. Day 2 was very hard for me as I am not at all fond of Boiled Vegetables. day 1: Breakfast -lunch: a bowl of raw cucumber, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, celery, corn, red and yellow bell pepper sprinkled with black salt and pepper. Please help me understand what you meant by control diet post first session of GM Diet. Weight 77.6 kgs I have only eaten melon for my fruit. Other than that it’s OK, although pumpkin not a great veg choice during the program. #### FYI… So I tend to be more picky within the 7 days. We know that olive oil is loaded with many health benefits, but it is better not to cook with it on high heat. Buy diet plans online for weight loss, weight gain, lifestyle & hormonal diseases for men and women in India. prayers are with you, I hope it goes well. morning, afternoon? I bought a watermelon, cantaloupe, and honey dew, chopped it all up, put it in a large bowl and still have some left for today’s diet plan. have a glass of coconut water, Thank you so much for the response despite all the people who drops by for a query and your busy schedule your find time to answer our questions. no soya sauce Black pepper powder to taste I have 1 cup of coffee in the morning with half a packet of Truvia. never unlimited fruit, veg you can have more of. i cant vegetables without little salt, please suggest…, hey i just started today but dinot check my weight. guava-1 Folks think corn is a normal veg, it’s technically a grain and does nothing to help in weight loss, quite the reverse. b) Also, on all days I’m having ginger tea with less milk n no sugar (twice a day). day 1: breakfast- apple, mango, sapota with sugerless coffee day 2, no carrot and did the potato have good fat. great to eat after, has good carbs. Happy with this…, So, for DAY 2 to till DAY7 , my wife is planning on what to take…. Option 4. Just completed my third day..unlike the other two previous day…i feel much relaxed and energized today although I am unable to resist looking at other food options. But that’s up to each person . Always consult with a licensed dietician and a doctor before embarking on any dieting program. Today is my 3rd day Morning I had One mango and few water melon cubes but it was not good so I left it. Keep in mind how nutritionally different they are from regular vegetables. Here are six wonderful health benefits of adding extra virgin olive oil to your daily diet. carrots are more carby but the main reason is that would be the only veg along with peas and corn people would eat. lunch – 1/2 cup cabbage soup and 1/2 cup sautéed Birds Eye Recipe Ready Mixed Vegetables I am not big on that. Ingredients are selected cucumbers salt spices water acidulants are they ok? 1 time will be OK… although whole fruit better. Raw veg is fine if that helps…. no tomato’s in wonder soup, which can be had any day. I’ve heard of this diet from a work friend who lost 5-6 kgs after 2 rounds of this diet (153 cm 58 kgs down to 52kg). yeah m doing without meat… then shall i go with extra virgin olive oil?? Thnx, is it OK if I break the diet here !? can i hav green tea @ cocunut water?al 7 days i dnt use sugar bt can i us sugar free NATURA? 14) Can I do the GM Diet continuously? i haven’t weight yet. day 2: breakfast- 1 potato boiled 4) keep going, it could be water retention which should go away. Can we take coconut water in all seven days?? That’t it…. However this is a personal decision, I had a sweet tooth and could eat a pound of organic dried mangoes in a day, and it only ended up causing me stress in the end. When do you weigh yourself? Make sure you read each day…. Pickles would be fine if they are a pure type, that does not have chemicals and bad oils in them. 1) yes on the milk, bananas and soup. -  Sitemap - A VerticalScope Property. very good for salad!!) Looking forward to loose more. pls suggest if anything more to be done with this diet.. pls help, hang in there, keep going, tell me what you at day 2 and 3… and drank…, Breakfast (8:00-9:00 AM) May be once or twice a week I can simply have Wonder Soup – I add a dash of olive oil and soy sauce to make it tasty. Also you can use pepper,s spices, etc…, Hello what type of seasoning would be ok to use for the meat I know it’s salt and pepper but what about organic cayenne and stuff like that? – Dinner: same as day 2 my guess, is if you did this, add more fat to the meals that have none, say just under a tablespoon of coconut oil, also eat the soup never fast! 20 min of stretching and lifting weights. With the GM diet veg plan, you get the liberty to replace chicken with more veggies or other sources of protein or healthy fat like vegetable or olive oil, ghee or low-fat butter. This was my menu for today: Lunch: More power to you! 2 chapathi and veg soup 3 times. Breakfast- 1 cup watermelon 20 min of stretching and lifting weights. I’ve always eaten regularly so I eat a small snack of the recommend foods every hour to keep my blood sugar balanced. soup(tomato,cauliflower,onion,peas) no, if you are losing hair, you likely have underlying health problems and should see a doc. i tried watermelons and honey dew melons. I am not sure what to recommend if you cannot have veggies, can you eat some raw and not boiled? In the diet, people preserve olives in olive oil or salted water. 