the black speck you are talking about is a speck of blood it means the egg was fertilized and actually sat on a while before being taken away from the hen, 0 0 Elizabeth E 7. Answer Save. When the hen is forming the shell of the first egg, the normal calcification process is interrupted, so it gets an extra layer of calcium – which is the white band marking. Meat spots in eggs are usually found in the albumen (white) rather than near the yolk like blood spots. An egg's chalazae disappear as the egg ages, so if you can't find at least one after cracking an egg open, chances are the egg has been sitting at the store (or in your refrigerator) for a while. It's not an indication that the egg is fertile, but instead it's merely caused by a small rupture in a blood vessel of the hen as she was laying the egg. I've included photos (I think, bc I can't see them in this post) of the paper towel after the cooking, of the egg after cooking (of course, the black doesn't show as much as it usually does) and the egg white with black specks (ditto, as usual). 1 decade ago. Chicken droppings are generally some shade of brown and fairly solid in consistency, with a sort of fluffy white cap on top. 1 decade ago. If the blood spot is on the egg yolk, the rupture likely occurred in the ovary. 2 1. venus. after boiling and peeling eggs, the white has black spots on the surface, the yolk is fine, is the egg safe to eat. This beautiful sparrow breeds in arid or desert areas with sparse cover of shrubs or cactus. Butter Cup. An egg yolk is basically a bag of concentrated food for the development of a chicken embryo if the egg is fertilized. Black seed-like "specks" or "dots" on, or in, the skin or emerging from lesions; Tiny "fuzzballs" in the lesions, emerging from lesions, and on (or falling from) intact skin; Black tar-like substance coming from skin pores; Skin texture - leathery, callus-like areas often where lesions had previously been located White banded eggs occur when two eggs enter the oviduct, thereby making contact with each other in the shell gland pouch. Favorite Answer. Lv 7. I wouldn't eat that egg… Black-throated Sparrow Nest and Eggs. The bigger bug in the picture on the right is a German cockroach. This photo of the Black-throated Sparrow nest and eggs was sent to me by Maria from Nevada. The little white spots on the side of the shelf are eggs, the beige spots are bedbug nymphs and the black dots are fecal matter. Relevance. White banded eggs. What kind of bird has 3 white bands around its neck and lays white eggs with black spots? Bed bugs can also hide on almost any other type of surface including metal and plastic. Moldy eggs are a health hazard. Lv 5. They nest low in a small bush or cactus from 6 … The solid part is fecal matter - the digested and partially digested food - while the white part is the urates/uric acid, or what would otherwise be urine in another animal (or human). They are brown in colour and are made up of small pieces of body tissue, from the lining of the oviduct. Meat spots appear more in older hens or hens with poor health but also vary according to the breed and the strain of the bird. The most common type of wasp that is black with white spots on its tail is a thread wasted wasp. 4 Answers.