Bubble Tea vs Boba At the end of it all, there really is no distinction between the use of bubble tea or boba outside of a geographical preference and etymology. 珍珠 (zhēnzhū) is another name for the tapioca pearls and is literally translated as “pearl”. In Taiwan they also call it Bubble Tea in English and波霸奶茶 (bōbà nǎichá) or 珍珠奶茶 (zhēnzhÅ« nǎichá) in Chinese. Biju Bubble Tea. We've returned to the world of traditional boba: tapioca boba. In the USA, on the west coast and especially in LA, everyone calls it Boba. Mini Boba. In recent years, though, there has been some concern over whether children and expecting mothers should consume bubble tea since it has caffeine in it. After decades of being stereotyped as sidekicks, engineers, and dog-eaters, it’s nice that a handful of black, chewy blobs have captured mainstream attention as a uniquely Asian immigrant icon. It's … Overtime as bubble tea culture evolved and became more and more mainstream, people continue to throw around different names and titles of bubble tea that are most relevant to them based on location. by Mike | Dec 15, 2014 | Bubble Tea Blog | 4 comments. "Snow Bubble" - Iced, blended bubble tea without tea. If you have any interest in contributing for us fill out the form below. If you’re usually the technical person and like to have things very outlined or binary then this section is for you. I’m sure you’ve asked yourself this question before when you get boba or bubble tea. There’s a lot of great coffee and tea shops in Columbus, Ohio. These two names translate into pearl milk tea and bubble tea and differentiate from each other on the basis of the size of tapioca balls. Whatever you want to call it – Bubble Tea, Boba Tea, Pearl Milk Tea, etc. is up to you! What is bubble tea? Black. All the above instances or variations of the usage of different names or titles all refer to the same idea or concept of the drink itself, bubble tea. Bubble tea with azuki - Azuki is a Chinese red bean and the red bean soup can also be used in bubble tea. In places of the country with more Taiwanese or Chinese immigrants, it is usually called Boba Tea. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *. The main takeaway is that you use black tea leaves (vs. using lighter flavored jasmine tea for taro milk tea) because the bolder flavor profile works best when paired with almond extract. If you’re interested in learning more about bubble tea or learning how to open your own bubble tea shop, sign up for our free e-book below! Conclusion: Hot: 2 points / Cold: 2 points – Hot bubble teas take less time to prepare whereas cold bubble teas require additional time to allow the tea to cool. This is as literal as you can get if you ask us. The balls in the bottom of the cup are made out of tapioca pearls and look like bubbles so many people will mistakenly call this bubble tea. 奶茶 (nǎichá) is translated as milk tea so when you put them together you have Pearl Milk Tea 珍珠奶茶 (zhēnzhū nǎichá). So bubble tea, boba tea and pearl milk tea all mean the same thing. But it can also be a meal or a dessert (depending on your appetite!) So in turn many words are mispronounced and misinterpreted. Some will attempt to argue, however, history books will reflect that southern states did not place an importance upon education. Below you’ll find a comparison of 1 big bubble tea chain and 1 big coffee shop chain. However, for most people, Bubble Tea refers to the tapioca pearls on the bottom of the cup so that’s what we’ll focus on in this article. *Being a part of the Amazon Associates Program, Talk Boba may or may not receive support from the audience clicking the links listed on our site. On the East coast many people refer to it Bubble Tea. In the last decade, boba made its rounds through the New York Times and NPR. This bubble tea recipe is delicious! Flavors of Bubble Tea . I can see how being from LA will make you feel so strongly about calling it Boba! eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'talkboba_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',135,'0','0']));It can get confusing, but don’t overthink it! An example can be something like “how is the texture of your boba?” or “do you like these boba pearls at all?”. You be the judge, does boba really have a lot of sugar? *Being a part of the Amazon Associates Program, Talk Boba may or may not receive support from the audience clicking the links listed on our site. Right? In fact, drinking black tea has many health benefits that you might not be aware of. While all of the other ingredients form the base for bubble tea (tea, milk, and boba), the true flavor comes from the flavoring ingredient such as a syrup or powder. Boba tea vs Bubble tea – In this article, we compare the two so you can make the right choice.. There’s nothing quite like having a sweet, tasty, milky drink… to chew on! On the East coast many people refer to it Bubble Tea. Occasion. Sure, it can be confusing, but it's not! No fruity things allowed. Another example is Shanghai which is usually pronounced with a “long a” sound in the US, but Shanghai but it is actually pronounced with a “short o” in Chinese like shong hai. The drink as a whole is also known as bubble tea, pearl tea, and tapioca tea -- depending on what part of the country you’re from. To understand why people call it Bubble Tea we’ll have to learn a little bit about the History of Bubble Tea. Mike here even so graciously suggested the Taiwanese refer to it as bubble tea when using English and they invented it so maybe the correct way to go about it is to call it bubble tea or bo ba nai cha but not a butchering of both. Sorry… But not really. To consider Bubble Tea as Boba Tea is an acceptance of the ignorance to the meaning of the word, it’s origin and the drink it’s self. Bubble tea is also called as bubble milk tea or boba tea. For this recipe, I steep the tea for an extended period of time, about 15 minutes, which some tea enthusiasts don’t recommend doing because it can potentially give you bitter tasting tea. (You’ll understand why as you read more of the article).eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'talkboba_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_9',116,'0','0'])); There are many popular names or titles that people of all backgrounds give to this wonderful and delicious drink.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'talkboba_com-leader-4','ezslot_8',122,'0','0'])); As bubble tea became increasingly popular throughout western culture, Asia and even Europe, it began to adopt many different names or titles.