3) On day 6, can I eat chicken for lunch, but then switch to salmon for dinner? Breakfast: 1 cup of boiled potato with a pat of butter and minced garlic I dont eat beef but either i dont get brown rice here what can i do?? only water intake. Afternoon snack: a red lettuce salad with cherry tomatoes and a herb-infused vinegar(I made this at home, apple cider vinegar, fresh basil, dill, rosemary, and garlic. And exactly how Many cups of milk can I have for the entire day? No, this is meant to be a weight loss kick starter. Sorry. 12 can really be too much. Note 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil is approximately 22mL Please reply soon. … I will be able to do fruit and veggies the remainder of the day but if its better to swap that is doable to. This, she says, is because of the fact that there is a lot of invisible fat in many food items like dairy, egg, nuts, seeds, chicken, seafood, … In the GM Diet section on the top if you read after all the 7 day schedule it says that the GM Diet soup can be consumed from the 4th day and in the recipes section it says we can consume the soup at any point of any day…… what is to be done. I just wanted to ask i am following g.m diet.. and day 1 was apple,orange,melon,guava,strawberry and 8 glasses of water ..Day 2 is cucumber,onion,pepper,cabbage, potato,tomato.. "The fatty acids prevalent in olive oil—and all plant oils and butters in general—are the very food source for acne-causing bacteria and yeasts to grow," notes Ng. It’s Friday and pot luck day at work, but I got this! no, have you read the ingredients? For drizzling, you can use olive oil, cold-pressed virgin coconut oil, rice bran oil, but all in moderation. At the end of 4 weeks i was a good 12.6 kgs less than when i started. Cucumber is good, any other veg you can have? secondly what can we substitute for banana on day4 ? 2 black coffee’s a day without milk and sugar You'll also use less fat -- you can substitute three tablespoons of olive oil for a quarter-cup of butter. I am on my second day of GM diet. Today is my first day What did you eat day 2? Later on somewhere I read that beans are not good for Gm diet. Generally, cooking with sesame oil … 1 orange, 2 cucumber Dinner: since I was so full from lunch, I had a roasted beet with a bit of sea salt for dinner and two cups of water. pomo-1 The product still turns out as expected, but with 25 percent less fat, fewer calories, and more heart-healthy nutrients. When consuming melons for breakfast, it is important to have them supplemented with two glasses of water for better digestion. I am following only the diet and i am not going for walking, since in the evening i feel too tired after office work. Salt, too much, it can really vary, maybe not enough hydro chloric acid, seems like a digestive issue, but I am no doctor and this can vary big time. M gyming regularly as i do… but instead of 1 hour i just do cardio for 30 mins.. 1 suggestion for those who r not losing at all- dont sit on couch having reason tht u r on strict diet, do ur regular physical work and exercise atleast for 20 mins.. Today is my first day, Can we’ve SALT on day 2 over potato, cabbages, tomato or any other vegetables? morning snack: an orange use spices as you like . I really want the full detox effect. 6) fish great yes you can alter when you take food. Pickles are called cucumbers in brine. It tastes so good … You can after though. 2) how many eggs can i have on day 5 and can i omit the yellow part on day 5? Please help me Hopefully by Day 6 I will have the energy to do both and then continue a regime to clean eating and energized workouts. hii i am on my day 3 of gm diet..can i hav sprouts and red chana today and remaining days. NOTE: from day 5 I also start having maximum 2 beers a day as i cant stay away from alcohol on weekends and since i start my GM diet week on monday, day 5 comes on friday. but my brother and I lose 4kg and 2 kg respectively on day 3. Olive oil is included in a number of trendy diets including Mediterranean diet and ketogenic diet, as it is believed to be a good source of healthy fats for the body. 3) Good side: No hunger pangs after Day2, never had any headache. “We do know that olive oil can help strengthen the hairs,” she says. NO it’s not. please reply soon. So, we started the DAY1 with organic greean tulsi tea with little bit honey and lemon.. i m happy to follow this diet.. its very heplfull. if so i Am ready to do that.Pls suggest. Not be measuring till last day. Day 3 was good and easy. I’m in 4th cycle 4th day. A staple of the Mediterranean Diet, the oil contains antioxidants attributed to its phenolic compounds. They eat them whole or chopped and added to pizzas and other dishes. . Lunch 1 Bowl of watermelon Since last 6-8 months, me and my wife wanted to start this diet plan, however due to some obstacles we couldn’t do it!!! http://www.gmdietforum.com/threads/vegetarian-sample-plan-after-gm-diet.313/. They are fine off plan but not now. I did not see all 7 days update from anyone recently…, Day 3 is near completion. I am very please so far and can’t wait to see what Day 4 will bring! Day 0 my weight is 65. #####, breakfast :soya mixed with onion,tomato,peas and tofu. Not sure why eating fruits and veg would cause that. 2 black coffee’s a day without milk and sugar II’m feeling all the time hungry. is there anything possible to reduced more weight by having limited quantity of fruits and vegetables? Third day today lost 2.5 kgs. Today is my 6th day & lost 3 kgs. A gentle reminder again, I am not recommending anybody to have alcohol during a diet and expecting nobody to follow me. But it’s working so I’m not going to eat any…. Hey hi,first of all you guys have made gm diet so easy with every minute details 1) cut back to 2 litres of water. Hi, It’s been very hard this year to lose. is this fine? Can u pls send me the sample menu for GM diet fr day 1 to 7. Please reply fast as today is my first day. Example the morning potato day 2 needs good fat , Weight loss will vary per person, the key will be after this program how will you eat? Yes I’m sure it will, I already made changes on the food I cook and lay on the table. Can i have curd with salt on day 3 onwards?? and is it safe for hair? 6-8 litres of water But i want to continue this. Because … Day 4 No, sorry on the corn. Good luck though! Also, I have not and don’t plan on using the soup. Olive oil is known to balance the acidity in acidic foods (including tomatoes, lemon juice, and vinegar). Day 3 is good. will do it on 7th day fingers crossed , Assuming the tea has no sweetener that’s ok. Where was that potato on day 2? Did you have any fat on the potato, day butter or olive oil? I can assure everyone here, stress free is doing what it takes to get you life back on the right track. How about green tea n light exercise along with gm diet plan? Hello i am presently on my day 3 of the gm diet, i feel better, but my question is on the days 5-7 can i substitute meat for fish? this is my 2nd time when i am following this diet. However your headaches are a sign of possible health issues, so the tea technically does not help yet will pacify the issue. Squirrels eat nuts and seeds in winter and so should we, plus adding olive oil or other healthy source of fat (like ghee).While adding just 2 Tbs of EVOO to the diet daily can be a year-round practice, … Day 5 plan Hello, Just keep going, you can only do your best. fiber can be a great way to help. hi, No it’s not OK, but keep going and let’s see how it pans out , Today i had 2 banana one glass double tonned milk – breakfast and workout for an hour did cardio is it okay, no not at all, sorry, totally off plan… However keep rolling…, Cardio isn’t a good for diet or what went wrong had breakfast – two glass banana one glass milk tonned , lunch – wonder soup ,mid day – one banana and one glass milk Wonder soup planned wonder soup two glass milk one banana is it okay , 1) do you workout everyday? Other than that not bad. no add sugar to nothing ever. apple-1 Day2: lemon with water, had boiledpotato in the morning, noon cucumber, night soup which i have mentioned above(no exercise). Keep in mind natural is better, pickles do not need those ingredients. post lunch: more soup Please also confirm that I can replace the banana for tomorrow with watermelons or oranges and the wonder soup. i got one thing 4m this that if u want bestest results then do physical exertion also…. Have followed the diet to the T but haven’t lost anything so far diet, we may inadvertently increase the amount of saturated fats we are eating. 14) could be, it takes 30 days to reset your dopamine levels. By the way, I stopped at day 4 and getting back to start from DAY 1 tomorrow because i failed on DAY1, i referred to your advise that i killed the point of day 1 and the detox process . I know what pickles are, I actually ferment my own. My fourthday starts with 3 banans and a glass of milk, on lunch I want to have two glass of milk during dinner two banans and a one bowl soup is that ok??? Lost 3 kgs in 2 days! I’m not sure if I could cut back. Also wonder soup seems good to make it a palnned low calorie intake every week. Or i took boiled sweet corn…that’s the reason? But also having issue with regularity I thought the extra cabbage and green would help but they aren’t I was going to try an herbal tea to help with that but wasnt sure if it’s allowed on diet. We have laid out sample days for you under each section. 196.65 Pound. Oils, stay away from veg oils like canola, vegetable, sunflower and safflower. Olive oil is allowed within a keto diet. In any case if you lose 4-5 kgs per week and then take 5-10 weeks to gain those 5 kgs back, i think its pretty much ok. Additional benefits Unless you can find sprouted organic pure old style corn. 3lts of water. am waiting. You cannot weigh during the day, it does not work like that. Admin, I think here I did a mistake – I took very little green beans, but after I realised that maybe they were prohibited during this 7 day plan or am I mistaken? I will be starting day 3 tomorrow and I was planning to have apple’s for breakfast…. Today is day 3 of my 5th week of GM diet. Let me know if this is OK or do you want me to make any changes to my Day 4 menu. Yum . Or should I take today (day 3) and simply swap it with possible my day five? 1) I realized I was eating too much fruit on Day1 because I was too hungry. Dinner: I am planning to make the wonder soup tonight, so that’s what dinner’s gonna be. Is 4 big bananas ok? i am taking soup of all veggies with lil salt and spices , as i cant eat bolied or raw veggies. 1 black tea I prefer not to use Lipton, but only organic spices and produce. Now, before we share the details about this diet plan, please note. I myself make my patty at home using minced meat which is readily available in cold storages. • Breakfast – 4 Orange segments, 3 blueberries, a handful of pomegranate seeds and 4 mango segments. Try a plan like this afterwards, balanced and you may find more weight loss. I had fruits in the morning, vege at noon, fruits for tea and gonna have papaya for dinner later.